BREAKING NEWS!: Unconfirmed Clinton campaign sources claim Hillary Clinton is to withdraw from the election Monday...

BREAKING NEWS!: Unconfirmed Clinton campaign sources claim Hillary Clinton is to withdraw from the election Monday morning citing health issues. Huma Abedin is already in hiding.


Can't you at least pretend your fake news is real?

Yeah right this bitch wouldn't back out even if she had to appear at debates on a gurney


Trump will drop dead first - never did a hard day's work in his life.

OP here.
Do you not understand the concept of unconfirmed?
I am just repeating what I have been told.
Once it is confirmed, it will be all over the news sites and then you can be all "official" about it as much as you like. But if you want to know what is being talked about behind closed dorrs, all you are going to get is "unconfirmed".

Have you never actually been to Washington DC that you don't know how it works?

Trying giving that shit to Info Wars and Milo. They'll publish it.

Confirmed 14 year old. Kill yourself.

Because no one over the age of 14 ever makes a typo.

Confirmed - OP is a faggot


pretty much confirmed.. OP is a huge faggot. but if only this news were true..

Not OP, but I am in DC and was just at the Old Ebbet where I overheard two suits speaking very animatedly and very quietly into their cellphones.
Nobody seems to know where Huma Abedin is at the moment, and she is not answering any calls from anyone. So whether OP is full of shit or not, that much of it does seem to be true.


Stop giving false hope to the cuck-servative alt-right OP they've been stinking up Sup Forums for the last 6 months with there Sup Forumstardness.

That will never be confirmed because you made it up.

>cuck-servative alt-right
If there is one thing that has been stinking up Sup Forums for the last 6 months it is the obvious Shilltards like yourself trying waaay too hard to fit in as regular anons by overusing shit buzzwords like cuck and alt-right. Nobody here talks like that except you fuckers.

Frankly, I don't give a shit who wins the election, I just want it to be over so you retards can go back to your old jobs at WalMart.


But if it did happen I would be thrilled.

Can't wait till she wins

Huma and Hillary have had enough. They are fed up with men. They are going into seclusion together/

Amen. Sick of the partisan shilling. The majority of Sup Forums, the web, and the country hate both these candidates and both parties. That's why people are eager to watch it all burn.

Okay I'll bite. At least tell us how you heard this. Green text it fag.

The man does 2-3 Rallys per day speaking to hundreds of thousands of people everyday. Tell me that isn't stamina. Hillary Can't even walk up a stairs without assistance.

>tfw you realize all the bad things people say
Hillary are just rumors and conspiracy theories
>tfw you realize being mainstream was the rational thing to do all along

>Do you not understand the concept of unconfirmed?

I certainly do. It means "bullshit."

In a perfect would, I would believe this.


BREAKING NEWS!: Unconfirmed OP sucks lots and lots of dick.

wait, wait, we have video confirmation! IT IS OFFICIAL!

I don't say 'cuck,' mainly because women aren't repulsed by me and hence I'm not a sad and bitter piece of shit.

I once saw someone do that on Facebook. I laughed :D

Woman answered questions from Congress for eleven hours. Trump complains about a debate that lasts an hour and a half. Trump has no stamina.

With how full of shit the woman is, and how many shills she's hired, you could tell me she wears handmade shoes and I wouldn't believe you. There is nothing you can say that will make her trustworthy.

Trump's negligence didn't get anyone killed. Hillary's negligence got our ambassador killed. Poor Hillary had to testify before Congress. Boo hoo.

Breaking News! OP is a cucklord!!

oh god. plz kill urself user =_=.
she literally danced at an Adele Concert yesterday night

Time for a Ft. Marcy Park picnic.

Oh, so you're sucking Trump's dick too? You must be proud. (Guess's OVER for Donny).

You'll be boo hooing on Nov. 8th when your boy, Donny the Pussy Grabber gets humiliated. Now run along, kid.

Sitting there while everyone around her talks and she occasionally responds I don't know what you are talking about. That's pretty easy ever gone to High School.

said the neet

Noooo! Now who will we fight for?

Looks like an emergency shill response.

My little CRT shill, are you jealous that Trump didn't favor you with any attention?

She's going down and you can't stop it.



my god, they are ugly people.

Im hoping Wikileaks has something that will put her in jail. If not, I'm doubtful she will loose, sadly

don't tease me bro

Hillary isn't going anywhere.
She works for the CIA.
All the people who died? Killed by CIA.
All of her friends? In the CIA.

Fbi rropened the investigation tonigjt so theres hope