Unpopular opinion thread

Unpopular opinion thread
I'll start
I fucking hate pedestrians and people who get around on public transportation, if you aren't old enough to have your license or for some reason are but don't have your license, you shouldn't be going outside without supervision in the first fucking place. And if you do have a license but not a car you should be a lot more worried about finding money than leaving your house.
We shouldn't have independent parties, they haven't won an election in forever, and they never will. It should just be a two party system with two candidates per party. Independent voters are also complete fucking retards. They don't associate themselves with a party, it's like not getting a boyfriend because a guy raped you. They shouldn't be allowed to vote or their ballots should just be thrown away.

If everyone who could drive started driving traffic would be up the ass, this is the only reason that public transport even gets money from their local municipal government, oh and muh enviroment and muh minors / senior citizens that cant drive

Are you fucking stupid? I hope to god you're a troll because this is the stupidest thing I've heard in my whole entire life and you should actually feel embarrased even though youre user... Like you should be embarrased that your brain came up with such an idiotic thought. Your brain took a shit, you called it an opinion and you typed it out.

With that kind of ideas I'll see you in the next mass shooting yelling you are fixing the traffic problem.

We should shock the gay out of the gays.

Funny thing is that I am bi.

Women should not vote.
We should stone hypergamous women.

Atheism is unscientific and God must exist because existence can't pop out of nowhere. Prove me wrong you niggers.

No one can know for sure why we exist you dumb shit nigger

Homosexuality should be treated as a mental disorder on the same level as autism

thats why we have god you neckbeard fuckwit

Go eat some bananas you fucking baboon

Depression, anxiety, ADHD, etc are symptoms of lifestyle and not really a disorder. Aspergers and autism = mental retardation, not some special snowflake condition.

Baboons don't eat bananas you uneducated swine

Only people who who serve/served in the military and their immediate families should be able to vote

thats fucking retarded

Damn son coming straight out with the facts rektem

i say people how have duties should vote
Army, business owners and farmers

Only the president should be able to vote because fuck ethics and reason amiright?

Yeah that sounds a little better

Jews aren't that bad.

Get a load of this guy

Gyms are a complete waste of space and money

>And if you do have a license but not a car you should be a lot more worried about finding money than leaving your house.

Do you have fucking autism m8 it's not like I have a couple thousand under my mattress you daft cunt I have to go outside and work

Fag from small town detected

First half wrong, second half right.

We should not let seniors vote. Why should they have a say in who will run the country for the next 4 year if they might not even live that long.

This is now a get thread.

>all schools nation-wide should be uniformed until college/university
>public displays of affection should be illegal
>women who cannot support themselves should be banned from having children
>women who become pregnant while on welfare should be sterilized
>homosexuality is a choice
>people who don't wash their hands after using the restroom should be gassed
>bigotry and racism are just two big signs of human weakness and fragility
>pant-sagging should be a criminal offense
>abortion should be legal, and mandatory in some cases
>students who miss 3 classes for a reasons other than significant sickness and/or death should be dropped from the course
>parents who don't vaccinate their children should have those children taken away from them
>there needs to be less spending on the military and more on the sciences
>every child should be made to know at least pre-calculus by age 10
>all children should know how to code
>potheads are annoying, and weed is overrated
>heavier women deserve love, too
>feminism wouldn't exist if men weren't such shitlords to women
>cigarettes should be taxed more heavily
>alcoholic beverages should also be more heavily taxed
>athletes should be paid less
>Janeway was the best Starfleet captain, and Voyager, the best series
>women are people too, and their experiences are just as valid as any man's
>Japanese popular culture is superior to Western popular culture(s)

What if people just prefer to walk to nearby places you fucking jackass
>without supervision
Oh im sorry, i didnt know as an adult i needed someone watching over me while i walk to the fucking corner store

Get a load of those dubs

>public displays of affection should be illegal
Are you fucking jealous?



flawless fucking victory

POTUS 2017

>heavier women deserve love too
Stopped reading here
Fuck off, sjw moralfag weaboo
Im going to assume its because you were SUCH a mega super genius as a child
If your egotistical little shitlord brain couldnt tell, that was sarcasm

i can EASILY say that you're a retard.
like, i don't even have to think about it, it clearly comes across from the fucking retarded shit you're writing

No, and no one needs to see that shit. Get a room or the back of a car or something. It's a matter of public decency.



>the population should fund more asthma treatment

Pls, guys, they already found the root cause. It's only a matter of funding.

>tfw you have severe asthma and no one gives a shit about throwing money at it




>Japanese popular culture is superior to Western popular culture(s)


Western popular culture is a mesh pot of cultures











Fuck the cubs


>heavier women don't deserve love
You won't be saying that when you future wife gains 60-90 lbs after the first child.
>you must've been a genius as a child
Actually, no. But, seeing the failures of my parents and generations prior, it's only ((logical)) that future generations not make the same mistakes. A "Great Leap Forward," if you will, but without the massive famines and political dissent.

And it's all mind-numbing garbage. Of course, this is just my opinion.
>Though some Fantasy's okay...and some Sci-Fi.




>edgy Americans





I'll be glad when all this election bullshit's over. Goddamn, you could put a toaster up there for all I care now.



Obsessive and no social skills...

Not just an unpopular opinion, but an uninformed, uneducated, and massively ignorant one, too. Jesus Christ man, are you are retarded, or do you try to be this stupid?








>Depression, anxiety, ADHD, etc are symptoms of lifestyle and not really a disorder
How retarded can you get?

The 2-party system has kept you all under our control for many decades!!!

So people that can't afford a car, shouldn't work to afford on? Literally every argument you make is terrible. Your literally the first person I've seen someone argue in favor of a 2 party system

>Baboons don't eat bananas

Every dude want's to fuck 13 yr olds. It's nature.

You can't hold hands or hug in a public space?
>public decency
No one gives a fuck, seriously.

You sound like a bitter faggot underneath that "public decency" justification bullshit.

But by that logic user YOU might not be here tomorrow why does your vote matter?

You likes starships troopers huh

>there should be treatment centers for psychosexual disorders
>there should be government funded food dispensaries for everyone
>money is a form of slavery

Too young Too young 15-16 is the sweet spot

Holding hands is fine. Tonguing each other down and practically dry-fucking is not.
I have nothing to be bitter about.

Yes. Everyone older than 65 should not vote anymore. Also only educated people over 20 yrs

This one I am all aboard for. They are also usually racist as shit, have no idea how the modern world works, and keep voting like its 50 years ago. Newsflash Elwood, the world has changed in the last 50 years, quit voting for shit that worked back then, it doesn't work now.

Maybe I fuckin do!

Would you like to know more?

they fucking do you fucking retards

It used to be, you fuckstuck.

Renaming the filename to baboon doesn't make it a baboon

Well, it doesn't infringe on your rights, so it's not illegal. You could always just leave or annoy the fuck out of them.

Did you have a stroke midpost? You started at hardcore 1984 gestapo and flipped 180 degrees halfway through into liberal equal rights stances.

my sides have transcended

I too am a avid user of the plastic lung.

As soon as period starts its a biological competition to impregnate.