What's this

What's this

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucka youu dophiin

Your mom

Your mom

You mom


Your mom

Vision of twisted mind.

Your mom

yer mum m8

It is a dead fish, it is no more, it has ceased to be. The fish is bereft of life, it rests in peace. This is an ex-fish.

You're mom

Yuor mam

It's your mother

Your mother, I'm told.

Bloated, dead dolphin or other whale type.

Also OP's mom.

its a pineapple, like this one


>You're mom
You're mom = you are mom ... idiot

Fucka youu whale


You can't /thread your own post, faggot.


Upon closer inspection, I'd say its your mother.

faintly i’ll go
to take this head on

soon i’ll come around
lost and never found
waiting for my words
seen but never heard
buried underground
but i’ll keep coming

wipe those tears off
and make your heart proud

soon i’ll come around
lost and never found
waiting for my words
seen but never heard
buried underground
but i’ll keep coming

i’ll keep coming

You are mom

what is this mental shitposting

You're mom



A porpoise I would assume, although I'm guessing there is something I'm missing

>Chicken and Cowwwww

>A porpoise I would assume, although I'm guessing there is something I'm missing

For all intensive porpoises, I think it's your mom.

But just to play double's advocate, they're a diamond dozen.



Its a whale

This guy knows