2, 1, 3 is the correct order if not you need to have your drivers licence revoked

2, 1, 3 is the correct order if not you need to have your drivers licence revoked

321 you dumbasses

Its 2,3,1 you dumb fuck

well its 2, 3, 1 if u follow the rules of the road...


This. Not debatable.

There's no yield sign for 3, so its actually 3, 2, 1.
OP, you better not be a faggot and cut up your license. Keep in mind that we require pics or it never happened.

>need to have your drivers licence revoked
>implying everybody else on Sup Forums is a fucktard from California.

The real answer is 3-1-2.

2 has the right of way so he's first. fuck you.
3 can choose to let 1 because 1 is a bitch. fuck you.
1 is the bitch and as a bitch it gets go to last if 3 lets it. fuck you.

Straight goes before turn.

231. Straight keeps straight, left in road leaves road as soon as possible, yield always goes last, next to stop.

2 and 1 have to stop because of stop sign
3 goes because no stop sign
2 goes before 1 because the driver going straight has right of way
Then 1

I can't see 2'S sign. I wanna say yield, but it has something black in it.

All three at once, but watch out

2 has a yield sign you blind fuck.

Do you even read signs

Whoever has the best car goes first. That's the law in California


1 pulls out first like an asshole, 2 goes anyway cause 1 is blocking off 3 or possibly crashing with 3. 3 slams on the breaks and goes last to preserve their own life. That's how driving works in the Northeast faggots.

There are no stop signs, only a yield and some type of hazard ahead sign.

How would you like to browse Sup Forums in Braille

2 Doesn't have a stop sign. That isn't a stop sign. It would be 2,3,1

what way up is the triangle on a yield sign?

yea, you done fucked up on that one, boy.

Actually 3 has to wait for 2 to pass to avoid an accident because 2 is going straight without stop sign. 1 must yield to both 3 and 2. 2,3,1

Holy fuck! That's fucking savage.

Bitches don't know about junction signs


It's 2, 3, 1... 1 has to yield because... there's a yield sign... genius.

All at once, of course.

3 has no sign so 3 goes first, now 1 goes because of how 3 blocks 2 for a bit, this leaves 1 a chance to go, finally 2 goes
>in short 3,1,2

3 goes first without his turn signal. As 2 is jamming his brakes 1 see's his chance and guns it.

So 3,1,2.

Please tell me you don't have a drivers license


Fuck you,

it's 2,3,1

>You must be a Chinese driver if you don't believe 3,1,2 is right


As others have said

>2's sign is some kind of warning. Looks like it's warning there is a side street with a yield

>3 is making a left

>1 is turning left and has a yield

So it's 2,3,1. Trust me I teach driver's ed. Although if you are in a place where there is a high concentration of Jews, Asians, Northern English, Italians, or Slavs good fucking luck. It's first come, first served.

3 has no yield sign, 3 2 1 is the right order.

Well TBH, my bitch-ass hasn't seen this in my life

You basically named every single race who gave a major contribution in building that shithole of a country you're from.

it's 2 3 1, dumb fucks.

1 has to wait for 3 because it's coming from the right, so 2 can continue driving.

then 3 goes first because it's coming from the right, then 1.

2 has a yield sign. But let's face it, you're too much of a faggot to turn in your license.

If you live in a Hasidic place 1 would have been gone as soon as she saw 3 slowing down making 2 jam on their brakes letting 3 turn in front of 2.

I drive through Monsey, NY every day so I am kind of an expert on these matters.

You are incorrect, as straight traffic (Car 2) holds right of way against any traffic turning past oncoming traffic (Car 3), regardless of any such yield signs or otherwise. Because Car 1 is at a yield sign and would be driving past oncoming traffic stopped at an intersection without a yield sign, he must yield his right of way to the car that does not need to yield.

The correct order is 2, 3, 1.


You're an idiot. That's not a yield sign at 2, that's to note a three-way. 1 has a yield sign.

