the last thing yu said out loud and when you said it.

No Context.

"fuck your itunes why would anyone still buy muisic"

30 seconds ago.

yes please.

"Awww who's a good boy? You want a treat?"

"How it comes public nudity in front of children is illegal but if you claim you were performing art police doesn't arrest you??"

Its rare, to me, can't you seeeeee

"Is he just gonna run those over, cause I don't think he's stopping"

You are a waste of sperm and egg. I want you gone before we get back to my house.

"Did I just fucking?!"

5 minutes

"No it's not dinner time yet"

To my cat.

3 hours ago.


Why are you hiding my balls under Branson's foot?

Right when I read ops op

10 minutes

"ooh I wish that you were mine"

last thing to another person:
"I'm going to the toilet, I'll see you tomorrow"

Holy shit, I think I know you.

"I'll see you later."

5 minutes ago

"day got walamelum gum in dis bitch? Sheeeeeeeit"

20 minutes ago

"I fucking hate this goddamn country and its motherfuck of a slow ass internet speed."

literally just now, when even the bitch ass captcha wouldn't load


What time you making dinner?


"make american great again by grabbing isis members wives by the pussy"

When I was your age, trigger warning meant that the Viet Cong were about to blow you away!

last night around 1am