Name me one super hero/villain that can defeat dr.Manhattan

name me one super hero/villain that can defeat dr.Manhattan

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Ozymandias... temporarily

jane grey /phoenix

Peter Minuit *owns* Manhattan

Franklin Richards

Sebastian Shaw

>name me one super hero/villain that can defeat dr.Manhattan
Spawn. Captain Atom. Walter West. Professor Zoom. Doctor Doom. Silver Surfer. Galactus. Doctor Fate. Green Lantern. Doctor Alchemy


Ghost Rider

My mate Dave could


He's at his strongest in October

He can think of them dying and they will.

The shittieness of your thread defeats all enemies both foreign and domestic.

batman. and im being serious.


Yeah but batman has so much plot armor that he doesnt even count.

Dave rocks

Yato's specialty is disconnecting souls from immaterial bodies. In one cut, Dr. Manhattan is nothing more than a glowing corpse and his soul is finally allowed to travel to the Far Shore.

Even if Dr. Manhattan gets the jump on him, Yato is reborn immediately as long at least one person prays for him.

It's an eternal battle. Dr. Manhattan anticipating Yato's next return, next attack. Yato travelling across the universe chasing him for countless lifetimes. Dr. Manhattan already knows he grows tired of the hunt and loses on his own terms at the event horizon of Sagittarius A*, trapping Yato with him in a never ending moment.


Only Dr. Manhattan can defeat Dr. Manhatten

You see, in life we are our own worst enemy. And this is a lesson that he really needs to learn. He will not be defeated by someone else, but he will be destroyed by his own negligence.

That's how most of our own lives went. We may sit here and blame other people for our lack of success, but it falls on us. It is OUR responsibility to succeed in this world, and no one else cares about how we do. Once you learn that they don't care about you, your quality of life will increase immensely. Not because they helped you, but because you have learned to help yourself.

This is why Dr. Doom has been so successful. He does not rely on other people to come through to help him out, and he takes the initiative to destroy his opposition.

However, this also will be his downfall. When people know that you are on a similar path, they will go on the path with you. They care that you succeed only so that you can help them succeed. Without having another steady mind on the field, you will absentmindedly make mistakes that will ruin your chances of success.

Dr. Manhattan. He defeats himself.

Dr. Manhattan :^)

Nice autism fag

Almost any Dragon ball character.


Chuck Norris, just because

One Above All.

>Le batman meme

kek got me

>plot armor

depends on the conditions
Defeat by strength
should be saitama, his power itself is being the strongest, that's the joke.

We are not talking about killing, but defeat. You question leaves many open holes

Squidward could defeat his sorry ass in a clarinettist show.

>weaboo crap

Rick, Motherfucker!

The chosen dead from dark souls

spawn after banishing both Satan and God.

Thanks, guys

Trip dubs also checked

Dave would whoop his ass so bad

>human in a bat costume vs a man that can literally reverse time.
>implying batman doesnt have plot armor

Fuck off man, nobody knows this character or this series, and nobody cares.

>Hurrdurr muh obscure hentai hero

chuck norris

Wrong board friendo

is he the superhero version of God essentially? i feel like he has God's powers so yea


Any feminist.
Just claim rape on Dr. Manhattan and he ends up in jail. SInce he's a hero, he will stay there.

>me yer knob'ead
>did i tell ya bout time I knocked out 16 blokes in one punch right
>right was at pub
>me n the bois shoutin avin a laugh
>coppers come cuz ther bin a fight right
>get well pissed, blame it on meh like
>knock em' right out
>there ye'are

Saitama (one punch man) is the only person I can think of getting close off the top of my head, but he's a superhero meme so I don't know if it counts.

Tom Bombadil

Everyone knows The Feels is are the one adversary he will never overcome

Manhattan only has 2-C power level. So anyone in Tier 1 can beat him:
People like Cosmic Armor Superman, The Doctor (and Time Lords in general), Captain Adam (The Quantum Superman of Earth-4); G1 Megatron, Starscream and Bumblebee; and Bill Cipher to name a few.

The Lizard Queen.

Dr. Manhattan can be destroyed by any being capable of controlling the universe, because Manhattan can only exist within the universe (although he may travel between dimensions) he is still locked within the single universe. simply destroy the universe and you have destroyed him.

Nope, Ozymandias would find a way to prove his innocence and get him out.

You're a legend Dave

I don't even read comics and I think this fight would be a struggle for ol' blue dick

Get your gay shit out of here.
No one cares about your cartoon fight blog.

Checked. The God-Emperor is Tier 1-C or 1-B, Manhattan is only 2-C.

Anyone with the possiblity to control all matter in equal ways.
Nobody else probably.

Somebody who will poison his mind with irrationale thoughts, like the Joker, Sup Forums or spongebob who doesnt think very logical.

Dr. manhattan will think his life is fucking worthless and he will do suicide while destroying the whole multiverse...

This is how Rick and Morty will end...spoiler!

>simply destroy the universe

You'd be surprised how many characters can do so.

goddamn I want to shove you in a locker

Agreed, and I was a fucking loner who played DnD in highschool


You all fucking know it.

>Slash thread


100% lost

>lose argument
>hurrr waaaa go someplace elseeeeeeee


Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet

any chick willing to take multiple big blue dicks and who occasionally wears latex



The one above us
Lucifer, his brother, his father or his mother
Superboy prime
Tough robot superman


What the fuck happened to Sup Forums? This is a weeaboo pirate haven, normies.


Bernie sanders.

Are you one of these marvel movie band wagon jumpers. Or have you even read the infinity gauntlet, infinity war. Or any thing after that? Thanos is pretty bad ass but he always loses in the end

Super boy prime is the shit. I havent read dc in awhile but when i did he was a bad ass. I liked him a lot



Superman Prime




Not anymore. Normies don't know anything about weeb shit. It just, isn't the culture here anymore.

This motherfucka right here

Squirrel Girl.

Guts would just keep going until manhattan was hacked to bits

Dave would fuck him up

I'll defeat you before that idiot clown kakarot even wakes up from his nap

So all of them.


Yeah i dont know this dave guy buthe scares the shit out of me

Dr.Manhattan more like Dr.Dead

seriously, compared to her, he's a fucking toddler.

Eh, don't the Fantastic Four beat this guys ass four times a week or something?

They only could defeated him cause of the silver surfer, the herald of galactus.
I mean galactus just survived the second big bang, "eat" planets and worlds... the fantastic four and other superheroes are just a joke compared to him...especially the fantastic four