Women are fucking sexual degenerates just like guys

women are fucking sexual degenerates just like guys

they just hide their power level extremely well

it took me 30 years to figure this out and i feel like a fucking idiot. there. i said it

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You're telling me that naturally sexual beings whose entire evolutionary purpose is to reproduce are sexual?! HOLY SHIT I HAD NO IDEA!

Now look, I hate sluts more than the next guy. But I don't fucking date one. If you're pissed off because someone you love broke your heart, then just get over it man. Fuck her. You don't need her. There's plenty of women out there. Don't resort into falling for one that isn't worth your time.

Most women are whores just not for you


There was some Louis C.K bit about how men to get to fuck women, they get to look at how beautiful they are in go inside them. As a woman, you get to have a disgusting, hairy creature crawl on top of you and thrust his penis into you. Idk, if I was a woman, I'd just be a lesbian.

We do know the man and woman brains are quite different, so how women think about sex is probably different, right, but is also has to do with women are raised.

im happily married

i just never realized the depths. date a woman, marry her etc

suddenly a few bottles of wine and ask the right questions - ho lee fuk

>Current year
>Trusting foul heathens who have no desire to retake the Holy Land
>You heretics make me sick

>so how women think about sex is probably different

thats exactly what im saying

that theory is wrong. its worst shit a guy thinks but slightly worse

they hide it in fear of you not loving them apparently. idk im drunk but my mind is blown

what use is a shitty lock that opens to any key

I get the feeling, could be totally wrong, and it's just speculation, that yeah women are just like men and want to have sex a lot. We're just 2 pieces of a puzzle that go together, but society has created lots of rules about how women should act, and they live in fear maybe of being seen as a slut, in the same way men fear approaching a woman because they fear of coming off as a creep. Maybe it's wrong to compare the 2 things, but I don't know. Maybe this is jut how men and women will always be, and we'll have to do our little dance, and show our bright feathers to attract the woman, but I think some maybe know it's all an act, and just want to have sex with whoever. I mean, men, don't we care less about personality and hobbies of a woman, than they do in regards to us? Why is that?

they all think it, acting on it is a different story

You've got no idea about women. If you think you're sexual drive is lower or equal to theirs you're a faggot.

aww you finaly found someone to explore sexually with
and she's far kinkier than your dumbass will ever be.

i just never really thought women think so completely fucked up

then i asked 'so, were your other female friends kind of like this growing up?' without a hitch 'yeah, all of them'. conversations was so dark im probably not going to bring it up sober

i feel foolish is all. legit been blind for 30 years. tonight i see


Just the first part.

Women are probably more fucked up than most men. Think of what it would be like to be someone, ever since you could remember, people would try to get with you, because they wanted to fuck you. If that's all you've ever known, what kinda person do you turn out to be? Not whiteknighting or saying women are precious, people that can do no wrong, but aren't they fucked up? I think so lol

I think men are generally easier to talk to and get along with. With women, you always feel like you're missing some underlying signal they're sending you.

This. Even if they're not attractive, thanks to feminism and the fact that most men are desperate af, virtually every single girl thinks she can get exactly what she wants out of life 24/7

Women are just child adults.

It's not just societal norms at play, it's because of conflicting evolutionary strategies. For men, the most efficient strategy for spreading your genetics is to have sex with as many women as possible. For women, the most efficient strategy is to choose a partner who will stick around throughout the pregnancy and child-rearing long enough to successful raise a child until sexual maturity.

This is why many women are more likely to wait to have sex, or to "test" a potential mate, and many men will attempt to sleep with as many women as possible.

in a pg-13 way, yeah

i thought id found the bottom though. truth be told ive looked for it with ex's. come to find out there is no bottom. well, not one im willing to explore or it'll get really, really weird

i cant explain it. some guy reading this thread will come to this same revelation one day and remember reading this

It is pretty aggravating, but you can't really blame them. If you knew you could get what you want with barely any work (as in just being born with 2 X chromosomes), you would do it too.

That kinda makes me feel for women in that regard, because if you were attracted to a man, and loved him, and you knew he was just horny, and would wanna fuck the next moist warm hole, you'd be more picky. That's the thing, women can be picky, but men don't have that luxury.

>Women are just child adults.


youre completely missing what im saying