I'm drunk Sup Forums. Ask me anything. I dont care

I'm drunk Sup Forums. Ask me anything. I dont care.

Pic taken at the moment

How do I become Immortal?

Why are you alone and not with a m8 or a girl?

Whats your name and address

You cant, youre gonna rot like everything in this universe. Maybe youre gonna be beloved and unforgettable in a higher dimension - but not in here.


Im not alone, i took a walk for about an hour. Im at a halloween party, but i always get out to take some fresh air

Fuck you, thats not going to happen

whats your email ?

Why would anyone care. Why would
You care

No personal questions Sup Forumstards. Im not going to anwer them

Nanobots that can renew your cells even after your body can't

Where the fuck are you? Aren't you scared of getting mugged

What is the mean of the Life?

No im not, i came back to the party for some shots

Why would ask that, thats a stupid question. What are mountains for?

Ok, that's good. I was worried about you OP. have a shot for me and go talk to a nice looking girl

No cool girls here. Only my kind of ex i had a personal talk with when i was still sober.

A shot for you dear user

Oh ok. What are you guys doing?

Awesome. Cheers

Ok, this wasnt a good idea

I vomited

Nothing. Most of them
Are dancing