Hillary Clinton’s Emailgate Is an Attack on Women!

Hillary Clinton’s Emailgate Is an Attack on Women!

Trump would never even be bringing this up, nor would WikiLeaks but for the fact that she is a woman.


Why are Americans such sexists and racists?

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another fail troll. what is it today? no school?

Did you even read the article faggot?

kek. How could anyone actually take this article seriously

I'd say Time Magazine is pretty credible and makes a good argument.

Don't worry op she's got this election in the bag. They are just angry a woman is going to win.

Scientific journals are credible.
Time magazine is a pseudointellectual magazine for faggots who like looking at pictures.


The electoral map has not changed in spite of the right's bogus attacks on her.

Would you say the same thing if she was a Republican or a Republican man.


That's a good one user. You and I both know they would never say the same thing.

In fact if these leaks were Trump emails, they would be on the news 24/7 and the biggest story of the century.

The Trump "grab her by the pussy" video got more media coverage minutes than the wikileaks the veritas videos, and the FBI probe combined.

shouldn't you be in school child?

yawn. what passes for trolling these days.

sure kid.


I know right, how can it be trolling when it is 100% accurate truth.

Come on guys

Because niggers and women are less than human in so many ways.

What I don't understand is why you continue to ask the same questions to which you already have the answers?

Here's where I call you a Eurocuck.

Sorry faggot, but she's still ahead.


Trump's little faked scandals aren't working. Real people don't fall for this tactic any longer.

here's a better question, why would any self respecting Man, want a bitch in charge, especially this BITCH.

sure kid

realqueerpolitics. kek


>sure kid

Right on bro


Anyone else want to fuck the living shit out of Huma?

I was not able to read till the end. I can smell the autism of a Hugh Mongus crazy feminist

youtube. kek

Go back to facebook, John

this post shows how much of a sheep you really are


Bill clinton raped women. And u crying foul over locker room talk?


baaaah, baaaah goes the sheep


ITT: (pic related)

Bad b8 m8. I r8 it -8/8

u so mad?

What the hell are they smoking over at Time?

Does this person have any idea what's IN the goddamn emails? How many laws the Clintons have broken?

Fucking Morons.

nice homemade map kid.

They're getting so desperate, that it's pathetic the shit that they'll print.

Go home Nimble America

Hello Robin Lakoff!

Yep, looks like he didn't read the article.

aww I made you all butthurt.
prove NA exist kid.

sorry most folks don't have time to read bullshit like that.

Hickory clitton got debate questions way ahead of time. Breaking news, cnn whore fired. DAmn liars and cheaters how can you trust?

>dicky leaks


The fuck are you talking about?


This is the FBI mother fucker. When they said no reasonable prosecutor would take the case I trusted them and now that they're saying the case has been reopened due to new evidence (found on the computer of a sex offender who sexted a 15 year old) I still believe them.

Unlike you faggots on the right and left I'm not fucking blinded by partisanship. I don't agree with the FBI when I like what they're saying then immediately turn on them and when they don't.

Ffs that political hack Harriet Reed said what James Comey did was illegal. Yes the same guy that said Mitt Romney hadn't payed taxes (without any evidence).

TL;DR: You're completely unable to view this situation objectively because you're autistic.

Keep listening to what you want to autismo.

autism is just a different way of spelling awesome.


it's paid

One spelling error doesn't negate my initial argument that the poster whom I was responding to has an inability to view the situation objectively.

doesn't show your smarts either.

>Anyone else want to fuck the living shit out of Huma?

That ain't Huma, she has a longer face like a fucking horse.

Also she prefers licking Grandma Clinton's vag, her "marriage" to Weiner is just for show.

This mediocre trash trolling is the best we can get? What the fuck guys?

it proves that trump supporters aren't the brightest.


sure kid

I'm not smart. I've scored 130-139 on an IQ test but I feel as though 110 is more fitting.

But when one views a situation objectively and sees those who view it in a partisan way they realize how stupid the partisanfags look, how flawed their arguments are or the way that their positions change with the flip of a coin.

It's crazy man. I've been attempting to give everything an objective view since I was much younger, but with this election the polarization has intensified and thus the partisanship has as well making the lack of objectivity startlingly obvious and outrageously out there. But some people don't fucking see it.

Pic related

>it's paid

I din axe yu to creckt ma spelin!

Most Trump supporters are sub-80 IQs.

One spelling mistake? Well sorry to tell you bud but the Clinton emails have quite a few errors in them. And she's the leader of your party, she's the one that made it to the top... What does that say about her followers?

And? What the fuck does that have to do with me?

I'm not gonna take your bait and argue african IQs, most of those are due to a lack of quality education in black communities anyways rather than an innate inability to achieve an IQ score of over 80 or so.

you're thinking of the blacks in the city that support Hillary kid.

Go look up the PBS study that shows most of Trumps followers are under educated white males.

Once again, what the fuck does that have to do with me? I'm not a Republican nor am I a Democrat.

only an uneducated person would suggest this.

I didn't conduct the studies. That was the result, like it or not.

sure kid. bias or not you mean.
good show of how stupid you are.
its already been admitted.

