You have 2 options:

You have 2 options:
One is a magical gun, that when dispensed, will kill the person you're thinking about, without any repercussions of any kind. The catch is that you only have 7 rounds, and you will never be able to obtain more.

The second option is a box that when opened, will produce $500 USD equivalent in your countries currency, daily for life.

What do you choose, and why?


i can live off 500 a day

The cash...I don't hate anyone enough to just off them, regardless of whether or not I'd be caught.

Not even tempted for option one?

Option 2 gives you about $180,000 a year. I'm pretty sure you can hire a hitman with a portion of that.

Hmm, lemme think 7 bullets or unlimited momey for life. This is the stupidest "this or that" thread ever made.

Very well thought out user

>$182,000 tax free, per year, for the rest of my life, for doing absolutely nothing
>kill 7 people

It's not exactly "infinite" though. Also, haven't you thought about the money that could be made with option one?

No, it's fucking stupid.

An idea is only as stupid as the people that fail to understand the opportunity

This is the dumbest 2 options ever. Please DELET THIS thread OP and then feel ashamed.

No repercussions of any kind?

In that case the gun is worth way more than $500/day. Let's say you'll live another 70 years; I am sure you could auction off even one of the 7 rounds for well over $12.6m.

Only after you delet your life ;)

Why so specific with $12.6m? Just curious is all, I don't question the price as unachievable


Seems a lot of people missing the fact that they could sell a round or two to the highest bidder and walk away with true 'fuck-you' money,

It's nearly 3 times more than the average American income. If you're working on top of that you're looking at around a quarter of a million a year with an average job. Make some smart investments and it could be figuratively infinite.

I get it, it's still stupid. Why would I do any kind of work at all if option 2 requires nothing of me? Ooh, I could make a billion dollars by killing Putin? There'd be no repercussions for me? Yeah, pass. It's not even logical to take choice one because of the law of unintended consequences dipshit.

Well put, I'm inclined to agree

If you live for 70 years, ~180k/yr = $12.6m. Even one of your magical bullets would go for multiples of that.


>think of myself while shooting by accident

Refill 1 bullet a year for a max of 7 then I'll choose gun

Money so I can buy happiness

Appreciate the math, user

It would be awesome if the fucker you sold the first round to shot you and took the fucking gun for making this stupid fucking thread.

The gun.

There's no way to explain to someone how I'm making fifteen thousand extra dollars every month.

And any strange purchases I make would be noticed by someone somewhere. And even if I just relaxed and did nothing all day but pull money out of the wallet, the CRA would come knocking eventually wondering how I'm able to sustain myself without a job.


Why so butthurt fuckboy?

Option two is not tax free. The Trump administration will tax the shit out of it when he becomes president.


Become the worlds greatest televised hit man. Charge $10 million for the hit and openly advertise it as such. All hits occur while you are talking on live TV, thousands of miles away. Can never be physically traced back to you. Tell all the authorities that you are a psychic killer. Charge $20 million for your next hit.

I actually already have one of those guns so I'll take the magic box

seams like wrongfully severe thread indignation, since you at least get something you didn't have before.


How beta are you... explaining shit is for bitches.

>Charge $20 million for your next hit.

or charge 20 million not to hit

Machiavellian af

>magical gun

Extortion is a real way to make money, offering people protection from you after a couple of awesome demonstrations.

>10 million
Bruh, I know niggers that will kill people for 200 bucks.

Your ideas are shit and you should feel bad about them.

charge your best friend $20 million to not hit their mom

Explaining shit is for people that don't want to go to prison for tax fraud and who don't want their magical infinite money magical wallet found.

There's no way to take advantage of infinite wealth without it showing somehow. You can't have that kind of power at your fingertips without it causing ripples.

But with what OP is essentially describing as being a seven charge Death Note, you can make tons of incredibly influential things happen by simply pulling the trigger. You can control world events with your finger without anyone being the wiser as to what happened.

The gun is way more useful.

Ill take the gun. Then shoot and loot this user. Then I have a gun with six magiboolets and a box that shits money on me. Cant fuckin lose.