Congratulations on passing Sup Forums driving school!

I didn't name the Germans or the Irish asshole.


don't drive if you can't.
also everybody who drives an auto is a fuckin retard.

Order is 2, 3, 1

Sign beside 2 is a Priority sign indicating the that the side road has to give way to traffic on the main road, 2 is going straight so get priority.
3 then gose after 2 has passed as the Sign beside 1 is a Yield sign indicating 1 has to give way to all other traffic.

In the UK we also have road marking on the road to indicate who has to yield, and our signs are diffrent, but this was easy

I was wondering what sign that was.

>implying the Irish ever built something other than alcoholic addiction
>implying american don't literally ruin all they touch like a deranged version of king Midas who creates shit instead of gold

well 2 is going straight and it's not an octagon so it doesn't matter what's on the sign

I just roll that shit. They'll stop.

Straight traffic holds right of way against oncomnig traffic, sorry. You've failed the class.

3 is turning left. You're a soccer mom aren't you?

This is a yield. See how the point is down?


2's sign is backwards, aka it's a construction sign. They turn them backward when not in use. You can clearly see the post running up behind the sign.

I don't know about other countries, provinces, states, etc. but here they just turn the side backward when not in use.

And that's when you run into my car, I step out of my car with a bat and start caving your windows in or you pay for damages for my car.

cant see shit on this picture

These are warning signs. Notice how the point is up?

Next class will be on how to drive a manual transmission equipped vehicle.

Get your eyes checked, user.

you can really tell that the majority of Sup Forums lives in their parent's basement and have never driven/are too autistic to drive by the replies in this thread.

I have air horns on my VW Golf attached to a button on my gearshift. I love making people shit themselves.

Its 2 first because straight has the right of way then its 3 then 1 because of 1 having that yield sign. 3 isn't going to wait for 1 to go because 3 would be impeading the flow if traffic at that point.

You're right

2,3,1 is correct, if not everywhere, at least in the US (although this is not a US image) - Even if there were NO signs at all. Basic right of way rules apply. You never cross the path of oncoming traffic and or pull out onto a primary road against traffic. It's quite sad how tough this seems to actually be for some.

I wish most of Sup Forums was autistic. Most of Sup Forums is underaged as fuck now brah.

Jesus Christ you people are stupid. Left turns ALWAYS yield to oncoming traffic. And when you turn on to a new road, you yield to drivers already on that road. 2, 3, 1.

They all need revoking, they're all on the wrong side of the road.

Nigga have you ever seen a stop sign before? They're not triangles.

it's 2, 3, 1. yield sign literally means "yield for traffic onto the road you are merging"

3 is coming off the main road, and obviously has to wait for 2.

do you feel good, after this post?
are you going to touch yourself tonight?

everybody stops at an intersection, everybody knows that. then the people put their car in p. they rev it like bam bam bam bam bam bam and whoever's revving is clearly the most prominent gets to go for maximum respect.

Yes and yes. In fact, I'm touching myself right now as we speak.

In all sincerity, whose to know what an user says here might not help save someone's life by simply informing them of proper traffic rules?

Fucking based tbh.

2 yields to nobody. 1 yields to both cars. 3 yields to incoming while not yielding to 1 because 1 must wait their turn, which follows 2 and 3.

You are correct, sir.


The hero we need but don't deserve.

it's 2,3,1 you autistic fucknuts

It's obviously this, flipped horizontally

It depends on who was at the stop first.
If #1 then the proper order is 1 to the left ans 2 to the right at the same time...then 3 goes

If it was#2 or 3 at the stop first them the first to stop is the first to go.
Even us stoners know that

Obviously, you work for CSI, since you used the "image enhance" feature.

you don't belong behind the wheel. :)

the sign on 2 seems as though its just clarifying its a 3 way intersection. 2 would go first, then, since 1 has the yield sign lane 1 has to yield to all other traffic, so 3 would go next, and last would be 1.


231 shitheaddddd

