If Sup Forums had the chance to destroy humanity, would they do it?

If Sup Forums had the chance to destroy humanity, would they do it?


too many billions of mindless sheep leading us in the wrong direction.......

problem is, only the money flinging elites will get to safety... we need the real Humans to survive, the workers, the thinkers, ..... some musicians ,... lol... ya know what I mean

So, overall, I believe we are doomed.

also.... your pic is NOT a fucking Gif.... Stop that

Why? SJWs and the LGBT(x) Community is doing it already.

No of course I wouldn't i'm not some edgy 14 year old who wants everyone to die

Yeah if they got to safety then that isn't destroying humanity then is it...

World wide simultaneous fatal triggering. Most men and children will survive.

But it ends with .gif

So that means it's a gif

>wanting the world to become more gay
well it works, but i would prefer some nukes


>Most men and children will survive
Fucking degenerate paedo detected

Which adds to the fact why you should destroy everything

I think humanity is well on its way for destroying itself. All you need to do is wait.

>not posting a gif

do you think everyone would actually die???? trillions of people.. at least millions of them have some sort of access to a bunker of some sort.. a few of them have the best bunkers with the quickest alerts ... as for the rest of us.... animal instinct takes over,,, hid in holes, caves, underground, attack Govt. facilities in rage...

My point is , surely Someone will survive....


Man. Sucks for the people simultaneously experiencing a hurricane and asteroid collision in OPs photo.

anyone else have issues with the halloween theme, it looks fine, but i have trouble reading greentext

>not posting a spoopy gif

> Trillions
My fucking sides

and no people wouldn't survive else you're not destroying humanity are you? Like...are you ok?

lets dance

I got a rash, right under my balls

I dont bother itching it anymore, just throw a sheet of 180 grit under that sucker and I'm good to go

Fucking kek

>>destroying humanity

you are retarded,

I wish you luck tho.

Holy fuck how are you even alive

