So girl I used to be with went back to the controlling ex boyfriend(fiance now apperently) granted this was all 7+...

So girl I used to be with went back to the controlling ex boyfriend(fiance now apperently) granted this was all 7+ months ago, decides to message me tonight this... and my responses.. any more i should add?

I like the toodles at the end. Nice touch. That alone will piss him the hell off. Your ex is getting beat tonight for sure.

Delete that shit.

Tell him you bang her on the reg since she got her new email address.

its " i couldn't care less" not I could care less you fucking inbred

add: "and listen, piss for brains, I'll fuck you in the mouth next time you decide to open it to your master without permission."

I sincerly apologize for my southern roots. However, I do try to speak correctly.

Syntax won't deliver strong punch you want it too. Breaks down by the end jk idk

Your ex-bitch is ugly tho

You're a faggot

Send him pictures of retard porn

Omfg, this. So much this.

Yeah don't send that msg it's trying too hard

you could have nailed that but you fuck up everything with :3
Fuckin faggot kill yourself

roll for this

This makes you sound like a fag

jfc op change it too "i *couldn't* care less".

so much this...

Trips has spoken

get rid of tootles, you sound like a little bitch.

p e r f e c t

>I could care less
>tootles :3

you are a monumental faggot OP, GTFO



Ironically his name is an anangram of "no exs twat".

The chick he's upset about looks like a busted in asshole. Tell him to fuck off or you'll release nudes all over Sup Forums.

Release them anyway if you've got them

Let him know you're also dtf if he ever needs a hand

op is fag

Tell him that "his" girl has been craving your cock ever since she made the decision to leave and she came crawling back on her knees begging to taste your cock one more time, and being the merciful soul you are, you jerked off on her a couple times then smoked some cocaine off of her ass before sending her away.

Put extra emphasis in detailing how pathetic she looked waiting like an anxious dog waiting for you to cum.


Bro his name is Tex... you deff won regardless. What you wrote was fine. Send.

What a nice guy, he's a family man, taking care of these kids. What's wrong with you OP, this guy is just an average dude taking care of a sub-average female

I smell bait

Holy fuck how many cavities can you count

all i see is 9 dolphins