Hey Sup Forums Op is about to be a father today

Hey Sup Forums Op is about to be a father today

If anyone got something they wanna say or share reply to this thread

Damit reply to my thread


Congrats Op, word of advice, DO NOT have sex with your kid, just thought I'd throw that out there before the Sup Forumstards waded in. Good Luck!

Kill it with fire

is it too late to abort?

Word of advice OP. When your kid is the age of consent, and they're into it, consider fucking them.

Them being mid 20's is better to aim for, because they're much more psychologically stable then, less likely to damage them.

I lost.

OK I am at the birth place and my girlfriend is about to go into labor if any advice could be givin please help an OP out

Op here.... I'm having a boy by the way

Hands can get pregnant?

Idk but sounds like it physically can't

Good for you. Fatherhood is awesome once kids get old enough to really interact with.

Its pretty intense, but if you can stomach it, watch that head crown and baby come out. Its amazing.

Fatherhood is amazing. Boy or girl?
With a boy, you only have to worry about one dick. With a girl, you have to worry about all the dicks.

At least OP will only have to worry about your dick for the first 12 years or so...


I'm having A boy and I'm waiting for them to call me in but I will keep Sup Forums updated

OP Here dose anyone from Sup Forums even wanna see my pregnant girlfriend???

You mean pics of her pushing your spawn out of her axe wound? Sure.


I'll see what I could do

I have a pic of her pregnant if interested

Are you a prophet?

Well I'm just gonna post it.....


How dem tit-tays get?

I like them they satisfy

No, I am just a man


*curls up on your lap and purrs*

You are so damn cute.

just today?


True story. Its also bloody and biological as fuck, so your mileage may vary depending on your stomach.

Seriously ask Op what he is gonna do to when the baby is born