Are you even trying?
I'm honestly not surprised. As I've said before this election year has cause substantial polarization and blurred the line between what information is acceptable for the average man to ingest and what's opinionated rubbish.

The results are the stupid being easily swayed with opinions like, "mecsikans r bad" on the right and the stupid on the left being easily swayed by statements like... well this article sums it up pretty well;


same fool or a different one?

Dumpster divers are on full alert today - did something happen to trigger them last night?

time magazine. that rag? that's still in print?

Sorry Trumpfags, but you better go check the latest electoral college poll numbers.

Trump has already lost. Why? Because if you give Trump all of the remaining tossup states, he still doesn't get the 270 electoral votes needed to win the election. The remaining states added to his current states aren't enough for the win.

Hillary has already statistically won the election.

Yeah we only like quality publications.

sure kid. you're late by about 100 posts

way to fabricate. and you said you were intelligent.

>Sorry Trumpfags, but you better go check the latest electoral college poll numbers.

Polls aren't votes dickwad. See you on the 9th.


Where's your god now?


Pretty much this. You are either with her, or you are a misogynistic piece of garbage.

This is why Dumpster's kids need affordable education.

You realize that the KKK is actually catchall term for a numerous groups descended from the mostly decentralized KKK organization of the 1920s, right? Also it's mostly infiltrated by various law enforcement agencies to the point where any mass arrest of members usually nets a few undercover agents and informants.

Election day hasn't even happened nigger, keep hoping.

The latest ABC poll (from yesterday) shows the 2 candidates at a dead heat at 46% and 46% and the "black vote" that Hillary depends on to win has had EXTREMELY UNDERWHELMING TURNOUT at early voting. She's done for. Just accept it.

Wikileaks emails exposes:

Peter Kadzik, Justice Dept Assistant Adjunct General, sent private gmail, NOT his official email, to Podesta days prior warning of upcoming email investigation.

John Podesta "He kept me out of jail once."

March 2: John Podesta "We need to dump these emails."

35,000 emails under subpoena from the FBI magically go missing.


>This thread brought to you by: Correct The Record

Sound like great guys!

ATTENTION SHILLS: Hillary's campaign is currently going down in flames. Even president Obama and his wife are distancing themselves from Hillary.

Your job is about to be terminated, because it's over for her. Any person with an ounce of commons sense can understand this.


Democrats have not yet proven a SINGLE wikileaks email is fake.
In fact, many of the most damaging ones have been corroborated by responses from Clinton and others implicated.

Don't fall for their charade.

First it was "nothing to see here, these emails are fake!"

When that didn't work it was "Don't look at these emails! It's the Russians! It's ILLEGAL to read the content of our emails filled with corruption!"

So are they fake and fabricated? If the Russians just concocted an emormous fabrication, why are they scrambling so hard to cover them up?
Why would it be illegal to look over emails that are doctored or false?

Their Red Scare tactic didn't work and dems are still trying to scare voters by saying Trump is in bed with the Russians when all he's said is
"It wouldn't be a bad thing if we were allies."

What they forget to mention is that Hillary Clinton has taken tens of millions in donations for her campaign and charity from SAUDI ARABIA and other
middle eastern countries who were directly tied to terrorist attacks on American Soil.

So who's really the dangerous psychopath that's going to destroy our country? Hint: It's Hillary.


sweet tears.

America is in a better situation then it was before Obama did a lot even when he was blocked the entire time and trump is a total mess dude doesn't even know the real problem this country has he makes up his own Statistics and doesn't know what facts are. I don't see how anyone would think he is actually fit to be president

When campaigning for Senator of New York, Hillary Clinton PROMISED numerous times to deliver 200,000 new jobs to the citizens of the state.

The funniest part?

She fell flat on her face then and failed at 200,000 yet people think she will actually fulfill her promise now to deliver TEN MILLION new jobs. topkek

Hillary Clinton has a PROVEN track record of failure and lies.

Donald Trump has been successful in over 500+ businesses and only filed bankruptcy on TWO (That's a SUCCESS RATE of 99.98%)

How exactly is Hillary Clinton better for the economy? I know you guys aren't THAT stupid.


The lies have piled up too much. The chickens have come home to roost and it's time for her to pay the Piper.

sure kid.

"When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead...more than all previous presidents combined."


I'm sorry, you were talking about how Obama IMPROVED the country?

this is why it would be fun if she wins.
four more years of absolute failure.
the punch line is you kids are getting it right in the face

"If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health plan."



Many states only have ONE insurance company to choose from in the "open market" where they were supposed to have MORE choices.

Yeah, you're an idiot if you think we need 4 more years of this bullshit.



That sure sounds like he improved the country (if you like dead people I guess).

As stale as these posts are, I do still enjoy the pictures people manage to find of the candidates making goofy faces.

Oh shit! I don't want to be called a bad name, so I'll just change my vote to Hillary.....

Hillary Clinton has shown up at an early voting station in Broward County Florida 11am EST


showing up AT THE VOTING POLLS then accusing Trump supports of voter intimidation.

The hypocrisy is too hilarious.

that's funny she was in PA at the same time.