Help me out Sup Forums?

Help me out Sup Forums?

>Can't even rotate an image 90 degrees
You're fucked, Sup Forumsro. Drop the class

1. lower hump is enzymes, they lower activation energy
2.i dont know
3. isnt that 2?

Maybe pay attention next time

They are not exactly the same as one the x axes are substrate concentration and the other is enzyme concentration. Substrate is the molecule that binds to the enzyme so it doesn't matter how many enzymes you have if you have no substrate, you get no product.

ok well x on the graph basically represents where you run out of substrate or enzymes but I don't remember if it has a specific word or phrasing

going to bump to hope it doesn't disappear too quick before you see (^: also a-level biology? or chemistry

also the explaining the graph is basically referring to the fact that; there is substrate and enzymes present with sufficient activation energy present for a reaction to occur. Once the substrate binds with an enzyme and product is made, the concentration of remaining substrate becomes less and so it is more likely that it "bumps" into an enzyme in order to form product and so the rate of reaction increases.

Thanks I saw and biology

never mind its adding substrate so they are just increasing its concentration to increase the chance of binding thus increasing RoR

and ok, if it's biology luckily for you they aren't so pertinent on the phrasing you just need to get it the right way around, so for graph 6 they increase the substrate concentration until there are no enzymes left to bind and form product, where as graph 7 is where they have added enzymes until there are no remaining substrates to bind with and form product

and this continues up until point x where the graph plateaus. reply if there is anything else I might be able to remember and help you with

You think you can help a man out with thermodynamics?

Thank you and everybody else for your help. That's all I need to know

1) lower represents enzyme because lower activation energy due to enzyme-substrate complex

2) x = saturation of enzyme

3) x = Km of enzyme (probably)

also >underaged and b&

i only do physics homework for bjs (only girls) sorry faggot

>Grade 11 bio
Underaged B8


sorry bud only know about the 0th-3rd laws, didn't do much of physics as it was mostly maths and was my worst (^:

Longer arrow has no enzymes present.
Shorter arrow has enzymes present because enzymes lower the activation energy required for the reaction to start.

Shit. I'm working in partial derivatives for thermo and it's kicking my ass. I got the hang of the basics but now I'm working with temperatures, pressures and volumes. It gets confusing.