Donald Trump is the only hope we have to save our Republic and what little freedom the government hasn't taken from us...

Donald Trump is the only hope we have to save our Republic and what little freedom the government hasn't taken from us. Debate me... Prove me wrong...

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hey russia can you smell this sage?

I totally agree with you.
It's now or never.


>donald trump
>only hope

he doesn't have any political experience.

what is it about trump that you guys see ? I mean, im not a big fan for shillary either, but at least she know what's she talking about.

If hillary wins, we can all laugh at all the tumblrinas drafted for WWIII.

it won't happen. they'll probably burn their draft cards and bitch about how war is a type of rape

Even better! Marshal law, leading to their arrest and incarceration!

Hillary's really pushing that "Draft our Daughters" B.S.

putin pls go

You would be right, but,
He's going to put a cabinet of republicans in total power. House and senate, executive, legislative, and judicial.

You want to see big government, authoritarianism, legitimized corruption, and nation-bankrupting spending? Do it faggots.

Trump should be forced to take a civics quiz
I'm positive he has no idea how laws are passed, what the senate and house actually does, what the exact powers of the president are, what western enlightenment is, etc.


>GOP achieves absolute power
>Trump is in charge

O fuk hadn't thought of that.

>You want to see big government, authoritarianism, legitimized corruption, and nation-bankrupting spending

We already have that, and from the Democrats

I actually have no problem with someone being politically ignorant. I bet half of the people on this board wouldn't be able to pass it anyways.

It's just the idea that someone like trump is a presidential candidate.

>media hates Trump
>politicians hate Trump
>Republicans hate Trump

Trump pisses off the right people. If anyone really thinks this country is worth a damn they are kidding themselves. Seriously, Fuck America, Fuck the welfare state, Fuck the wars, and Fuck the president and the congress.

I don't support Trump in a direct way, I support the damage Trump can do to the system. He would cause the machine to sputter and seize.

I say all this shit as an Iraq war vet.
Best case scenario, Trump sends in marines and murders every politician, then ends American democracy.

>the authoritarian meme strikes again

Give me one fucking way Trump is authoritarian. I even see this in those political compass spectrums, it's bullshit. The Republican Party has always been the party of smaller government, yet somehow they're the authoritarian ones.

Meanwhile Democrats want to expand government in nearly every sector, so explain this to me, faggot.

Yeah, someone said about Trump

"Trump isn't a candidate, he's a murder tool against the establishment class".

American hasn't ever been a Republic, fuck off.

Debates aren't about who is right or wrong, it's about who is a better debater. Just like in arguments, it's not about the facts, it's about who attacks the other person and lowers their social status better.

> He would cause the machine to sputter and seize.

See, thats the thing, i dont think that trump has the know-how about the system to even do anything about it.

he'll just say some more dumb shit. piss off more patrons and republican sympathizers to the point that he'll just corner himself in a political precipice.

America is not a democracy. It is a republic

You realize Repubkicans have held control of the house and senate, right? The only things the democrats have been able to do have been on an individual basis by executive order since Mitch McConnel took power and declared a mandatory obstructionist vote. Only bills that get passed are authored by republicans.

The dem presidency hasn't amounted to shit.

exactly. Nothing would get done. Hopefully he is super egotistical and vengeful and just veto everything.

Not sure why we're arguing, whoever gets elected will get kicked out within like a year (since they are both shit) and vice president will take over

> it's about who is a better debater

if even that, in the second presidential debate. I would say that a solid 20 minutes out of the 90 minute debate was spent mud-slinging.

american politics has become such a joke

So I guess its been republicans who started bombing Syria, Libya, restarted the war in Iraq and funded "moderate rebels".

Man undeclared wars that don't require votes. Right under Obama's nose.

It is entertaining how many murritards have no idea their government is more complex than 1 election every 4 yrs declaring a new King from 1 of the same 2 parties over and over, and think that us democracy, and then think that president has absolute power.

It's like no one botgered to tell any of the peasants how their country works.

So the president doesn't have power to bomb a country then alert congress 90days later.

Then of course you would be an asshole not to fund said war once there are boots on the ground.

Man, I guess its all super complicated and Obama never started any needless conflicts.

there's a reason for that, it's shitty reason (because any excuse is simply a way to cop out from responsibilities) but at least it makes sense, and that reason is that some of us are too busy to involve ourselves into politics. That and it's really frowned upon to talk about political views.

