All roommates are out for the night. Dubs decides what I do in female roommates bedroom before she gets back

All roommates are out for the night. Dubs decides what I do in female roommates bedroom before she gets back.

Lay all, and i mean ALL of her clothes on her bed and just roll around naked and cum on as many as you can.

Reroll, also take a shit in all the toilets and dont flush

user, are you trying to make me lose my dick? Because thats how I lose my dick.

What the fuck did you even make this thread for? What were YOU thinking of doing? Go big or go home

Fuck if I know user, I need inspiration!

Deep down inside I truely watch my dick turn to goo in a blender i suppose.

i suppose backstory is in order, who is this female roommate to you?

Otherwise just jack off with a pair of panties, no need to cum in them but bonus points if ballsy enough.

Hot university friend. Not much other than that.

Print off the picture in OP several times, and tape them up all over their room, and post a picture.


Wrap dick in Christmas present bow and lay naked on bed, wait for her to come home then say "Christmas is here early"

Or...fuck just do whatever. Look for a dildo and smell it, steal some panties to use as cum rags. put a dead fish somewhere hidden so the room will just reek. pick one im full of em.




Google Images "Ainsley Harriot" and print off the first 10 images.

Tape them all to the walls in her room.

Where the fuck do you expect me to get a dead fish on short notice?

Dick in the box, in her room.




Hate to break it to you gents, but if you want me to wait for her to get back youll be waiting about 12 hours for an update to this

unless this is two people, if you have twelve hours then you have time to get a dead fish.

This thread is sorely lacking in dubs.

c'mon man you can do it

One problem with this one. Im broke and dont own a printer.

OP here. I did some snooping and haven't been able to find anything incriminating at all. Other thsn like a few tasteless John Lennon posters she hasn't bother to hang up. Cant even find condoms.

Post pics

Found a diary in one of her drawers. Was only written in three times a year ago. Nothing good in there either. Tried to post picks but apparently the file size of my phones camera is too large and it wont let me post shit. This may be a bust boys.