Https:// /#!c49RCKLQ!Hqau7PsUP4GH6FlrHLQ_d3b2fPJF--r4YZNrnHA8XKk

https:// /#!c49RCKLQ!Hqau7PsUP4GH6FlrHLQ_d3b2fPJF--r4YZNrnHA8XKk
file contains:
4 swf games, e.c.m 1-4
some hentai comic
and art by zankuro
i paid for most of the hentai.
you're welcome.
pic related

ty op

odds that this is a trap?

nope, just downloaded it it actually isn't


screenshot the .rar directory or something

also i'm downloading at a neckbreaking 75 kb/s


>i paid for most of the hentai.
>for hentai


veeery well

show whats in it you cuck

I found the link in a website. So, you're liar


If you are stupid enough to download anything off of fucking Sup Forums, then you deserve whatever unholy predicament you find yourself in subsequently.




>spicy fucking meme

fuck it why not. if I get a virus or my computer gets bricked, then you got me good mate. if it works, fucking cheers cunt. either way, good enough.

it works for me, no viruses or anything.
it would be removed from mega if it was a virus

Bricked? Silly faggot, it's going to put rootkits so far up your asshole that they'll be coming out your eyes. You'll only find out about it when your bank calls you.

oh well, shit happens

Mega does not remove viruses. How would they scan each individual file?

>it would be removed from mega if it was a virus

MEGA can't scan .rar files. GTFO

faggot mega can't scan rars
but its not a virus lol
im not even joking.

what. . .what is the song

>spicy fucking meme.mp4
>what is the song

either way, shit happens

>mp4 doesn't spoiler audio
Are you retarded?


Your shit is going to happen to be all over the walls after you're done getting e-raped by dem rootkits lol


oh well, shit happens

How did you survive to reach this age? How has a predator not picked you off yet?

my whole "shit happens" attitude annoys the shit out of everyone I know in person, so hoping for a predator to fuck me up honestly.

Technology keeps me alive. I just stay inside.

500mb of hentai and its fucking compressed so its even bigger.

Why pretend to be that guy?

>implying I'm not
The other post is pretending to be me


oh well, shit happens

happens shit, well oh

sneppah tihs ,llew ho