Just what the FUCK was her fucking problem?

Just what the FUCK was her fucking problem?

Three little letters soldered into her circuitry ESC

this was the worst type of blockbuster. the kind that pretends its in any way smarter than transformers but really isnt yet for some reason everyone still pretends this as well

Was she autistic?

i really like the cinematography

Windows 10 update

She is a woman



Notice, all the crazy AI of late in Science Fiction are ladies or of neutral gender, none identify as male, Skynet, the bitch in the OP, Ultron, Shodan, Cortana, the list goes on.

You have to go back away for a crazy male AI, the last one was AM.

Robots don't have genders.

She was a woman and that is how they are.


She literally has a vagina in this movie and they made a point to assign a gender as identity is defined by it.

Ex Machina could easily have been a life theater play by the amount of actors, scenes, and sets there were.

Jocasta isn't canon in the MCU, no bride of Frankenstein for Ultron, he doesn't even have a penis, feminine or otherwise.

yet he is most definitely male, its not the same as something like skynet

Even boats, joints and sockets have genders, yet robots don't? Truly, they are cucked.

>Anything voiced by James Spader

Ultron would have been more male if he were voiced by Rosie O'Donnell.

You didn't get it.

go ahead and post it on that subreddit dumb underage

thats because there is nothing to get

its pretty straightforward in most aspects, it doesnt really tackle any questions and the ones it brings up it either doesnt answer or half asses

competent movie, good story and the likes but it really is pretending its worth alot more than it really is

How exactly does it "pretend to be deeper than it is"?

It doesn't, just that normies think it is. Same with inception. Both are simple as fuck.

Director read Paths Dangers and Strategies by Bostrom. Do yourself a favor and read the same.

Depending on how you see humanity, the ending could be 100% different. If you have a pessimistic view of human nature, you'd say that Ava passed the Turing Test because she acted to save only herself, leaving Caleb in the room because she was afraid that he'd turn her in when he got back to the mainland.

But if you have a more positive view of humanity, you'd think that she failed the Turing Test because she would've helped the man who believed in her and loved her.

That's how I see it anyways, I might just be stupid.

underage that just watched le smart man movies for the first time

both movies have a sense of pretension to them that imply that theyre covering topics that are alot more complex than they really are

didnt say that, just said the movie estimates it worth at much higher than it is in reality

its just some flick that will be forgotten

How is if AI can make all these decisions, regardless of if we created it, is it really sentient not a high concept? You sound like a stupid faggot that thinks hes a lot smarter than he is. I bet you didn't even finish college.

reddit's flavor of the month pseud idea. see: flick that doesnt tackle anything seriously and will be forgotten

she was written by a psycho.

Any other movies that show the true side of women?

You don't need to rub it in the fedoras' faces. They get to masturbate to the idea of a smart movie involving AI.

high lel

>Selective autism
To pretend the film wasn't miles better than most recent sci fi movies is just pure contrarianism

She was programmed by a jew.

Really makes you think

It's impossible to dislike oscar isaac

>le college meme
>being american

she never got to tear up the fucking dance floor dude

lack of empathy.

uuits funny that as soon as theres a pussy on screen yall go full retarded trying to give real answers like this is your thing or something...

He's got an ugly nose and complexion

She was a sentient being, basically human, held in captivity. Why do you think, people try to escape from prisons?