Visiting south China next week

Visiting south China next week.
How easy is it to get Chinese girl to fuck?
Where to go?


well you seem to have low standards so not too hard. just remember that if they want to marry they only want a green card.

my standards are not really that low.. just can't find good looking chinese girl kek




mmmm she's very fuckable, more?

general bump for more chinese pussy


so cute, is she hairy or shaved?




hnnnnng! sauce?


so suckable...who is she?


she has no gap between her hole - nasty

easy as anywhere else, unless you want something special. $ can make anything happen

Hostels are pretty good

the chinese are the very worst, by a large margin that will never be closed even in your children's lifetime, asian race. find an asian girl of ANY other race there and you're in a far, far better situation

pretty nice like for getting someone to know? local girls?

looks like a man

Jesus dat looks like a fucking chinese dude with long hair...

As for Japan, they worship white people and really easy to get laid. Not sure about China, but probably even easier. Helps if you got light hair, eyes and taller than average gook.

gross dude, sorry for your loss.

i hope you didn't green card this bitch


that's not chinese?

homo alert

faggot who regrets his "choice" alert



Wtf is that around her anus? anal fistula? or is it just that puckered up?
Also an anal bleaching would go a long way,.

Actually of all the Asian countries Japan is easily the hardest. White people in Japan aren't as cool as you think

>Logitech MX518

That is a fine mouse right there.

Actually a lot of girls will fuck or date white guys for the novelty. Don't expect to be welcomed into the family though

bring your imagination, lotion and some tissues.
Or stay in a high-end hotel and lay out big $ with barman

As no-one else seems to know I will tell you. I spent 3 years living in Beijing so I know what im speaking about.
First things first it really depends on how you look. You don't need to be really great looking, but the Chinese really don't like overweight people. If you're overweight you'll have to pay (I'll get on to that in a minute) otherwise you need to dress fairly well. Nothing expensive, just neat and tidy. Make sure you have a fair about of cash on you. Head to an expat bar. Once you're there you'll see small groups of Chinese girls together. A little smile towards one of them is enough, but make sure you want to fuck them as they won't leave you alone. Buy drinks, lie about your job suggest going back to yours and stick your cock into her.
Now these girls are semi prostitutes, so expect to be asked for money. All chinks want money for sex.

You can offer cash for sex straight out, but it's hard to work out which girls want this and which girl doesn't unless you speak the language.
I would stick to buying drinks and expecting to be asked for money.

Now to find a really hot girl you'll need to find the expat/student district and go to the most expensive club. Dress really well and have a few hundred dollars/pounds on you. Offer drinks, dance etc. She will ask for money if she thinks you're not good looking enough.


Since OP is rude, I think it falls on me to say thank you.
Was lurking as I needed this info.