>tax fraud
... really? That's your basis? Fucking edgelord.

>death note
Edgelord confirmed. Kill yourself with that magic faggot gun.

>I know niggers that will kill people for 200 bucks

They won't kill Kim Jong Un and his top 3 most violent supporters.

They won't kill Hillary Clinton and his bitch Bill

They won't kill black lives matter leaders

Nice gif

i have a faggot friend that does this easy as shit choice questions. with 500 dollars a day I could fucking hire a hitman cause i'd be so wealthy after being a neet.

a better comparison is 50 dollars a day

>Kim Jong un
Nobody cares about gooks. Invalid example.

>Hilary Clinton
Better get used to her, since she's practically already president.

>blm leaders
They're niggers. They'll kill each other before long.

All your points are invalid. Try harder.

>magical gun with only 7 bullets
>everyone talking about selling the bullets

>a better comparison is 50 dollars a day
this or $25 dollaree doos a day

The thing about the gun, is if it becomes known you can do it, and you make a point of it, how does anyone know how many times you can use it?

Just make sure to make them count, and hold on to them for as long as you can. If you do it right, by the time you've used a few, nobody will want to test you. Then you get yourself some people to enforce your will, and go about it that way. Then you've got a couple saved up still, and nobody knows that it ends at 7.

I'm so selfish and give so few fucks about the rest of the world that I'd choose any amount of free money guaranteed on a daily basis over the stupid gun. I could hide the money and go about my business. For the gun to be effective financially you would have to tell at least one other person about it.


It's actually not that hard... it's easy to purchase everything with cash. As long as you don't go crazy and are smart about it it's easy to stay under the radar. How do you think drug dealers do it?

I doubt you actually know these niggas.

I think you're missing the point.

Neets like these faggots have no concept of money. They only understand tendies.

This whole argument just lowered my IQ by at least 8 points.

180k for doing nothing is a fantastic deal. I don't want to kill anyone, I have no use for the gun.

still not enough money to afford Obama Care

choosing the gun and using it would be too stressful. you would only be able to use it once to demonstrate your power and then be able to protect yourself 6 times from people trying to either kill you for it or kill you to protect the world from you.

Then you'd have to spend the rest of your life in hiding because everyone powerful would want you dead. Fuck the gun, give me the money.

I live in Detroit.

All you have to do is know one nigger and you're guaranteed to know one by proxy if nothing else.

Trust me. It's true.

this reasoning makes money the better choice if you were to sell the bullets like a lot of people are suggesting. Laundering 500 a day is much easier than laundering a huge multi-million dollar payment.

That being said, you are right about being able to be much more influential with the bullets, if played right, but 7 isn't a lot, and you'd probably have to pretty much be a master mind to get the full effect from them.

to tl;dr unless your some sort of evil genius, take the money


Gambling easily explains that sort of income.

Drug dealers do it by not being a part of the system for the most part to begin with.

It's easy to spend ludicrous amounts of money when nobody important gives a shit about you. I have a job, a bank, an insurance company, close family that keeps an eye on me, shit like that.

If I was some random nigger in an alley peddling crack to whoever the fuck then yeah I'd be able to do whatever I wanted without someone noticing.

> Take the gun
> Place a few good threats here and there, blackmail some people. Probably you'll have to use 2-3 bullets here just to set an example.
> Build a mobster empire knowing you can insta-kill anyone important and daring enough to get in your way.
> You will have enough thugs and killers working for you to not worry about using your last 4-5 magic bullets.
> Eventually use one here and there to get rid of key people till you have the biggest criminal empire known by history. Nobody is safe from your invisible hand.


What a niggery gun.

So all of a sudden you're some master gambler that can never lose? Winnings from gambling are tracked from the places you gamble at, whether it be a horse track or a casino.

If you tell the IRA or whatever the equivalent in your country is that you're a professional gambler and have no actual documentation to back that up, they're going to investigate you and that will most likely end up with you in prison.

Gambling is just one way to launder the money, and you don't have to claim its all from gambling. There is a million ways to launder the 500 a day, from claiming non-existant free lance business, to opening up a brick and mortar store and laundering it through there.

