His language still has grammatical genders

>his language still has grammatical genders
>in 2017

Do you enjoy speaking like troglodytes?

Yeah I'm sure the language of Goethe, Mann or Nietzeche doesn't compare to the beautiful language of Hungarian writers and poets such as


>Hungarian writers and poets
>source needed

Flaunting your ignorance and poor education in world literature does not mean there are no Hungarian writers or poets.
It just shows you're an idiot

Mighty literature you've got if it was exported to Bulgaria and Finland only

What is difficult is that some parts of the articles in German are overlapped.
If each case had had a different article, it would be easier.

It seems there was nothing of value created.

Someone post the Russian articles

We don't use articles


Ask your rapebabies aka bulgarians.
They uses articles

We don't use articles though.


Context provides all the information necessary. Articles are pointless and useless.

O fugg
I always thought you used articles

Tbf, it's kind of funny when people learn speaking German close to natively, but still regularly fuck up six of the most basic words.

>not being able to easily detect foreigners

>Anyone can pass as Hungarian.

We've more than compensated the lack of grammatical gender with everything else in our language.

Great Frog, Mighty Frog
Squashed by a truck
Great Frog, Mighty Frog
Haughty you are, yet also dumb
Great Frog, Mighty Frog
Did you know this is just the start?
Great Frog, Mighty Frog
Who will save you, when the night falls?

Great Frog, Mighty Frog
At least you aren't hungarian
Great Frog, Mighty Frog
More than 4 countries can place you on the map
Great Frog, Mighty Frog
Your eternal rival isn't fucking romanians

>More than 4 countries can place you on the map
Need to know where to send the tanks :^)

>More than 4 countries can place you on the map

I bet the USA isn't among those countries, TOP KEK

>Your eternal rival isn't fucking romanians
As if. Our eternal rival had always been Austria.

Impossible ! we had a forest ! Tanks shouldn't be able to pass through. I call haxx.
>I bet the USA isn't among those countries
You laugh, but you'd be surprised at how many americans thought Russia was going to invade the state of Georgia in 08