If we have proof that cigarettes cause and increase your risk of cancer...

If we have proof that cigarettes cause and increase your risk of cancer, why are there no class action lawsuits bringing down these companies, that continue to thrive selling death causing products? I mean you cant buy asbestos insulation or lead paint. WHY CAN YOU BUY CIGARETTES? I think there should be major class action lawsuits to dissolute cigarette corps and pay back the people that have been left without fathers and mothers do to the lies that let them grow as big as they did at the price of killing millions of people.

Other urls found in this thread:



I have no heart, soon I will have no lungs. Then there will be no more pain.


to piss you off you fucking faggot OP
kill yourself

Attorney Generals Warning gives immunity to your law suit!


if you didnt notice all over cigarette boxes and cartons there's warning about how hazardous smoking is to your health

these warning prevent idiots like you from suing because it's clearly labeled what the product will do to you.

you're the same kind of faggot that would sue for hot coffee in your lap too i bet

over 50 years before the warning they guaranteed people they where safe lulling future generations into a false sense of security to this day they advertise and continue to kill.

The corps should be dissolved the assets returned to the people and cigarettes illegal.

If people wana grow tobacco and roll them and smoke them in their own home thats their business but here is no place in todays society for corporations to sell a painful slow death to their consumers.



How many cigarettes can I smoke so that It doesn't harm me guys?

Because the places that sell the most cigarettes are gas stations, and if we banned cigarettes then gas prices would skyrocket. Then you would have to buy cigarettes at the liquor store, of which if you're under twenty one you can't enter, then alcohol pries are affected. But if tobacco sales were ceased then do yo have any idea how much money these companies would lose? Do have any idea where that money would go? Are you going to ban all tobacco from being grown? You can ban people from growing marijuana, sure, but tobacco sells overseas, and every single state, and has for a very long time. And what happens to the land that is now available if people stopped growing tobacco? Do they start growing more and more soybeans, corn, and wheat? Competitions would arise out of every agricultural related industry.
What if tobacco companies have been making anonymous donations to these health research foundations? what if tobacco industries were actually in pact with other larger corporations, corporations that need the support to survive? There's too much we don't know yet.

Operation Mockingbird was CIA backed. It really had nothing to do with spreading misinformation about smoking,

These programs are what the tobacco industry used:

Quite impressive.

> Faggot detected

I bet you're an alcoholic and/or good for nothing stoner

Who catches the blame for gas prices skyrocketing when tobacco prices skyrocket or tobacco is banned? The media grabs hold of their top researcher's stories and make some construed assumption that every viewer/listener will cling to.

Tobacco industries donate money because when you donate to charities you can write them off on your taxes, therefore keeping your money or getting more back at the end of the fiscal year. What better donation or charity to donate to than the ones that work on solving and fixing the diseases and illnesses with the most serious and deadly health effects? The ones that cover health problems that require very expensive and very experimental medicine. There's your /thread, OP.

Fucking millenials always trying to get something for free. Go get a job you fucking faggot.

Because something like this
> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition
would happen.

It's in your genetics. It could be less harmless then you think. Or more. Do your own google research about it.

My FIL lived to be 92 and probably smoked 70 years of his life. He went on oxygen when he was 90.
My last Dr lost 2 wife's to lung cancer. The were nurses. You could bet they didn't smoke.

As a moderate long term smoker I'd say DON'T START. It ain't worth it.

No im someone like you who has had several friends, family, ect. affected by heart disease, lung disease and cancer. And i for one am tired of the price of health care and the fact that future generations have to pay to treat these cancers while cigarette company execs fly around in private jets and make millions of the suffering of people all over the world.

And all of those chemicals that you hear about that are added to the cigarettes are chemicals used in cleaning the machinery; chemicals used in keeping crops safe like pesticides; chemicals used in fast-acting drying of the tobacco so you don't have to hang it for a fucking decade to dry in a barn; and then the chemicals used in the papers and filters that are used to sterilize perhaps.

It's hard to believe that these companies deliberately kill people or get them 'addicted' to something as simple as tobacco. And all this 'Truth' crap is as bad as any tobacco industry ad or whatever.

Crippling depression and slow suicide sounds like anything but "cool."

not prohibition tobacco not illegal selling cigarettes for profit illegal. Not the same.

