This is absolutely unacceptable. equal pal for equal work please

This is absolutely unacceptable. equal pal for equal work please

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Whoring for replies, I see.

Sure - as soon as women do equal work, they'll get the commensurate pay.

oooooh I'd love to see how little women make with productivity based pay.

I work with women. We make the same pay. Yet they don't to the same work. Equal work please.

The number of times each day I get asked by women to do tasks for them because it involves moving a bit of weight, or the objects are slightly overhead...
Get your fucking pallet jack and move the shit. I don't have time. Or pay me personally, $0.21 an hour to do the things you're too lazy to do by yourself.

This gap is a lie. Women get paid less on average mostly because on average they are in a lower position.

At equal job positions, pay is very nearly equal.

Women should be trying to close the management/executive gap instead.

so close

Women even get paid less in positions where they determine their own pay (CEO small company, one-person company etc)

Oddly this never turns up in these comparisons

1) it's illegal to do that
2) there is no proof of it happening ever at all in the past 40 years
3) even 40 years ago when the "study" first came out, it was debunked quickly
but it's the only "point" that feminists have that people still widely believe for literally zero reason whatsoever

In fact, some women make more than men in equal circumstances in many positions, especially in certain industries (modeling, pornography).


You missed a word, comma, and period. Here is your dollar shill pay with 21 cent moron tax.

I agree men who do physical, hard work should be getting paid a lot more than a receptionist/office working woman. Great point op.


What would realistically happen if you were allowed to pay women less for equal work/hours?

>some women make more than men in equal circumstances in many positions
On average, childless women under 30 make 8% more than their male counterparts.


>Believing the raw statistic without viewing the underlying cause

That's probably because they take jobs where they can get tipped and make fucking bank while pretending they make $2 an hour

>woman too lazy to draw work part

I see what you did.

>What would realistically happen if you were allowed to pay women less for equal work/hours?
They'd work cheaper, underbidding each other to get the job because they see their income as "supplemental" to their husband's.
At least that's what happened before the Equal pay act was passed in 1963.

>equal work

That's where you have it wrong, fag.

>That's probably because they take jobs where they can get tipped and make fucking bank
No, it's probably because they get preferential treatment in college admissions and financial aid.
Most college grads are female.

Statistically yes, its true. But not in the way feminazis want you to believe.

In the same position, a woman makes the same as a man. It would be illegal otherwise.
Thing is, every woman has a choice what career to pursue. If they go for lower paying jobs, of course they will be paid less, and the statistic will show that a woman makes 79 cents to every man's dollar, or whatever.
Two delivery drivers for the same company make the same wage no matter the gender.

They're also more likely to be employed in government office jobs, which pay more than an equivalent private industry job.


Best argument I heard was from a female medium sized business owner. She said
>if women were actually paid less, then every employee in my company would be a woman because I'm in a competitive market and that would give me an advantage over my opposition

The "wage gap" doesn't exist but the reason people believe it isn't really wrong. of course when you compare every nigger athletes pay to every spics gardening pay, there's going to be a huge gap. it doesn't mean niggers as a whole get paid more and we're discriminating against spics

Not even this. They simply don't have the higher paying positions by choice. They are unwilling to do certain things men are. The Obama administration wanted to address the wage gap to appease the faggy dems, and then they found out the real issue is that women do not opt for the higher paying jobs and positions.

Where a lower class guy is willing to slave away for $20/hr in a factory, his female counterpart is not. She would be in a cubicle environment shitting it up with pictures while pretending to input values in excel files and talking to her friends for $12/hr.

Notice this argument never gives a solution. Because there isn't one. It's just a general accusation. How can you solve a "gender pay gap" when it's by choice and different positions? If it really existed, you could easily implement discrimination laws to force employers to pay everyone the same independent of gender for positions. It turns out, they already do and there are discrimination laws in effect.

And Women are nearly always the parent to take time off for kids, paid or unpaid but this is also a choice, Women want the flexibility to be there for their kids but statistics will never be able to span these things.

>bottom of that list
How hard is it to be a Boilermaker, driller of earth, concrete/cement worker, or any of those other 95%+ male jobs?
it sounds like they pay well which is why men do it. also they have a duty to the people of the earth to give them their god damn luxuries

They get stressed out too easily.

Says the Patriarchy

>women strong!
>women equal!
>women can do anything a man can do!
>but you men need to do everything for us!
>like give us jobs we're unqualified for!

I had a coworker ask me to move their computer for them because it was 'heavy' the other day. The fucking thing couldn't have been more than 15 lbs.

Yes they pay well, a lot of them also require time away from family and plenty of them have an element of danger pay included. Also they're fucked generally.

how do you determine who is smarter? IQ test?

the gender pay gap is a myth

>work at kmart
>employed as a cashier
>there's also doug and two girls
>doug gets paid most, me and two girls make the same
>we have to jump around the store to do other things to pitch in
>i took mopping spills and other gross shit
>doug deals with hard customers and lifting heavy shit
>the girls just sit around when there's nothing to do
it fucking sucks. I'm torn between wanting to be a lazy shit like them and make easy money, but also wanting them to contribute like we do. i know they'd fuck it up, do a bad job, make their attitudes worse and create drama, but it's just not fair

If the wage gap is that huge why would companies even bother hiring men ? Just hire women and save a fuck ton of money.

