Accidentally read dads messages 15 mins ago

>accidentally read dads messages 15 mins ago
>seems like he is hooking up with friends mom
>tfw mom and dad are 20 years in marriage
>tfw don't know what to do
please help

Blackmail or kys

check my dubs nigger

take his phone and ask for nudes

A. Blackmail dad to get money
B. Blackmail friends mom to get sex/money
C. Tell mom and endure divorce

how can i blackmail my own dad are you insane

Go to said friends mom, confide in her, tell her you're afraid your parents will break up - get a divorce. Really lay ur on thick till she feels like shit then fuck her right in the pussy.

Or just tell your father you know. You don't need to explain how or why.

Let him live vicariously for what little time he has left?

just let the dude do his thing

you're a western pussy

Also work your friend's mom, fuck her well, then get that threesome going son

mind your ducking business pussy
ask someone whi gives a shit.

Tell your mom

Time to fuck your friends mom

This really

Pick how you will like your life to go

Fuck your mom. Then when she finds out your dad is cheating she can be like, "now we're even, bitch"

that's tough man, if its true. you might just have to ignore it. unless you know for sure, you don't know. also, gotta just kinda accept that youre dad is a very flawed individual and move on. he's his own person and there is nothing you can do. its only shocking bc to you he was always your dad. but he's just a person like you and makes mistakes

Or not.
If she won't stand for it, if she sees having sex with you as worse than being exposed as an adulterer (which might be the case, if you see this situation and think of it as a golden opportunity), then you've ruined reputation.

Wait for your dad to go bang friend's mom. Tell your mom. Lean in as she starts to weep.

> a n a l

If it was you, would you wanna know?

You CAN NOT do nothing. He's doing this too your mother. Let that sink in.

I loved my Father, loved him dearly till the day he died. He was my best friend when I got old enough to have kids of my own. But his constant cheating destroyed my family in slow motion when I was a kid.

Trust me, it is soooo much better to be a kid FROM a broken home than be a kid IN a broken home.

Tell your mother. Do it now. Send her here:

Have the best of both worlds:

Approach him and tell him you know what's going on. Tell him you don't condone what he's doing, and that he is a piece of shit for doing it. People cheat because they feel like they're missing something in their lives. Research and give other options to fill that void, so he won't be unhappy with whatever relationship your dad and mom have. My dad got religious all of a sudden, and now cut his shit. Not sure what hobbies your dad can do?

Finally, tell him you won't tell Mom just so long as he cuts the bullshit.

He won't say it, but he'll stop out of fear that you'll tell your mom and land him in serious shit. So you won't have a cheating dad, and your mom will be ignorantly happy, or whatever.

If Maury show taught me one thing useful (among its virtual sea of uselessness), it's that people admit they cheat or lie, because they feel guilty and want to rid that burden from themselves. They don't do it because it's the right thing to do. So don't tell your mom unless he doesn't cut his shit. Don't feel bad, because it's selfish to tell her so you don't feel guilty when you'll just make her feel worst.

>You can't have her, she's mine

I would go straight with B
And I would suck my friend's dick for revenge