To all of Sup Forums's stoners/tokers/stokers:

To all of Sup Forums's stoners/tokers/stokers:
What is being high like to you?

The best way I can describe it is that I feel like a kid again; I feel relaxed, optimistic and excited, like life is deep and beautiful, that I see things differently, like a child would. Just happy to be alive.
At least a good high anyways.

Also, why do you toke?

What am I looking at?

Holy shit bro...that's the most honest description of being stoned I've ever seen. I agree 100%

an image of The Wrinkled Peach (Rhodotus palmatus) fungi

I smoke because it numbs my emotions to a point where i can get a handle on them. I dont care when im stoned, in the past i would agree with you 100% but now it just dull's everything.

Sounds like depression, I'd recommend treatment if you haven't already done/considered it, it's helped me significantly

Depends on what I'm high on

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback

I smoke because it fills the time. I don't enjoy the things I used to do anymore, and getting high helps cure my boredom. I can't even play video games anymore because none of them entertain me in the slightest.


Copious amounts of cannabis, friends, and constant entertainment/challenges.

When I smoke I can only describe it as a light hearted version of The Wall playing in my head. Music is great, I'm great, I look at things with a clearer head, and the world is amazing

Rhodotus palmatus

Depressant with psychedelic properties. Mood lift, euphoria, ultra crisp colors and sounds. Music sounds "closer," I notice patterns that I normally never pay attention to. Nature stands out in an unearthly way. Can induce anxiety and paranoia. Been smoking for 6 years.

Therapy, drugs, consult your physician, exercise, meditation, etc.

Agreed. If it's real depression then get psychotherapy in conjunction with SSRI or SNRI therapy.

Yes I would agree that toking at its best is like that.
But the flipside for me sometimes is in that hyperconnected state sometimes you can come to cloudy conclusions about things and you tie yourself in knots. Not nice, my friend. I'm a once or twice a week sort of guy and I find the spacing really lets you have a better experience and clarity.

Excellent description, I agree

I smoke to mellow out and be more social. Having a high IQ is exhausting and my brain never turns off its thoughts unless I'm super faded, also it helps enjoy music food and psychical activity like skating or biking more, also i love art and collect artistic pieces for my collection. kind of a hobby of mine

Ugh. Absolutely nothing worse on this planet than a teenager who just discovered weed.

Basically when I look around every sight takes me to a good memory that I can never actually remember but I just feel good and everything I do that I normally enjoy becomes 10x more enjoyable

Used to be a good way to waste time
> weed makes you not mind being bored
after 4 years of daily, heavy use
>paranoid as all fuck about everything
quit 3 years ago. been tempted to go back but i know ill only hate it.

Same here.

Its depression and PTSD, I've tried 3 different therapists and 6 different medications throughout my life from teenager to adult.

There are no true treatments for true mental illness. Go fuck yourself for not being mentally ill and realizing this pre-tense. Faggot.

For myself, a near daily smoker for 6 years now, it just takes the edge off. Once I get my shit done for the day it helps me quit being anxious and just mellow out. It's my beer so to speak, but it has now calories so my ass won't get fat drinking all the time again.

>t I feel like a kid again; I feel relaxed, optimistic and excited, like life is deep and beautiful, that I see things differently, like a child would. Just happy to be alive.
same bro

you ever play deus ex?

Less depression, more irritability/borderline mania. Without weed i have an uncomfortable amount of nervous energy that drives me crazy if i cant vent it.
Weed dulls all that to the point where i can function properly, if a bit slower. Legit hate that i feel like i need weed for anything, its pathetic.