>If we have proof that cigarettes cause and increase your risk of cancer, why are there no class action lawsuits bringing down these companies, that continue to thrive selling death causing products?
you obviously weren't alive in the 90s.

Why d you think we haven't found or released cues for these problems?
Inhaling smoke is bad, no matter what kind, even vapor. if people wanted to stop then they could. And yeah, people should be very, very careful about who they smoke around and where they smoke. Second hand smoke is very fucking real.

But let's be honest. If people wanted to stop then they could. But people enjoy it. Addiction? Is addiction real? It's psychological more than chemical or physical.

But as far as health costs are concerned, think about all the pills being prescribed by people faking mental illnesses or psychological disorders to feed their addictions. Then think about the people who need the real medicine to fix their real illnesses, the physical illnesses like lung cancer. Then the surgery costs a lot because so many people have these illnesses and schooling is so fucking expensive and not too many people are qualified and skilled or knowledgeable and capable to perform these operations with the lack of science that is the technical cure.

Why are they still allowed to sell them.

because FREEDOM you fucking faggot.

real men smoke.

because they warn you right on the front of the fucking box and packaging that the shit can kill you. same with alcohol. But then again, a new liver is cheaper than a new heart.

Then why cant i go to lowe's and buy lead paint or asbestos isolation.

Almost every chemical from toothpaste to bleach has a warning label on the health information printed or attached to the product. "harmful or fatal if swallowed'.

It's the people choice. period. You have to accept this. And it's the people's choice to quit.
You can't just stop selling it because it's bad for your health. They wouldn't have sold for this long if people couldn't have a choice in whether or not to buy and smoke them . Do you not understand this?

because you can choose to buy/not buy cigarettes. paint and insulation are necessary, and there are safe versions of them available.

>No class action law suits
>Except there was and cigarette companies are literally forced to pay for anti-cigarette ads.
You know that orange anti smoking ad? Yea Marlboro footed the bill.

Truth is they want you to get sick and die its population control.

Lots of legal shit is bad for you. If you couldn't buy anything deemed bad for you life would be pretty shit.

Because 1, we're talking about tobacco.
and 2. cigarettes are universally and historically known and recognized as something you light, inhale, and exhale - not something you swallow, especially not a fucking substance meant to be used on and in walls.

And why no lead paint? Why no CFC sprays? Why no DDT pesticide? Figure it out.

> Is addiction real?
I can tell you've never been addicted to anything. Withdrawal is real.

>It's psychological
So that doesn't make it real in your eyes.
I can't argue with an idiot.

Give me a example of someone who smoked 10/15 cigarretes a day and gained cancer due to it . Everything is bad for ur health nowaydays , chicken , refrigs , i mean everything even vegetables from the market or fruit . If u smoke u gotta know how to control yourself and make a stipulation . Yes it is hard but possible


Not stop selling dissolute the companies and give the money back to the people or setup funds for those with cancers related to smoking.

If they are sitting on a table outside of the body they belong in I wouldn't call them healthy

No guy giving me any examples :D

>I can tell you've never been addicted to anything. Withdrawal is real.
>It's psychological
>>So that doesn't make it real in your eyes.

incorrect. math is real, shut the fuck up.

Joke's on you, OP.
I breathe in hazardous dust on my job every day.
Ciggies are the lesser evil here, at least they have filters.
I will die of cancer, but it won't be tobacco-inflicted.

refer to


My grandpa
He smoked a shit ton
My uncle, who died
Also a smoker
Some of my cousins now have lung problems thanks to that cunt fucking up the house

>Ciggies are the lesser evil here, at least they have filters.
Like adding a pour cap on a bottle of liquor. Here's hitting two birds with one stone.

I bet you that guy smoked way too much ... Also i have friends who gained lung cancer which was not caused by smoking

>preservation polish.coatings used on fruits and vegetables

>uses math for medical science.
My bad.

However they continue to create a plagued mankind walking around on meds with cancer weakening the populas creating disease and viruses do to resistant bacteria.

Did he smoke a pack a day or more ? then ur example not valid ...

I am an organ donor and I smoke and drink, and I eat a ratio of 10 meats to maybe 1 or 2 vegetables.

Nicotine is one of the most easily accessible and extremely addictive substances around. Cigarette companies were fully aware that cigs caused cancer back when they were putting out those advertisements.

You are a tremendous faggot.

