Why do third worlders desperately want to move to the first world?

why do third worlders desperately want to move to the first world?

In a race or competition, why would you want to come third if you could come first?

i guess im not a competitive person

Youd die here if you weren't competitive.
India isn't exactly third world but given a choice most of us would like to move away.

Because people don't like to live in their shitholes. What the point even asking such thing

Poland counts as 1st world?

>India isn't exactly third world
Kek. It's the definition of it

>India isn't exactly third world

>India isn't exactly third world


Because they won't to destroy first world and make all countries to be third world.

India was a founding member of the non aligned movement. Third world originally referred to the countries that were a part of that.

And besides, the only reason India comes out barely better than Africa in most vital statistics is the AIDS epidemic in Africa. You're equal on everything else.

because they earn 10x times for the same work in there, also, better living condition, services, etc.

don't bomb my country next time

We move to 1st world countries because we believe that the pay there is good. We dont do it for our selves but for our families back home.

>India isn't exactly third world
i got news for you

>India isn't exactly third world

More like 4th world, you don't even use toilets.

>complete chimp ou with 100+ reported murders in just 5 days in a medium sized city because the police stopped patrolling the streets.

Most Brazilians actually want to stay in Brazil to be quite frank

*chimp out

I would like to see my team winning and not join the winning team

No idea. I quite enjoy it here, honestly.


i dont know either. you should ask yourself, why do you want to come to europe?

As long as I keep my job here, I'm fine where I'm at now. However, seeing shitfilled streets does get boring after a while.


>thread is about third worlders moving to the first world
>a first worlder who moved to the third world responds