Smoking cannabis should be a spiritual thing. Something you do ritually, whether it be for some god or for your own benefit. The herb is meant to set us all free, using it to numb your pain of this tragic world is not its intended purpose. However, it is know to help with many ailments so toke away, however is there is something certain in your life that you need gone and you think cannabis can help check out download their app and educate yourself of the cannabis right for you. For me Cannabis is an experience, a moment where the only thing that matters is that moment in time and the tunes I'm vibing to. I love my little green plant. It's only illegal because big pharma can't make as much profit with this miracle plant roaming free. So much wrong with this world cannabis seems to be the only thing to help me stay confident that we as a people will rally to change this ever changing weathered world of ours. Enjoy your night 4 channers. My first night signing off

When i first started i think your description is pretty accurate. Now i just get kinda mellowed out.

being high. it is hard to describe, op. it has changed for me profoundly over the last couple years; not necessarily being negative, don't be 'fraid to smoke 24/7. Starting out, it was not a good experience. after not smoking weed for a year due to another addiction, i smoked a gram of REALLY quality bud out of my friend's bong. I was fucked up so bad that even now, 5 years later when i think of that shit the intensity of my high spikes.I had to drive through miles of construction barricades that night, lol i was sweatin.

It took me a year of constantly just getting stoned alone until i didn't have anxiety anymore. then i stopped for work. i went of two, two-month binges on absinthe and dxm, i had to go to psych ward cause of that shit, and busted up my liver. shiet lol
now im taking sertraline, cause all that dxm brought my seratonin levels way up for 2mo straight and when i came off cold turkey i started going crazy trying go into trafficand get rekt.

geting stoned is different now afer all that. i smoke mostly during the night when i make craft shit and do art, also to sleep and ease pain after working out.

i don't feel it for the giddy high anymore really, unless it's a buncha good concentrate/edibles.
It's more like a big sister to me; she comes to put her arm around my shoulder and let me relax a bit.

I really like weed.

I smoke every day because I am a chronically depressed/anxious person.

It makes me feel relaxed and comfy. The main thing it does is make things seem more interesting I guess. So I can easily find something to do and enjoy it. Generally it pushes away the bad thoughts. Sometimes it gives me a bad attention span though and I zone out or get distracted a lot. Also I often feel more optimistic and can view things from a different mental perspective.

I'm not too aware of what I'm doing until I go home and 'relax'. Putting myself in the right mindset not only allows me to desconstruct my day but it helps me enjoy menial tasks around the house as well. I hardly go through a quarter in a month but that little bit helps.

also i'd like to add that the deepness of the high has faltered because of my own closure of my mind. i am slowly opening back up though thanks to this plant

smoking to me has always been diffrent from time to time. at diffrent points in my life there were disticnt diffrences in my high that would change over time, and sometimes i would get old symptoms again that i havent had in a while.
i always thought of smoking as a way for me to expand my mind, see when im high it opens up my brain and im able to put myself to a task and for me to do it. because of that i am able to acomplish a lot of diffrent things while im high. although recently i have been abusing it as a way to get out of my head when i have nowhere to go in this shitty town and nobody to talk to so i just kind of sit here and figurativly waste away.

>high iq
>lrn to sentence structure

>>really just a 14 year old kid who smokes weed

>me right now

It's like watching myself form thoughts.

You self centered delusional piece of shit.

>Typo is from typing quickly and not giving a fuck to spellcheck
>You're gonna bitch about grammar and sentence structure on Sup Forums?
>You couldn't even afford that piece I posted because youre probably Actually underaged and cant even enter a real smoke shop
>I've been smoking ten years and you're prob barely that old mentally if you think pointing out my shitty grammar on Sup Forums is doing you any good
tl;dr: kill yourself

O my god i think this post got me stoned

Sounds gay. You gay?

yep, 100% agree. I even find shit I used to find fun as a kid fun. It's a great feeling.

Die in a fire broke ass hater, my bongs are worth more than your car you little bitch, stay mad that others have nicer things than you do, I'll be busy laughing my ass off while you try to insult strangers over the internet because you have no nice things in your life and this is how you get your jollies
Have a nice day cunt

Here's a chart to help, hope it loads properly

Weed is very mentally addictive. You're all addicts.
Former addict here.

Quadruple this so much.

