Seriously what's his fucking problem

Seriously what's his fucking problem

He was basically raped by a hooker. Also, who did Don rape?

He was a fucking pussy who couldn't face the realities of war

He was a coward and a deserter who lived a life of constant lying. And the few people who liked him really liked Don Draper, not Dick Whitman.

Its not rape if you look like Jon hamm

He was a sociopath who spent his life being given everything and having everything work out for him and couldn't relate to anybody whose life wasn't incredibly easy.

Occasionally he'd make up reasons to try and feel bad like "I've been getting laid regularly since I was a kid, poor me" or "my daddy wasn't nice to me one time" and other bullshit that isn't actually a problem.

> ITT: characters women will never understand

He's a Dick with Wit.

He had childhood issues which are probably why he is a sociopath

>spent his life being given everything and having everything work out for him
>couldn't relate to anybody whose life wasn't incredibly easy
Did you even watch the show?


How is he wrong

what about anna draper?

he killed her with cancer

All he ever wanted was unconditional love--hence why he felt so strongly about that blond calafornia woman who didn't rat him out for posing as her dead husband---she just loved Dick Whittman for who he was.

Don was always chasing that. He was also a victim of the grand capitalist scheme--being a handsome man, everything in the world is telling him to consume and womanize, to actualize his ID desires, yet no matter how much he feeds his base desires, he is never satisfied.

Complex character.

A real human bean

wtf is this 666

>building number coincidentally displayed while joan crashes a model airplane on a jews desk

He grew up in a poor abusive whorehouse and joined the military to escape it. he then faked his death to run away from his shitty life.

Do you people even watch the shows

Corporate 's tame compared to some guys into corporate marketing I've met in London.


He's the main character on a 5/10 show that some people overrate because the sunk cost fallacy after they spent like 90 hours watching the thing

He was redpilled. Heavy lies the crown


>it's a Don's a casual rapist episode

>it's a don is a professional rapist episode