Is she finally done for Sup Forums?

Is she finally done for Sup Forums?

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I'm pretty sure you could do an image with trump, captioned

"my servers had a direct link to a russian bank. Did you really think I was going to blame Russia?"

and ask is he done for.


Fuck that bitch, she gave Bernie a bj for Mickey ds

yep, totally. We've got it now guys. It was scary for a week but we're gonna do it now! Based Comey taking one for the team

Politics amr

Yep she's done trying to convince deplorables that she's the better candidate when it's clear that they are so brainwashed by Trump there's no hope for them.



yes.. yes.. good goyum. 2 shekels have been deposited into your account by the clinton foundation

Yes comrade. Dis iz good. Here iz 2 rubles for your trouble.

yes, how dare the russians incriminate hillary by making public things she did and said!!

>encouraging foreign governments to hack ours is ok, as long as it suits my political agenda
See: And around and around we go.

Never mind that radical islam thinks those muslim countries are run by socialists and traitors, and think their job is to overthrow them. Just keep pushing the meme.

/civilized discourse? what's that?


Well it's own fucking fault she put up a weak ass private server. And while I'm not crazy about the russians possibly being able to cyber attack the US, are you just going to fucking ignore all the shit wikileaks have proven about her? Never Hillary, Trump 2016.

And it wasn't just about her "using a wrong server" you fucknut, it's about why she had to get one

gtfo nigger lover

Except it has proven literally nothing. You're just gobbling up the shit that right-wing media is feeding you.

I don't watch Fox, mostly TYT when something big happens. Even they can't defend Hillary anymore

If you want me to make you a pretty little list with all the terrible shit she has done and sign it "XOXO I wuv you" you can suck a black cock. Do some research

and the U.S government has given Muslim countries over $2b every year? also Israel?

I used to be ok with Trump but you retards are ruining the image. Fuck you, you uneducated cunt, how about you read up on some history and make a clear, logical argument? oh wait, most of you retards can't

TYT was for Bernie, they never liked Hillary to begin with.

yeah let's go with an establishment candidate, this will change things for sure. Idiot

Once the primaries were over, they were in full shill mode

I've seen more than enough of your trumptard conspiracy theory lists, thanks.

Here's a list of Trump's actual scandals. Get comfortable, user. It's a long one.