Sorry if this bothers anyone I just need a place to vent

sorry if this bothers anyone I just need a place to vent.
I'm some 21 year old failure with far to much anxiety. Im about to go for day one of a shity dish washer job and genuinely see killing myself as a better alternative to going. I've Been going in and out of anxiety attacks all day and I just don't think I can take it any more. my only friends don't care and think Im just complaining.

I've spent a week listening to friend because her brother jumped off a bridge

anhero does more harm to those close to you than you think. fuck you for even considering putting them through that

Your friends don't act like they care because they have no fucking clue how shitty it is to have bad anxiety. I'll promise you this... More people have it than you think. It's pretty easy to hide.

I'm not going to just realized the picture I picked made it look that way that was just the first thing I saw on my phone that wasn't weird porn

Nah, don't an hero. Not yet anyway. I was in your exact shoes at age 20. I was washing dishes at a shitty Canadian chain restaurant with no friends and general disappointment with myself. I'm now in my 30s and I have some amazing friends, a cute girl, and a make good money.

Hold on for at least a year or two. I didn't turn things around till I was 25.


So thats the most normal pic you have? LOL

Was it also your first job?

It's a reaction image I use the most

vent away

but srsly

dont put your fam and friends thru that shit. just because you're having a bad day, week, month, year, even a few years.

shit happens, constantly. go drink a soda and watch youtube

No, but it was like... My third or fourth.

You're young, it's normal to have a shit job
Show up, work well and move up faget

OP, this is going to sound like poor advice, but I have to assume you want to get better at dealing with your anxiety issues. My advice is to just show up and embrace that it makes you anxious. It's a low risk / high reward situation. Being there will slowly make you better at feeling comfortable (since the tasks are easy). This may end up being a huge turning lint for you, my dude

It's not what the job is that has me stressed it's that I got this through an employment service and was basically just told show up here at 4 and given no information to who to talk to or anything else

Turning point*

Don't feel bad my autism Auto filled for you

bro working in the kitchen you'll fit right in. They are all people that dont like to work with people.

This guy is right. Back of house / kitchen staff usually become a really tight group of friends because they are all outcasts and fuck ups. The only thing I miss about my kitchen job is the people.

You could always save up money to go to Thailand and party your ass off m8. Thai hookers and booze for the win. If you are going to kill yourself then there is nothing I can do to stop you but you should at least go experience some degenerate fun before you do.

My anxiety more comes from I have no idea what I'm doing I got this through an employment service I was just told to go here at this time wasn't even told what door or who to talk to

I am 27 and experiencing the same bullshit. I am at a job that is OK but i seem to fuck shit up every once in a while. keep in mind that these are big fuck ups. boss doesn't seem to give a shit but my dad works where i do and i feel like i am making him look bad. My gf of almost ten years is... well thats all i have to say. she is hot and i know this as i have to resist knocking a motherfucker to the ground every so often. but ten fucking years! I love her but feel like i want to fuck every other girl that drives by me and smiles. Im finishing school and im not even sure if what i am graduating with is even worth a shit to me. I want to do drugs so bad, i use to do them all the time and smoke pot everyday. always been able to put the shit down even after a month of being tweeked. but this habbit seems to be who i am. I used to have a job that i hated going to even though i loved doing it. top all of this off and add my Nihilistic beliefs and i fear that one of these days im going to break and kill some one.

what is the fucking point. im not going to kill myself since, duh. but still i think of just fucking putting my 9mm to my head in the middle of the night while im in bed and pulling the trigger. this would be convenient since i can never get a full nites sleep as i wake up at the same fucking time in the middle of the night or wake up cause of some fucked dream. (last night i was being torn apart by mountain lions) or just fucking running my shitty work truck into the quarry.

let me tell you. life is bullshit. Pure fucking bullshit and then you die. thats it.

im sorry friend, i truely am

Hookers OP they are a thing and are awesome, you should try them. You said you are planning on killing yourself so might as well try it. Go get a hooker, you will feel better about yourself OP I swear it.

I need money for that to be an option

nigga you gunna wash dishes.

I didn't say I didn't know what the job was

ya. working these jobs does not help. I hear you OP. Washed dishes for two years. worked my way up in the ranks to Chef but left to work said job thinking that this was going to be a break for me. now I think i made the wrong choice. Money matters though. Never enough of it.

so go, say hey employment agency x sent me here to wash dishes, who do I talk to?

look on the bright side you might get murdered before you talk to anybody

Thats why you save up and work for it.

If only I could be so lucky

Dude I'm 22 and washing dishes at the YMCA for $27/h. Chin up cunt!

Okay I'll bite how the fuck do you do this for 27 an hour seriously who do I have to blow

That's just the casual rate at this particular fine establishment. I'm not in the US though, I hear their pay rates can be shocking

I'm Canadian I wouldn't know

Then you're probably fine. No shame in doing any job mate, money is money


you just walk in the front door and tell them hi my names (name), (employment agency name) sent me for the dishwasher job.

Also if you like the money you can probably get hired full time from there and become a bussboy or something or su chef, dont think of it as a temporary job but a trial period.


You can't be a failure at 21 because nobody has done shit at 21, it's young as fuck and the fact that you don't realize that just proves how young you are.

Chill the fuck out dude. If you don't want to do the job, get a different job. Nothing is going to be great at first though, everybody has to start at the bottom. My first job was McDonalds.

But honestly it sounds like you need meds. I had suicidal depression and severe anxiety for years before I got help, and I cannot fucking believe how stupud I was for not doing it sooner. I found medication that works and I've felt SO much fucking better ever since. I feel normal, which I never thought was possible. Do it. You will be so happy you did.