Let's say in an alternate world where humans had never evolved in the first place and nature is untouched...

Let's say in an alternate world where humans had never evolved in the first place and nature is untouched, what if I dropped in 1 million newborn babies on a single continent not too far from each other? Most of them would die of course, but by probability some would crawl to bushes and eat berries and maybe even survive to their walking age. If at least out of a million 400 are able to survive to adulthood, could they form their own society and culture through generations?


>able to crawl

Dude human babies are one of the most defenseless young of any species. We have high investment kids most often. I think youd just have 1 million dead babies on a virginal planet.

Newborns can't do shit. They'd have to be rescued by a wolf or something. Then you'd have a shitload of feral wolf kids.

Nigga....they would all die unless someone helped some of them

They would all die within minutes of being left.

Newborn humans are useless. They can't even lift their own heads.

Yeah newborns aren't gonna survive. All dead for sure.


age 3 son

You're gonna have to chalk that up to a billion newborns if you want your plan to work, you maniac.

>eat berries

underrated post.

They'd just feed the local fauna

Absolute madman

Billion dead newborn babies.

You're actually a fucking idiot

Let's keep the thread alive, what other alternate realities do you guys think would be interesting to see unfold

Even better

OP is a fucktard. Humans are a type of animal that has offspring that require care for a serious about of time. ZERO would survive


literally all of them would die

I think you need to revise your little experiment to one year olds ... at least

Had the Chinese or Roman Empire came and successfully settled the Americas.

2, had WW1 'axis' powers successfully convinced mexico to attack the united states

WTF do you think this is Op? A fucking rugrats movie?? You need to unfuck your self boy.

There would literally be a million dead newborns within two days. Literal newborns can't do shit without their parents.

I'm saying until like 3 ish every single one would die

Humans are social animals. They can't survive out of a group that teaches them what to do with their brain, which is our only evolutionary advantage.

Oooo nice, I think it would be amazing to see how Mexico would be if the Aztecs weren't wiped out by the European

Oops, don't know why that's so spaced out

Um you'd need to come up with a reason for those things to happen in the first place, not just think about what would happen next. China would have to want something from the Americas. Which is possible. The Inca had one of the only things China lacked- silver. But their usual modus operandi was to build trading posts and trade with existing govts, not launch a crusade like Spain usually did.

>newborn babies
>no milky titties to suckle

...As for Rome, again, how did they survive until that kind of ship technology existed? What kind of empire were they at that point, and what was their motivation?

Kek'd irl

>newborn humans
Dude nah. Have you ever even Seen a newborn?

Romans probably wouldn't have colonized to the extent of the Europeans because they were already maintaining such a huge empire already.
Probably just trading ports and some small carribean islands.

From what height are you going to drop them? 1-2 meters? You do realize that newborns are extremely fragile?

>powers successfully convinced mexico to attack the united states

As far as the impact upon the greater world conflict, who can say? For the conflict itself it would have been a shitfest. The US probably would have won due to simply having greater wealth, but it would have been an inconclusive affair with both sides calling a truce after shooting each other for awhile in shitty deserts.

What would Sup Forums do if the ozon layer decided to leave and we have 3 days to prepare for a gravity free vacuum?

We cant do anythinf
If all oxygen dissapeared, so would all water
Any oxygen compound would crumble or explode
And your inner ear would pop from lack of pressure, possible killing you

I'm assuming the ozone-free thing and the gravity-free thing are not causally related in any way.


No in fact all the newborn babies would die. Now 1 million toddlers? Maybe a few make it.

I'd do my damnest to sweet talk it into changing its mind

I've worked in labor and delivery units.

I've worked in Neonatal Intensive Care units.

You'd have a million dead kiddos.


Even if they got to a "berry bush", infants can't sustain off of that. They need breast milk for a reason. It gives them antibodies when they can't produce.

For fucks sake they can't even crawl yet, that's a skill that takes weeks if not months in some kids.

A better question would be if you dropped a million 4 through 6 years olds with immunization boosters into this scenario. Watch Erikson and Freud go to work and things turn all Lord of the Flies.

I brainfarted

Basically itd be cavemen. And from those cavefags the new human evolution would grow and wed all be ayy lmaos posting on ücheen, calling each other fægs

We could prepare vacuum sealed containers and collect food? So we could at least float into space and aim for a space station? Maybe kidnap a hot lass to fuck before we ultimately die anyway..

>Worlds ending
>Time to FUCK
You are the reason we are dying

Fucking is actually known for causing more life :D

Not when we have 3 days you imbecile


I can give you a mouthfull of my living seed within minutes!


You may not wanna say that to any girls if you wanna get laid, mate

Where OP is not a faggot.

Second round I last hours :D


All this talk about dead babies ;)

op if you dropped million 3-5 year olds you would be in business.That were only showed survival vids (no taint from interaction only visual ques they where all breast fed but the mothers never spoke) you get a better outcome

You're a fucking idiot.

If in your sleep everyone but you were to disappear, no corpses or anything.



Have you ever seen a newborn baby, OP?

It's basically a piece of squirming meat.

There is 0.00000% chance any of those 1million newborn babies would survive.

Tell me you don't think the ozone layer is what's keeping our feet on the ground...