Dubs decides what we say

Dubs decides what we say


I have their mother a 20 of meth to take pictures of them. They were 6 & 8

Are you my dad or mom I heard they work here


I think I shit my pants. Can I have more napkins?

Hey where do the niggers hang out?

When do you get off? I want you for dessert

I have aids

You're a fag

Whose blood is this?

Keep rolling niggers.

I saw the cook spit in my food.

Well shit....


God is beta



Last chance bout to pay and dip

Where's my noose?

Im too high to grab the markert

Gone fags learn to get more dubs

it was nice watching you walk in and out the kitchen

I left a bom in the mans room

Dubzen McTripzenstein's word is law.

I stinkpalmed the waiter