This is Feminism in one post

This is Feminism in one post.
Closed group posting 'awful lifehacks'

Blocked for being egalitarian

and of course she looks like a fat cunt

Fucking women

Looks like they're joking to me.

Might look that way to a dumb shit such as yourself

I assure you they are not joking, they're doing a "purge" of the non feminists from the group, should have known when the good content stopped and shit started coming up in this otherwise funny group



So yeah they are retarded, yeah ... uhh.. why should we care? let them rot in their little world and just walk around them

She must be a fucking fat ass bitch who's so privileged that believes anyone who disagrees with her feminazi shit is a misogynist shit who needs to go to jail. Sounds like a typical feminist fat fuck.

What's the point in having a closed group and removing people from that closed group? Why even call it awful lifehacks at this point? How retarded is this person?

We're talking about feminist they are all brain dead


more like sad that such person even exists

I found her Facebook page. Yeah, she's fucking retarded alright.

post it

been awhile since I saw a feminist hate thread I'm amused keep going

Fucking hate PC SJW's


That's the fat bitch, I lol'd so hard


I reported her picture for nudity

I know you might not be an e1337 haxx0r like us but you can try it yourself with this one simple tip;
just fucking put her name in facebook search bar wtf retard

keep it going fam

Lol, they blocked the names next to the avatar but left them pretty much everywhere else.

guys that do it like this must be the "cool kids" over at reddit

wtf are you an alien?
why do you have alien facebook?

Not everyone needs facebook,and your asking that on /b?

but how can you even controll it over that mystical interface?

By using a disposable one

Godbless Crowder.