French presidential candidates are now making campaign videos in English

>French presidential candidates are now making campaign videos in English
how many years until they drop their meme language entirely?

He will not do more than 2-3%

a fucking liar
They're welcome however they won't get any money from the state as those fuckers from the gouvernment think state research is a waste of money and that only private should finance research.
What kind of private society will invest money on climate research?

>come have dinner at home buddy
>but bring your own food
>but please come!!!

>What kind of private society will invest money on climate research?
Greenpeace and other fags like that who'd have us living in forests and eating berries.

I hope Fillon can recover. What's the mood on the ground regarding Fillon, baguettebros?

When i was asked about brexit i said "no way"
When i was asked about trump i had a good laugh

Lesson is learned, i do not make pronostics anymore.

Yes, but that's from the outside. Anyone living in Stoke-on-Trent would have assumed Brexit was going to happen, just like anyone in Iowa would have said Trump was going to win.

I dont think there are french speaking people left in france


damn I hope this faggot die of ass cancer



As far as I know, this guy is an ex banker who has no clear program.
Why exactly does leftists in France celebrate him?

Pierre, I...

This actually is quite good. Those, who win election, shouldn't tell all other people to fuck off. And they won't win, if they plead to attack all those, who couldn't get to second turn

France has many flaws, but their election system is not one of them

>message for americans

A FUCKING LEAF everyone....

This sounds pretty racist. Why not Arabic?

yeah no, the final result is that people vote more against someone than for someone.

but that will be always the case.
While you dont might to get your preferred candidate, at least you can ensure that the candidate you like the least doesnt get elected

Also forbids getting mired in a two party system. You're better off, trust me.

>Hello everyone. This is a message to American researchers, entrepreneurs, engineers working on climate change.

obviously he'll say it in a language americans can understand

I can't really tell if you are being serious

It seems like reading comprehension is far beyond Canadian's abilities.


this system is so good. At the end you just end up moderate of everyside instead of turbo-gommies or turbo-nazis.
Complaining about this makes no sense. Alternative is having only 2 parties.

>it sucks because the party i support can't win

the far right never scored first in the first round of the election in french's whole history btw

The party which get the most support in France never get any representation.
How is this democratic in the slightest?

I am being serious.
I got the image from Sup Forums. I forgot to change the name.
Why should a party with 25% support get to rule the other 75%?

>>The party which get the most support in France never get any representation
it all boils down to their inability to gather a majority of the votes

>I am being serious.
France has a 2 party systems.
2 parties have ~50% of the votes and ~90% of the sits.

>Why should a party with 25% support get to rule the other 75%?

Why should have 2 sits out of 577? (hint: that's less than 25%).

Because God hates fascists :))

Because their views repulse most Frenchmen and they vote specifically against them in the National Assembly.

Sooner than Quebec will, unfortunately.

I'm surprised one can understand him.
Frenchies really suck at speaking english.

Yes this is SOOOOO good to see 30 % of the electors only getting two seats out of 400 at the national assembly, meanwhile parties who scored 1% or less have 10+ seats each.

Truly democratic.

>communist party
France explain why that has a big following

Because we still have a lot of these rare and backward species called leftists who aren't satisfied of the socialist policy not enough to the left in their opinion so they want to shrink even more our country's economy and let millions of mudslimes come in to smash the remaining decent areas into pieces.

We have a whole generation which, during the baby boom, has been educated in a culture of degeneracy and generalized leftism, called "68tards" from the movement of May 1968.

We need a proportional representation of the political parties and a one round election.

This is anti democratic.

You know what you must do

The new generations are sadly even worse. We're trying to spread the red pill but the right parties are so much divided on numerous issues while the left always manages to unite to make their candidate triumph.

I'd actually not be that much surprised to see another specialist coming in power or even a commie. They are using so many opportunist and cronyism views in favor of immigrants, an univeral incomeā€¦ even though they totally failed during the five years of Hollande's presidency.

But it seems to work and here again we can hear the antiracist propaganda everywhere. Fucking cucks.

Anti-democratic you say? Where have I heard this before?

>implying the fact that a party which represents 1/3 of the electorate has only 2 MPs while a party who don't even have its own presidential candidate can earn one or several ministers

Proportional representation is the best representation.

That picture angers me