You should also know that America is not the only place on earth that grows and sells tobacco...
We would literally be sending our problems to someone else if we stopped importing foreign tobacco products. And what are you going to do about people who have tobacco stored up? Are you going to go around dumping it all in the river? Dingy....

>Why are there no class action lawsuits
People know that cigs cause cancer and are still buying them. Sort of like sawing your leg off and trying to sue the company that made the saw, no?

You're right. But that's not a very good analogy.

But were they aware of the health effects? No. Blame capitalism, not tobacco industries.


Are you trying to say that guns don't kill people? Are you saying people kill people? Have you ever driven a car before you underage faggot?

I found this interesting:
Lung cancer is increasing in nonsmokers.

How can you blame an idea?

I'm saying that people are making a choice to hurt themselves. If I knowingly hurt myself by smoking cigarettes, I have no right to complain about the outcomes i.e. cancer. It was my active choice, therefore it is my fault.

Same way you cast blame without evidence.
Like being guilty until proven innocence.

>forest for the trees


The tobacco industry WAS aware of the health effects. They just didn't give a fuck and wanted to make money. It's very much Capitalism in action.

I read a few articles about this. And it's true. They're not sure why this is happening. But they point out that cancer from smoking is a different type of cancer than the lung cancer that has been rising in recent years. They say that "what is causing the increase in lung cancer in never-smokers is a matter of speculation. Some of it could be related to second-hand smoke, pollution, radon, and small particles in the air."

Smoking related lung cancer is actually decreasing because there are less smokers now.

>foreign oil

One of the most interesting things about the non-smoking related lung cancer is that it primarily affects young women. I wonder why that is...


>fast food

To elaborate...
"The lung cancer rate has fallen 21 percent among men, but for reasons that remain unclear, the rates have risen 116 percent among women."

it's about to get even better

Cancers fuck up.
And I don't think the general population understands it now. I know I don't.

eg: My wife's friend in Canada has lung cancer in her tongue. I got no idea why that's not tongue cancer - if that's even a thing.
She's also a nonsmoker.





Go back about 30ish minutes small segment on LYNCH and the FBI.GOV/VAULT DROPS.

We must keep pushing the LORETTA LYNCH and PETER KADZIK.

PETER KADZIK is currently in charge of the FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

PETER KADZIK is also PODESTA's lawyer!.....

Google it. There's a bunch of recent articles talking about increasing rates of non-smoking related lung cancer among young women.

preservativs are linked to cancer yet they still sell them. Its called Money.

Pesticides and CFC's in the air.
Green house gases.
CO2 emissions from cars
Factory and water pollution
name it, it's not unlikely that lung cancer can be caused by any number of reasons, even genetics.

I read a few of those.
Like I said she's got LUNG cancer in her tongue.
I have no idea how that works.

>Am I gonna get prostrate cancer in my lungs?


Yeah. I have no idea how that works... Maybe it is a type of cancer that typically only occurs in the lungs. But she has it on her tongue, despite it usually being a cancer in the lung.

>"People can choose not to smoke it's their decision to kill themselves"
>tfw your mother smoked while pregnant and you were born with an unfixable deformity

Why do you keep posting there retarded fucking replies? What's wrong with you?

It was all part of God's plan, user.

God's a fuckin dick then.

>implying I'm not retarded because my parents smoked and drank when I was in the womb

He sure is.


>argh, hey quite it guys

Read as i smoke a marb

It's idiotic though. Posting non-stop pointless garbage...for no reason. I guess just to annoy people. It's like advanced autistic trolling, I guess.


there would be riots and killing if they were banned

But really, some places have just made them fucking ridiculously priced. An avg pack of cigs is actually worth like a dollar, yet some places have them at almost like $15 a pack. Here in CT they average about $10

It's the idiot tax.

He's a bot from Big Tobacco sent to derail the topic.

*puts on tinfoil hat*


>against tobacco
>smokes cock

>implying you can't tax tobacco products

get your pronouns right normie

Powerball is the other most well known idiot tax.

It's a hard realization to accept, that we need tobacco, I know. But things like local laws prohibiting smoking in restaurants and public areas providing designating smoking areas are your common grounds of understanding between two parties interests'.
But acting like an outraged mother from the 20's doesn't won't help your situation.

The internet moves too fast for this grayfag.
I'm gonna go & take a nap now.