Hell, if you just claim it as income and pay taxes on it, the governments not gonna give a fuck anyways.

do you even launder bro

Who said anything about never losing?

Go gambling every third or fourth day with that day's 500. You either lose it or win and get more money for that day.

Gaming only taxes jackpots of 1100 or more. Table games are tax free as fuck.

Protip: casinos are the easiest way to launder money. Ask drug niggers. That's how they do it nowadays.

The fucking box ya dingus

You just register a business name and write up $500 worth of receipts a day and pay the taxes.

It's not that hard user.

Who do I need to kill? Right now I could think of two.

I would normally go with the money, but the elections are so close

$500 daily. Save up. Hire people to kill the fuckers I dont like. Best of both worlds.

This. Go to a casino sometime. I never used to see black dudes playing anything except craps and roulette, now they're at every table and they seem to cash out and come back like clockwork.

Pretty sure the CIA is going to beat you to that one user.

not to mention the ability to buy property and setting up extra income, now my real question is, is it 500 current value $ which means diminishing returns as the currency devalues, or does it scale appropriately with economic changes

The gun to get rid of the 1% lol

OK rainman

That's retarded user.
Statistically you always lose in the long run from gambling.
Anybody that cains they are generating an overall positive income from gambling will be immediately investigated.

you do know there are professional gamblers who do just that?

>immediately investigated
you're an idiot

>claim you earned 180000 from gambling.
>no questions from the tax man
Sure thing user

the cash

live off of $100/day, invest the rest in BTC for when the dollar tanks

user you're the retarded one.

Leave the house once in a while. It'll do you wonders.

A lot of those gambling day's you'll break even. It's obvious you've never been to a casino in your life.

Nobody investigates gamblers. If that was the case, the social security administration would arrest half of Vegas for all the old fucks losing their social security checks in those .

Tl:Dr, you're dumb.

Fine. It's still free income.

The box is a trap.

>take the box
>own holdings beyond your worth
>get audited by the IRS
>can't explain where the extra income is from
>go to prison for tax evasion

You could literally never stop working and have to live within your earned means for the rest of your life.

Most were already rich and don't sustain the.selves from gambling.

The exception is tournament players, and that's only sustainable because you win a prize from about position 25 and up.
Even then, very few would average out to 180000 a year.

You only claim jackpots of over 1100. Winning 500 bucks on a blackjack table 25 dollars at a time is not taxed.

You're retarded. Try a casino once and see. I bet they don't investigate you.

oh boy


Are you fucking retarded? Gambling profit is taxable income, so you'd have to actually win. Now you've turned your free life into having to go gamble every single day, and win, or you're going to prison for tax evasion.

Oh, you're actually retarded, not just Sup Forums retarded.

What are you even trying to say with half of Vegas getting arrested or people losing money being investigated for laundering?

If you claim 180000 net income every year from gambling, someone going to look into it

I would choose option one and set 7p a hitman servive. I'll use five rounds to kill 5 people in very high paying assassinations. Then I'd keep my other two rounds as my lucky charm.

>gambling profit is income

Maybe it is in your retard country.

I lived in Vegas for 10 . Trust me dipshit... It's not. Look it up.


If you earn over 20000 a year it needs to be claimed though as it's classed as an income and not a winfall

cute how you try to tie it into politics

But the problem with trump is that he wouldn't try to take it in Tax. He is all about noone paying any tax. He doesn't want to pay Tax and so naturally should anyone else pay tax.

This is actually why I am voting for him; should the ÍRS come knocking on my door to demand my income tax from me, I'd just say, "the president thinks I am smart for not paying tax so such it you federalist pigs" and then I'd shoot him in the face and tell the police it was a mexican that did it

fucking foolproof in my opinion

I would obviously take the box. I am not an angsty aspie who wants to magically kill people who are bullying me in school. If I want someone dead I could use the money to buy a perfectly good gun and shoot them myself. Or probably not because I really don't have the need to kill anyone.

Apart from the aforementioned tax man of course

And Dave from marketing, but I will get to him and his sexy little daughter later