Women are smarter. No test required.



Will you idiots just make up your minds with this wage gap nonsense?

>This is absolutely unacceptable. equal pal for equal work please
so, you want the pussy to get only 3 Cents an hour?


>my minimum wage pay is more than her minimum wage pay



I almost got thrown out of my SJW sociology class when we discussed this topic for just mentioning the mind bending fact that most jobs increase pay with experience, since the majority of women do at one time or another take the time out of work for children they thus have less overall experience and years in the work force than men do - thus a naturally occurring wage gap.

anyone else think this just makes logical sense?

>equal work

lmao, good one.

I think anyone believing in "Muh wage gap" is beyond reason and needs to be put down for the good of humanity.

Don't be bringing logic into a muh feels argument user

Since you were polite and said please i will change it.

I'm not your pal, friend

Refusing to acknowledge a woman's emotions regarding the wage gap, might as well be raping her all over again.

I'm not your friend, buddy

at the same time

They have sjw class?

While your at it. Equal for equal work for young people as well, why do young people 18-25 (UK) get paid less than minimum wage for doing the same job?

Were u trying to get this pic?

Equal pay for everyone. And goodwill towards me.

only proves how much of a pussy of a man you are.


Implying women can do any productive qualified job other than wash dishes, suck dick and take it in the ass

That's the other problem. Women don't work well together. They aren't team players.

I work in a department that is predominantly males in a place that is predominantly females. There's a department that we work closely with that is all females. Every day they have internal issues that slow and halt productivity. In fact, it bleeds over, because one of the male managers from our department has to always play damage control with them, tying him up all day. They never get shit done and we always out perform them, even though we have retards working for us.

They do not really belong in the conventional work place. The only way I see them ever being productive is if they have one guy in charge and it's ran like a 1940's, cut throat, do or die sort of way.

I'm okay with the picture
My experience with women co-workers:
>9-5 office job
>women get to the office almost always past 9, usually 9:30-10
>spend the next 30 minutes walking around the office, making coffee and just chatting with other of their kind.
>leave for another 30minutes for a cigarette
>"work" for an hour
>2 hour lunch time
>coffee break/ smoke break combo
>"work" for an hour
>go home at 4

>girls just sit around when there's nothing to do
what are they supposed to do when theres nothing to do? are you one of those euphoric ass-licker types who frantically run around at work and do unnecessary stuff just to be doing something? fucking hate people like this.

Why aren't they fired?

>SJW sociology class
>logical sense

I think I found yer problem.

I can bring the example of Switzerland.

Albeit the wage gap is diminishing it still exist.

> women work less in average
> men are more willing to take up for extra hours
> women are shy and don't ask for loan rises, or not effectively
> women work for lower paid job

PDF on the data in the picture:

"equal work"
start by pulling this off first, then get paid the same bruh

I've found one as well.


No, I find something to do because the boss doesn't want to fuck me. Fold shirts, front some items, because I don't have a vagina.
You make it extreme by calling it "euphoric ass licking who frantically run around" and call it unncessary, but the boss man tells you to not sit around if you can't get pregnant.

Damn that's pretty old. I haven't seen the USAF in Woodland BDUs in a while.

They do this everywhere, guy.

I'm a man. If this is true, then I want more money. I demand as much as other men.

women do not work on logic, they work on emotion. they're both brain things, and it's not their fault that they're not the same as us, but you also don't have to give into their bullshit. unless it's college and you're paying for the privilege

>mfw shitpost

I work at a supermarket in the uk, haven't seen a problem, there is only one fat old bitch who does nothing and is for some reason always in the break room.

Sir, you have attempted to wound my pride and left me with no recourse.

I demand satisfaction.

Where I work, in my (professional) position, men and women are paid equally.

For saying it exists you fucked up. The wagegap is a lie.
Women on average don't ask for the higher up jobs and ask for less money/promotion options and major in classes, which don't give the highpaying jobs. That's IT.

govt faggot

Well where I live we are far too "progressive" for that kind of efficiency.

Nope, but we have a union.

It's a lie and you know it see

Even simple trying to understand it is sexist.

from what i read, women are not paid less, they simply prioritize family over salary.
theyre more likely to choose jobs with less hours or more flexibility so that they can take care of children, while men will go for maximum salary and say fuck having a life.


Obvious troll OP. Wage gap is fiction.

women can't lift heavy things. /thread

Are you retarded?

almost 10% of the total salary difference (about 20%) is explainable only by discrimination and sexism.

1.21 gigawatts

why would you hire a man when you could hire a woman when she gets 20 % less?

They're going all out

The skills required for female-dominated occupations receive too little recognition and for this reason are underappreciated in terms of pay. These skills include manual dexterity, exposure to monotonous and repetitive tasks, empathy or organisational skills.

that might be funny if it were true. just making up a lie makes it fucking stupid. yes.

Maybe When men start asking employers for 6 months of paid maternity leave. Maybe when they start having to leave early 2 days a week to get the kids to soccer practice.

What he means to say is that the arts are being eliminated as an occupation due to consumer mass and demand.

Woe humanity.

prove it. show your PAY STUB or whatever government issued tax statement you get from that shit hole you live in. if not sharpie in the fucking pooper.