Why do producers mass ban negative criticism?

I've seen this with a lot of musicians on Twitter and Facebook with Deadmau5 being the worst offender.

I got blocked for saying 'edgy comeback' on Twitter to him. Are producers usually pussies?

Other urls found in this thread:


EDM producers are usually pussies, yeah.

Get out, samefag. Nobody gives a shit about your shit.

Because people aren't all that interested in hosting a platform for angry shitstains vent their frustrations with their lives by insulting people.

Also if you think 'edgy comeback' is in any way criticism and not just Sup Forums-tier trolling then you should be sentenced to 6 months of continuous Fantano videos.

Who gives a crap
Seriously, why even care if they ban criticism?

You actual retard, that was a different person.

Are you fucking new

Because it's a retarded thing to do. Who cares if someone hates Queen (like myself)?

well joel is a fucking cunt anyway

his shitty music is the same as generic edm except he has read a pdf about basic music theory at one point in his career

Hey there, samefag.
Sure, people go past page 1 to look for threads. Or it's just a samefag replying to his own thread, agreeing with himself, after anxiously waiting for 14 minutes for a response from somebody else.
Stop kidding yourself, kid.

Even with my mesally Music theory college course I can tell Joel knows shit about real music.

I don't know how to convince you how paranoid you are so you post 'le funny images' so people will give you the attention you deserve.

So just to get you to shut the fuck up I was:
And OP.

>What is the catalogue
Hello, newfriend!

So it's a far better usage of one's time to do retarded things rather than anything else?

No, I'm saying that Joel builds this bubble for himself and instead of addressing criticism or even just ignoring any comment he mass bans fucking everyone.

Prime example:

>"I don’t see any Princes emerging on the scene today. I see a lot of people making formulaic, made to please, vegan restaurant patron-type shit. And I think it creates an environment where people are too fucking worried about what other people have to say. And people who have never made anything think it’s OK to talk shit about stuff they have no right to talk about. You got a Facebook account? Twitter? Nobody gives a fuck about you. You haven’t achieved anything."

I can smell the pseudo-intelligence seeping through my computer screen.

because "edgy comeback" is a fear based response, and successful millionaire world famous dj's dont live in a fear based world. they are successful because of their love. so it suits them best to stay away from lower frequency thinkers like you as much as possible.

It was just a comment, no 'fear', I just posted it because it was funny. He has blocked more than just 'lower frequency thinkers'. He blocked people who he had been stealing melodies from as well as getting people to mass ban others just for slightly critiquing him. There is thinking too little and thinking too much.

nice try. go post about how special snowflakes are literally shaking about trump on twitter or something. no one cares.

>Thread about music producers being pussies
>Makes it about politics


>gets mad about being a trump supporter

literally cucking yourself. hilarious.

You assume I'm a Trump supporter for not agreeing with you. Makes sense.

i dont assume. i know you are haha. idiot.


So everyone who disagrees with you is a Trump supporter?

most of the time yes. they disagree because theyre not as educated lol.


>most of the time yes

Seek help.

sorry you dont know what it feels like to be right about most things the majority of the time. feels good man. have fun being an ignorant uneducated fool though. i hear thats actually not too bad.

i would block you also.. some kid talking shit to me while living in his one bedroom apartment trying to be funny doesn't deserve to look at social media

Cool, you do that. I'm going to go and get a life now.

"while living in his one bedroom apartment"



bro Joel has tattoos of kittens on his body. he's probably scared of looking in the mirror let alone reading criticism

I think you should re-read that post, user.

Reading comprehension

The kid living in his one bedroom apartment, retard

You are comparing yourself to Deadmau5, so be prepared to be compared to Deadmau5


>Are producers usually pussies?
Yes, nowadays. No one with self-respect labels themselves a "producer" in this day and age, with fags like dedmouse and the like roaming free.

So what should be the correct term then? Musician, composer, DJ?


Any "real" EDM musician calls themselves a DJ

But that's factually wrong.

i am also blocked by deadmau5
fuck that cunt

I sense the bitterness of a trying musician who knows Reznor is right seeping through mine...

this desu

Hi Joel!

Any real electronic dance music artist (read: not "EDM" bollocks) gets refered to as a dj if they dj and a producer if they produce.

>Are producers usually pussies?
and autists

op sucks but joel needs to go back to gbs