People you despise?

People you despise?




miles davis



Bitches that steal my car


everyone who isnt my friend

Why do you despise yourself, OP?

Everyone that is not me.

People that come into power and let it indoctrinate them into this ucked system



>Binary thinking people
>People who are on their phone while using stairs
>obese people, especially the morbidly ones who need a fucking scooter to get around

how about a surgeon who saves your life


Because they get more pussy and girls around that you will ever get ?

Greedy evil people in general

Yeah I would probably like the guy if it ever happens.

It's natural to hate your master when you are a slave

fake ass friends who don't talk to me anymore

You mean human beings?

Muslims and shitskin indians.

Lefty muslim apologists

Ze jews

at least until you're healthy then fuck that guy

People who force politics into everything

Normies. Fucking burn them ples

Jews, gypsies, autists, downs, niggers. AH had the right idea. Hopefully Trump will finish them off.

People who refuse to believe money has no value and they've been living a lie created by jews and propogated by the media to turn everyone into wage slaves instead of following your dreams in an age where it's possible to shelter, feed, and clothe every single person without a problem. Fucking retarded society.

GTFO with your weird pics.

If Clinton had those Dubs she could have won...


faggoty little socialists with no understanding of basic human mentality.

I despise people like.
Ignorant, retarded, useless and self-righteous.
Pseudo enlightment is just a way to cope with your worthlessness


How does one cross from one zone to the other then? How do you judge the middleground where people who are potential friends sit?

>anyone who colors their hair blue, red, purple, etc
>anyone who acts like they're spreading their stupid beliefs/disbeliefs around like a plague
Shit like this is why I mind my own damn business whenever I'm out in public.

Yeah, shit is all retarded.
I do not like muslims, but at least they hang leftist scum and stone gay people.

Weebs, anyone apart of the otaku culture



>Overly flamboyant gays
>Ghetto folk (any race)
>Super political people
>Mainland Chinese

People who think there are more than two genders/sex. You're either male or female. Whoever believes there are more has a mental illness, it's a god damn disease

So you're the enlightened one calling him worthless when you're wasting your time posting on a mongolian barbecure forum? How ignorant, retarded, useless and self-righteous of you.


Milo Yiannopoulos

I understand that humans create messes to cover up messes. Such as clothing. We have evolved to the point where it is impossible to live on our home-world without clothing let alone soap. I understand things broader than your small scope of the "human mentality." You're limited by your lifestyle.

kids. I fucking HATE KIDS.

Theyre all annoying and their parents are usually incompetent and the reason for the kids being the way they are. Fuck kids and fuck kids who have kids. Fucking dumb new generation is fucked.

>Loud and obnoxious teenagers
>Loud and obnoxious niggers

then why do you fuck them so often?

Harambe Jones