Gimmie one good reason why NOT to vote for him and no SJW bull

Gimmie one good reason why NOT to vote for him and no SJW bull

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he is clearly not very intelligent and had his wealth handed to him by daddy - fuck rich fucks

He's not Rand Paul

You're no only clueless, you're brain dead.

What? Not even close. He DID get a million dollars from his papi, but look at what he turned that into. He turned that million dollars into billions, and no matter what you say, that takes some serious skill.

Anyone raised in these networks of privilege like DT can do that. Also, Obama has a point: when has he ever stood up for collective bargaining, i.e., blue collar workers? What makes you think he will turn around and fight for the working class now? It doesn't make sense.

no one wants to work with him and so he can't possibly accomplish anything

>a million dollars

It was a lot more than 1 mill

>He turned that million dollars into billions

So he claims. We have no idea what kind of debts he has. He doesn't own 100% of any of his properties.

>Anyone raised in these networks of privilege like DT can do that.

So every kid who ever inherited a million can become a billionaire, huh? Where are they all?

>stand up for collective bargaining

That battle was fought before Trump was even born. If Obama said that, he's even more of a fucking moron than I thought.

>Hey user. Why haven't you stood up and campaigned against racial segregation in elementary schools? Racist!

See? Retarded.

I am not an american

media whore

He thinks trickle-down economics works. We tried that. It doesn't.

Because its fucking donald trump

If it was literally anyone else hilary wouldnt stand a chance, but its fucking donald trump

The sheer fact he got the republican nomination is miraculous, and is testiment to just how shit the GOP has become.

Like really, mother fucking jared from subway would have a better chance of beat hilary, bill fucking cosby would be a sure thing! But who do we get? Fucking donald trump.

You're a fucking tard user. He literally said "small loan of a million dollars". It was even a meme. It wasn't "a lot more than 1 mill". Also, I guarantee he's not in the hole. It would be pretty stupid to assume that with no evidence.

>look at what he turned that into
Yeah, look at it. Pretty pathetic given what he started with.

He graba da poosi

He also appears to know almost nothing for foreign affairs and military history. He thinks that randomly shouting dead general's names makes him sound learned. His answers to any geopolitical discussion reveal his ignorance. The only thing I like about his views is he is apparently against foreign military adventures, but that clashes with his promised increase in military expenditure. He is dangerous. Fuck reality TV and fuck DT.

I cant, He already had my vote
Dont let this video gets banned

Actually we did try that, and it worked. Your bullshit metrics of wealth disparity don't reflect quality of living.


Dude's a man-child.

Just look at who your company will be. What a bunch of ignorant degenerates.

He bankrupted 6 companies. He'll bankrupt America.

he doesn't have a vagina

This is a country, not a company. Each has a completely different set of qualifications.

you should vote for him... I am planning to vote for him

I have a feeling he will attempt to do away with antitrust laws for his own benefit.

Because you don't want to make America great again.

It'll be hilarious to see how he acts after he loses. Also the resulting shit storm in Sup Forums would be the stuff legends are made of.

Never paid my business back on work we did. In total paid us like 15%of the agreed price and we lost some workers due to late wages.
So Fuck him.
You're past your bed time op. Go ask your daddy for some milk and go to sleep.

He wouldn't benefit. None of his companies are even remotely close to monopoly size. Most of his companies are bankrupt or failing. Rumors say he's almost broke.

>my business
Details and they better be specific or you're just another lying cunt of a CTR shill.

I'm so Fucking excited for this, too. It's gonna be an assault of keks on par with the battle for Helm's Deep. I know my family will be ranting for weeks on Facebook, autistic hillbillies that they are.

Well, dam when you put it that way... But seriously Trump is a idiot matched only by his supporters.

Make sure to save lots of screenshots of Sup Forums predicting Trump victory and claiming the polls are wrong. It makes it so much funnier when Trump loses.

Try this for a start OP

Vote him then impeach in a year. But he can cause the bump in process that America needs. Someone to shift the process. Yes. He is a retard. But perhaps that's what you need... A moment to pause and evaluate strategy. But give him a year and challenge him every step of the way.

>waah, i didnt do a good job and so people should feel sorry when i dont get paid

We don't want Pence to take over either. He's a troglodyte from the stone age. I wouldn't be surprised if he grabbed a Bible and started a literal hunt for witches.

That shit was so cash. I laughed so hard I had a coughing fit when I heard Romney lost. I couldn't wait to get home and get on here. Looking forward to the same thing this year.

>rumors say
10 cents added to your acount

He blatantly opposes net neutrality and promotes censorship.

>oh, wait that's shillary

No. As soon as I say what we did you'll be able to find us easily, and we're keeping it low this election cycle.
More details I can share:
We had a signed contract. Out of his fat ass he pulled something he didn't like, that wasn't specified in writing, and didn't pay. We went to court and it prolonged for 5 or 6 months while his lawyers blocked us again and again. We had to settle, since we could not afford to keep our law team working.
Op is a faggot.

It's just a rumor but I do believe it since another Trump company just went out of business this year which makes 6 in total. And he's had bad business deals before that brought him to the edge of ruin.

Trump sucks. But Hillary will lead to war, and that's the last thing I want. So, pass your judgement. But I don't want my kids drafted into an involuntary war. Putin wants peace. So do I. I'm not a communist. I'm just a guy looking out for my kids.

If Putin wanted peace he'd stop invading and killing people. Putin wants total world domination and Trump the cuck is willing to give it to him in exchange for Putin's dick up his ass.