Yeah, funny how that works. Obama campaigns saying he's going to terminate the Iraq war immediately, gets elected in a landslide, gets dragged into the pentagon and briefed by the Joint Chiefs, decides to sign on to every hawkish fuckin wet dream the GOO has for 8 years instead, idiots, and every time he dies, the instant he dies it, ohhh suddenly the republican are the doves and point out war baaad. Obamacare, nope, let a couple republican rewrite the bill, bam, approved by repubs, immediately it's the greatest atrocity ever committed by a pres. Sr Intel Committee, all repubs, o fuck that looks bad, get ubercunt Feinstein on board, bc women have to appear tough & she'll go along with every 4th amendment bootstomping the rest of the fascists put forward, works like a charm.

Those evil dems, all that power...

Well that's how it works user.
Republican start wars, then hand them off to Democrats to finish, clean up and pay for, and then complain about how much the dems are spending. ...on their own fuckin stupid war.

Trump has never done anything for the American worker, and has never done anything for the little guy in his life! Prove me wrong.

They were wrong. And ineloquent.

Or America. Dodged draft. Evaded taxes. He only gives a shit about Donald J Trump.

>he thinks people voted on these

I regret serving this country. Faggots like you need drafted. Fuck Obama, Fuck Bush and fuck you.

I prefer someone who cares only for themselves then someone who is a sock puppet whore for the masters who got them in office.




Trump is establishment



no one on this board is in politics or running for the highest office in the free world. the fuck are you on about


Oh, look at you, you edgy little anarchist.

Go fuck yourself.

It's because civics is not taught in American schools anymore

The average American does not understand western enlightenment or how to use the tools of reason, logic, clarity, dissent, civility and debate

They just assume you are born with those skills, and do not understand that they must be learned and honed


Predictive programming, a theorised method of mass mind control, proposes that people are conditioned, through works of fiction, to accept planned future scenarios. Researcher Alan Watt defines this phenomenon as “the power of suggestion using the media of fiction to create a desired outcome”

Shills circlejerking

You can blame my tours in Iraq. Seriously, Fuck this countries government.

Early America is best America.
This country would be great if only white male landowners over the age of 25 could vote.

Hilarious, given he in fact wants to restrict many freedoms, including the first amendment.

>bet half of the people on this board wouldn't be able to pass it anyways.
They aren't running for fucking President of the United States.

The democrats, who control only one of three branches of government?

>I prefer someone who cares only for themselves then someone who is a sock puppet whore for the masters who got them in office.
So you actively want a leader who doesn't care one bit about you and is only interested in personal gain and ego stroking?

I agree with this.


Every establishment power, including the GOP establishment have supported Clinton.

You'd have to perform some serious mental gymnastics to classify Trump as establishment.

> implying Clinton is too much a part of the establishment which she spent years breaking down barriers to enter

This Russia hysteria has gotten stupider than alex jones and the lizard people. Is comey a russian now? Maybe Russians used a space satellite to shoot laser beams and make Clinton cough

>(3m) The video that sold me on Trump



You have no problem with the guy running for president being politically ignorant?

I know nothing about dentistry. Perhaps I could drill into your tooth next time you have a cavity?

Government's not working guess I'll just vote harder.

>inb4 found the anarchist

Politicians these days are just over privileged lawyers who are well spoken, Nothing more.

Fuck outa here acting link they know anything before their first brief.

Despite an explication of the following being the fucking sticky on this board you seem to be in need of a reminder of the concept of burden of proof. You make the claim, you get to prove it right, not the other way around.

>what little freedom the government hasn't taken from us
Exactly what freedoms have you lost, OP?

Sort of like what Trump did, the draft dodging coward rich boy faggot.

Gettin cranky here. God emperor needs to win

Nah I'm good. Though there's going to be a shill in there spamming the term "conspiracy" with a series of pics of a nerdy rockjohnson. Save yourselves the embarassment.

Any of you trump loving idiots have an education beyond 12th grade? The news always says he's strictly popular with uneducated redneck products of incest, so... Just curious what your schooling is & how closely related your parents are.

I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. America is ONE election away from destruction. If Hillary gets in, the supreme court is lost to liberal activist judges, meaning many important amendments are under direct threat (and don't anarchists like firearms?). If immigration isn't gotten under control, third worlders/hispanics (WHO LARGELY VOTE FOR BIGGER GOVERNMENT) will be the majority within 50 years, meaning bye bye white people.
Not to mention the greater ramifications for all of Western Civilization.

