Any married anons here?

Any married anons here?

How long have you been married?
Are you happy?

It just seems to me to be a waste of fucking time. Every relationship starts out well but after about a year, without fail, the girl I'm dating turns into a whiny and needy child. I don't enjoy drama but I also have a zero tolerance for emotional manipulation. It's a lose-lose for maintaining a healthy relationship.

there are women with integrity out there
they are scarce but far from mythical creatures

I don't know. I've dated around the spectrum. Plus, I'm the dominate one is relationships which I find most women think they should be.

Been married for over two years, most of my friends have been married longer. Definitely worth it if you can find the right girl to match your temperament. However, I also have a few friends that had to divorce some crazy bitches. Divorces seem to be more common from very short pre-marriage relationships.

Divorce is absolutely terrible. If you're not 100% sure beforehand, don't get married. In a lot of Scandinavian countries, life-long couples aren't even getting married anymore, they just cohabitate. To be honest, I wouldn't stress about it. Just live your life and wait until it comes up naturally.

Also, I'm not rich buy make pretty good money. I'll be making 6 figures probably in the next 5 years. So finding a girlfriend isn't really that difficult but I hate bouncing around like that.

I am getting married this may. Been with her for 6 years. Met in college through friends. Never cheated, never even thought about it. Loves to drink beer and vidya. I occasionally have to go shopping and to the gym with her but I wouldn't change a thing!

>How long have you been married?

>Are you happy?
Nope. Sex has become perfunctory and only when she wants something. She quit her job and I am basically just a walking ATM at this point.

>It just seems to me to be a waste of fucking time. Every relationship starts out well but after about a year, without fail, the girl I'm dating turns into a whiny and needy child. I don't enjoy drama but I also have a zero tolerance for emotional manipulation. It's a lose-lose for maintaining a healthy relationship.

Basically, yes. If I had my time again I would not move beyond bf/gf status. If threatened with "Marry me or gtfo" then GTFO.

>there are women with integrity out there
>they are scarce but far from mythical creatures

Sure, not all women are like that, but they can choose to be at any time, so basically its pretty much random.

Yup, married for a little over a year. Other posters are correct, its more about temperament. We're both happy overall but we still have our moments, arguing and shit. Just don't mess around with little girls(drama, partying, heavily into fashion). And don't rush into marriage. I got married when I was 35.

Thanks user, good advice. I pretty much do my own thing but drama just seems to find me. Pretty astonishing for someone who just works and does his hobbies in his spare time.

I've been in a relationship for two years and I've found that setting healthy boundaries helps keep one another independent.

Shit... Fellow married guy having a reality check

6 years here, very happy.

I am 33, soon getting married. This is exactly my nightmare scenario

The girls don't change your ability to overlook their bullshit does. The good ones know this and slowly lower the volume on the whining and adjust their neediness to your lifestyle. I'm married, been with my wife for over 20 years. The same shit bugs me now that did when we were dating but different things are more important. You will never find a woman that you like all the time. You will be lucky to find one that you like most of the time and tolerate the rest. Remember, she deals with the same exact sack of bullshit from you too. It ain't worth fighting though, if you don't like each other more often than not, get out quick.

> in a lot of Scandinavian countries

There are only so many Scandinavian countries... 3, for that matter

haha I've been with my wife for 6 years..

Yesterday I spent 100 bucks with out telling her. she got mad at me for not "consulting her" so I told her to get a fucking job because I make the goddamn money and I'll spend what I want as long as I put food on the table and a roof over the families head. and she shut the fuck up.

So yeah I am happy as shit and i got two little dudes who are annoying but still fun


The correct question is:

Are you married or are you happy?

Mentally saved for future argument. Thanks user.

Married 8 years

There's up and downs like anything, obviously no one is happy 100% of the time.

It's about finding someone you can enjoy spending your life with, that simple. Obviously, your first girlfriend isn't probably going to be the one.

4 years this December. Had some rough times last fall and winter, but solved our issues and now happier than ever.

Being brutally honest about the problem points and not giving in on my principles are the two things that have got me this far. There were moments when I thought about leaving but decided to stay, because I saw the problem was not about our personas but something external, that was at least worth trying to fix.

Happy I did.

Not married but in civil partnership for 5 years. Have a kid with her. Sex has evaporated; feels like living with a roomie now. Notice myself looking at other women. Not good. Suggested therapy; in the end we never got around it.

Have balls juiced up like pine apples but don't want to drag kid into a mental fuck storm of separation.

It ain't as bad as how you describe, bit it is fucking work.
I'm on my second marriage, first lasted almost 10 years.
>You get out what you put in

It's fun, but it's work.

Been married for about 20 hours. So far so good I'd say.
Not as many blowjobs after marriage though.

7 years, 1 kid. We both work and make good money, life is pretty comfy. I'd say we're not outrageously happy, but very content. Lately the sex has been great... not sure why, but it has its ups and downs and lately it's on a big up. Our only real stress is trying to raise the kid, but that's pretty fun, too.

Im sure you and your husband are super busy in your honeymoon to be posting on Sup Forums

When is the best time to get married?

I'm in college and me and my gf of four years already discussed marriage and it basically came down to when we
>Are both done with college
>Live together
>Are financially stable

is this good or am i missing something help me out

Packing for it and took a bathroom break. I do my Sup Forums posting from the toilet like a respectable faggot

The best time to get married is never.
The second best time to get married is as late as possible - and not without a prenub.

You know what, fair play user. Have a great time.

Lived together 7 years.
Married for 13 years.
No kids.
We still fuck once or twice a day (that's the secret to it all...)

This is solid.

No reason to get married if you don't have a kid unless it's to shut her up.

Well user, this is my situation:

>Finished apprenticeship at a engineering place, make decent money.
>She finished her uni course, full time job.
>Moved out 6 months ago
>doing the house up so bank balance goes up and down weekly.
>doing just fine, get on really well, loving the independence.


Weddings can be fucking expensive and even if you aren't married (I'm in the UK) As a co inhabitant we would still have to go through lawyers, solictors and everything. So to be fair, marriage is solely for last names and having to tick different boxes on forms.

Wait dude, until you want kids then go for it. If you are happy.

don't we still get a married couples tax break here in 17th century blighty? been with my mrs 10 years now and we'd get married if not for our families both being insufferable and us both loathing any sort of family get together. getting married quietly just seems like a waste of time and money

Tax benefit though.

Alimony > Tax Benefits

yeah see i thought so. it's fucking ridiculous and talk about archaic

Nope, that shit stopped 20+ years ago I think user, speaking to people that have been married multiple times at least

>don't want to drag kid into a mental fuck storm of separation.

My parents are splitting up the day my sister turns 18, and both she and I resent having to live under a roof with the two of them. Don't make your kid live in an unhappy house.

lol'd hard

yeah we're not as antiquated as that here

>My parents are splitting up the day my sister turns 18, and both she and I resent having to live under a roof with the two of them. Don't make your kid live in an unhappy house.

Where the fuck are they meant to go?

...also checkem!

Forget it don't do it ever. The voice of experience talking. All women can ever offer is pussy and then financial ruin close behind.