This is exactly why I support "Black Lives Matter"

This is exactly why I support "Black Lives Matter".

Other urls found in this thread:

But isn't "Cop Killer" Tupac's song?

Tupac's poem was written by a white person.

Wow. Really makes you think.


what black lives matter have to do with american industry killing musicians with charisma

When black 'musicians' stop rhyming nigger with nigger, I'll give a shit about their lives.

His best rhyme was on the track "Humpty Dance" when he said,
"Durr reer durr ruh, durr reer durr ruu".
He was wearing a trench coat and standing next to the guy with silly glasses. He was so hardcore.

black musician. kill on sight.

i like first 45 sec

Dude sounds like he's in middle school.

Ray Steamturd

Genuinely can't think of a single African American to have made a positive impact to music.

Chuck Berry
Jimi Hendrix
Some others probably. I dunno, MJ?

You've never heard of hopsin bro?

also a lot of jazz musicians were black, but (and thats the big difference) not niggers

And what positive impact did they have? Empowering niggers and sowing the seeds for a race war?

Not even funny racism


why would you not? it's not saying others don't matter


Yes, Chuck Berry being a break out rock and roll performer will be sited as the first salvo in the upcoming race war. Come on dude you can hate niggers all you want but dont pretend none of them have made good music.

Lol u mad whit gurl?

Well, that's because you're a complete moron. Just about all genres of American music were invented by blacks, even rock and roll, rockabilly, country music. You will reply with a meme because you have not a original thought in your mind brain.

He'll reply comparing a white poet with Lil Wayne or some shit.



>Just about all genres of American music were invented by blacks
That explains why American music is so inferior to European music.

But that shit is false, its a common misconception that blacks are the creators or many musicstyles when in fact they did not even create rap/hip-hop, they never created anything if you actually do some work and check the true history behind music-styles.


This is why we need racism, so dumb white girls learn not to date ugly niggers.

Wouldn't mind if it wasn't an ugly nigger tbh

This is why I could never go full white nationalist. I think a lot of what black people do is retarded and yes, they are clearly inferior in a historical sense. But lets not pretend no black person has ever done anything worthwhile.

Is there a follow up where she has a black eye and he's in handcuffs?

Black Guns Matter

Blacks were the pioneers of Jazz. an american art form.

I call bullshit. I have a degree in Jazz Studies, and can say with full certainty that Jazz was created mainly by blacks, after being influenced by European style of music. The first jazz musician is credited to a black man by the name of Buddy Bolden, back in the 1870s-80s. Jazz pretty much led to every other style of popular music, considering it eventually became THE style of music until around the 1930s-40s. Whites had to make it truly popular, due to discrimination. This can be evidenced by the fact that the first mainstream jazz song is credited to the Original Dixieland Jazz Band in 1917, wayyy after Bolden.

>tl;dr blacks most certainly had a huge impact on almost every popular style of music to come out in over the past 100 years, notwithstanding whites taking the credit most of the time. Tell me I'm wrong.



Nah hopsin is a boss that grills pretty much all the popular shit tier rappers and calls them out as such. Guy calls out niggers for keeping themselves down and shit like that

You know theirs a place in NZ that's called KKK?

Just listened to that white guy's song. I was expecting some good punk like Flipper, but yeah. Electronic post-punk is kinda weird.

good for you
I aint taking the bait and create a nigger thread here tho

BLM is racist terrorist group, Russia agrees.


>the space one
Oh shit.
That needs to be worked into some fake motivational poster.

Nat King Cole

>h-h-he'll respond with a may may xdd!!
>gives a serious albeit outlandish response
>xdd u have teh autizms

Please friend, Reddit is that way.

>I have a degree in Jazz Studies
Holy shit dude... I'm so... I'm so sorry.


Hopkins music is shit

low quality hail? wtf