If Trump doesn't win, it's over. There is no conversation, no building a better future right after the Fall of Rome. If you are interested in reducing the size of government and totally eliminating it, you should want to preserve America and Western Civilization, and the freedoms that come with it, until we can make such a transition.

"It was on the news" is hardly an argument.

Wow nice post

>the news says

This is true, they murdered Scalia just for this moment.

>Marshal law

You chew a lot of thermometers as a child, user?

>Iraq war vet
Fuck you faggot.
No one drafted your ass. You did that to yourself.

Now you want to fuck things up for every one?
Eat hot death "vet".

Not an argument.


So, like 8th grade and cousins then?

And you have what? a "liberal arts degree"? Do something relevant you fucking dildo. I'm an engineer.

Recent uni grad here. And yeah, I see why you say that. The lower class has historically been underrepresented and stepped on, which in turn explains some of his support. What I think many people dont see, is that this disparity between the classes actually hurts those who have higher education as well, as since they don't have to deal with hardships like the lower class does, they see no real need for change. The other thing is that what trump stands for is nationalism over globalism, and MOST, i'm not saying all, but MOST of the institutions in higher education push the liberal idea that globalism is the way to go, and at least in my uni, demonize individual nationalism. That's my take on it at least.

MP goes to your home and drag your ass out.

you know limited terms are there for a very valid reason. Its insane that in my lifetime I have had 2 bushes almost a third and I'm about to have a second clinton. we dont live in a democracy we live in a oligarchy.

Asshole, you're confused on who's playing the role of the barbarian at the gate.
Clinton is awful. No one here will argue that. But, in her way, she is still a part of our republic,a cog in a machine, however bastardized that machine might be.
Trump, on the other hand, is a fucking sabot, thrown into the machinery capable of nothing but breaking it.

Also, fuck you, your outdated idea of "western civilization" died years ago. The tide of immigration will not stop; white people will lose the majority in the next 20 years, tops. This does not, however, mean "bye bye white people" as you so eloquently put it. The America you think still exists and is in danger dies ages ago, and thank god it did.

no shit, sherlock. it's never not been an oligarchy here. it's just that some oligarchs happen to be decent folks, current candidates excluded.

oh I see youre stupid as fuck. Cant argue with that.



Here's from right after the call

A caller on Rush's show is evidence?

Have you seen in the news that HRC said to the FBI to release all the info?


I'm guessing it's serious given that Obama's cancelling rally appearances. That, to me, indicates that he and his clique probably realize that letting Trump be President and throwing Hillary under the bus is better than having the investigation go all the way up to King Obongo.

PhD in your mom jokes and my parents are both male, get over it.

>Asshole, you're confused on who's playing the role of the barbarian at the gate
That would be Muslims and other savages.

>But, in her way, she is still a part of our republic,a cog in a machine, however bastardized that machine might be
I think a better analogy would be that of a computer. In this one, Hillary is a virus.

>Trump, on the other hand, is a fucking sabot, thrown into the machinery capable of nothing but breaking it
Breaking what, exactly? The game of cash-for-favors, pay-for-play, endless corruption and the erosion of liberty, that's what needs to be broken. We need a return to small government.

>Also, fuck you, your outdated idea of "western civilization" died years ago
Pardon me, I forgot to view these things through my globalist lens.
However, I would appreciate it if you would elaborate.

>The tide of immigration will not stop; white people will lose the majority in the next 20 years, tops
Immigration will stop because the right is rising. The pendelum is swinging the other way.

>This does not, however, mean "bye bye white people" as you so eloquently put it
It means that white people will be about as prominent as Native Americans are now.

>The America you think still exists and is in danger dies ages ago
I think the Republic is nearly dead, but it's not too late to save it, and Western Civilization, while we're at it.

>and thank god it did
Gosh, I know. We shouldn't have such a problematic white, christian, FREE America.

them trips dont lie

You cannot connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards. You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma or whatever because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the right path and that will make all the difference.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living some else's life, don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of peoples thinking. Don't let the opinions of other peoples thinking drown out your own inner voice. You've got to find what you love, which is as true for your work as it is true for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet keep looking and don't settle. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition that somehow you already know what you truly want to become.



America under President Trump

This is correct. You'll still be called a sexist racist cis scum bigot transphobe redneck hillbilly for saying it.

Not for long famalamalam