True love thread

True love thread.

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Needs more twinks.


Gay is the true love?


Faggot thread*

True Love is a lie meant to keep the populous from rioting or committing mass suicide, same as everything else.

Oh boy...
You are bad but if you think that good luck and find your love. I think the true love dont care about tipe of sex.



Everyone knows man-on-man is the happiest sex. That's why its called gay sex.





In case you can't tell, I've decided to shit post this thread for literally no reason.


I could die and go to heaven in that

Awsome, I loved True Love.

too bad there aren't any cheesy games like that with twinks in them

Then you haven't looked very hard.

that guy is almost enough to make a gay guy want to go straight

but then they see pic related and feel all better

traps do not count

How about this, then?

traps don't count

Sorry, then. Twinks aren't really my thing so I'm not really sure what you're looking for.

twinks are young men who look boyish not girlish

Maybe this will help you find something.

also known as the finest specimens of humanity

long time no see that vn

I'd do anything for this.


ty :D

That looks shopped as fuck, but the guy in the foreground is a total cutie.

This has to be the hottest picture I've ever seen.


he's quite the boy

Nikki Spiratos, somewhere in Chicago, where are you?