Seriously.? How long have you been trolling?
>Trump sucks. But Hillary will lead to war

It's the other way around. Are you not paying attention?
Trump has the diplomatic skills of a turd or child trowing a tantrum. Hillary is as cuorrupt as hell but shit wont start a war.

he seems unstable and petty as fuck. What presidential candidate has twitter wars lmao.

My sources say that may not be true. But go on. I speak for Canada, the largest country in the world by space, standing up for number 2.


Yeah the guy who invaded Georgia, Ukraine, and murdered people with polonium totally wants peace...

Fucking retard.


> So every kid who ever inherited a million can become a billionaire, huh? Where are they all?

They are all over spending their billions, go fucking search google. They dont need to be on tv for you to know they exist

How fucking dense are you? Hill-dogg has started about 5 wars now, and authorized drone strikes across the globe.

That corrupt bitch is a died-in-the-wool war hawk.

Trump will talk shit, the other guy will talk shit, and both will grumble and go their own way. No war. Hill-dogg gets paid big for every conflict across the globe. The clinton foundation takes millions, 10s of millions in 'donations' before approving arms sales to dictators across the globe. This shit is common knowledge. Look it up faggot.

Your battle, my friend.

he is not qualified to be president of the US. he will create a black hole of conspiracies that will destabilize the very institutions that sustain the nation.

hillary is a crook and a liar. but in 4 years there still be a country.

voting for a third option is useless.

I'm going to vote against him to keep America great.

> he has billions

You know this how? Have you seen his taxes? Or just believing his words only?

You're delusional.

I am pretty sure he said no retarded SJW shit

I will live peacefully in my house. In Canada. Regardless of who you vote for. And be happy I don't have a homicidal maniac at the helm. This is your problem, not mine.

ITT: Retards planning to waste what is probably the last chance to kick career politicians out government

Seriously, why? Career politicians like Bill, Hillary, Obama, Cruz, Romney, and the rest of them are so disconnected from reality it'd be hilarious if their decisions didn't impact millions. Compared to Hillary, Trump is less likely to immediately start a war (see Hillary's irrational hatred of Russia and the Middle East). Trump has promised to work to stop the flood of refugees coming here taking jobs and leeching off of government benefits. Trump has promised to work towards implementing Congressional term limits, so the same fuckers don't stay in office forever.

I'm not saying Trump is a saint - far from it. What I am saying is that he hasn't yet betrayed the entirety of the American people. Hillary has, by storing national secrets on a privately owned server (illegal), failing to turn over all communications data upon leaving her tenure as SoS as required by the Freedom of Information Act, defying Congressional subpoenas and preservation orders, among many other things.

Essentially, what I'm saying is this: if you refuse to vote for Trump, at least refuse to give your vote to someone who already broke the law for "convenience" and then tried to cover it up rather than suffer the consequences.

and look, kept the ruskies at bay till now. that's why we need her to have more power


One in ten Albertans own a gun. Come knocking.

what is SJW about what I wrote?

Allegedly. He was also bailed out by daddy a lot.


good one!

If you're 1 of the 90% of canadians living on the border then the radiation will affect you when russia nukes usa

It created jobs though.

My thoughts on the whole affair.

And clinton isn't?

>kept the ruskies at bay
Excellent work, seeing as there is literally no evidence of Russian aggression against the United States.

He is likely to start World War III. I ain't tryna hear that.

He has paranoid and fascistic tendencies that would ultimately lead to a further erosion of our civil liberties.

1984 with a Star Spangled Banner

Are you telling me his plan to file America for bankruptcy may backfire?

>at bay
ask Ukraine and the caucus how that's going right about now, lol.

He's not hillary clinton

Except by taking on careers in politics, they have distanced themselves from the reality of the people their decisions influence.

Bullshit. Hillary hasn't met a war she wouldn't support. She is a heeyuge war hawk.

His policies are 50% unfeasible and 50% autistic
He'd be the worst president since Reagan. Maybe even since Hoover

OP said "no SJW shit".
Whole thread is SJW shit lol.

nine in ten albertans live near some of the most well-known silos in the USA

have fun getting nuked faggot

Would rather have a well funded military tbh fam.

Underrated post

Economic policy will put us several trillion dollars more into debt.

Its funny because its happening again, i have some friends that are Trumpies and cant wait to drag my dick across their face when they lose, imagine Trumps twitter!! Ahhhh im cumming just thinking about it

He's saying you're making a lot of assumptions, like I would be doing if I said Hillary's emails make her a criminal before she was charged for anything

fdr was apart of the millionaire class but you probably think hes great

that was their own fault, they elected a maniac who thew the country under the bus for a chance at coming under putin's wing

It takes me multiple hours at 100km/hr to get there. So no. I have to deal with BS winters. But I am safe and cozy. The rest is your problem.

Holy shit, who's taking on carriers? This should be awesome!

>No experience
>Claims to be better than "career politicians" but focuses on anything but policy
>Most of his ventures have failed and like Hillary he's been investigated by federal authorities
>Has suggested to the Chinese that they back out of an international deal to prevent climate change
>Is pretty much tactless yet is running for an office that demands an ability to communicate effectively with the public, foreign leaders, and other officials.

He may be likely to start World War III, but Hillary definitely will. She's extremely likely to authorize increased unprovoked aggression against Russia, and will likely view any attempts by the Russians to defend their sovereignty as aggression warranting further military presence. This is how wars start, mate.

There is growing evidence that he is not good at business/his life at all. In 80s he was treading water until "the art of the deal". A billion under in the 90s. Daddy's death gave him a bump. "apprentice" gave another bump. He's underwater again, hence the lack of campaign funds and no tax release. He want's to be president simply to fix his life.

So you suppory the historically pro censorship, sjw approved, war hawk?

Except he actually did shit for the poor and suffering