The words very and mentally are not needed.

that's how it made me feel for the first ~5 years. then the social reclusion and paranoia started to kick in and now i'm barely holding my life together anymore

Teenagers are very quick to angrily spouting lies to make themselves feel superior.

Not sure if you're agreeing or being a huge queer.

hahaha nah kid nothing but truth for your sad little ass. This one alone is worth 2 racks, and probably nicer than anything you own.

Generally speaking, people that brag about their possessions tend to be douchebags.

Generally speaking, So are faggots that call people out on a simple typo and sentence structure on an anonymous image board, also people going around calling others self centered delusional pieces of shit based on a single comment without ever meeting or knowing someone are generally gigantic douchebag faglords who gargle farts, but that's really none of my business is it?


Also do explain how im self centered and delusional from being tested as gifted with a 135 iq? Why does that make me self centered or delusional? Its a test you take not some self diagnosed number you bumbling fucktard

I guess you have nothing to say, do you? You pretentious fart gargling cock snorkeler, I honestly hope you choke on a dildo and your mom finds you sad and alone wondering where she went wrong.

It's so good to play games when high.
Currently playing Silent Hill 2 and Stalker SoC. It's a really immersive experience.

>fart gargling cock snorkeler

By the way, what are you smoking anons?

I've been smoking for 5 years or so now...

It was amazing at first and I loved it so much, but now I only feel guilty, anxious and I can't carry out a normal convesation some times. I thought it was supposed to be a remedy for depression, but most of the times when I smoke I feel sad, lonely, awkward depressed, etc. What am I doing wrong?

Oil generally, normally get some pretty fire concentrates, I don't buy flowers anymore unless my dude is outta shatter
Package said sour diesel but I honestly don't know how accurate all the packages are generally good shit tho
What you smokin on?

i mean sometimes when i go on tolerance breaks, and then i take a took; as I cough and i can physical feel myself being intoxicated by this substance, feels good. But it can never be like the first time getting high...felt like I was in The Lion, The Witch & the Wardrobe. I've suffered/suffer from extreme bouts of paranoia when i smoke to the point where I have an anxiety attack and my body, mostly my legs shake uncontrollably. But now, with my tolerance always being so high (wink) this little if ever happens. I realize now that im a drug addict but i would rather smoke weed more frequently than i drink because drinking will ALWAYS be worse & more likely to get you killed than marijuana. I also smoke cigarettes because it feels good & if that means im gonna die at 85 rather than 95, so be it. Literally we are on a floating rock hurling through the universe, so i tend not to fret to much on the trival stuff anymore, even though saying one thing & doing another are two completely different things. Im wearing a shirt with a high ass pineapple on it, what i i must be. Too many more adventures, anons

oh wait you mean mj isn't the magic cure all? the only thing you are doing is "wrong" is still smoking weed.

>I thought it was supposed to be a remedy for depression
nigga what the fuck?

Currently waiting for some californian orange.
I've seen sour diesel before, is it good?

I can help with depression for some people. It can worsen it for others.

It's cleaner than most, mostly stable shit it pulls and snap, not perfect shatter, but it's taste was incredible, not to sour or harsh (have actually smoked sour d before and it's not that tasty) to be honest which is why I don't trust labels sometimes unless theyre from Cali or other medical states

when I'm high I see the world around me as it really is, and I over-analyze everything. I get inside my own head and wander from topic to topic, thinking about how fucking crazy life is.

this is hard to explain but, visually, my sight becomes enhanced. I feel like everything is 3-D, and colors become more vivid. the outline of objects would be more pronounced , but this would happen more when I started to smoke.

Anyone have similar experiences

I feel it puts me into a meditative state in which I am hyper-aware of my surroundings. I notice details I never notice sober.

It also makes me more critical and aware of my life and my situations so that I can rectify and improve them.

dumb anons are just jealous

>Why do you toke
Im addicted to being addicted, i abuse to ends any drug i get (minus opiates) dedpite my awareness of how much the drugs are actually harming me.
So i smoke the lesser of the evils and just try to only smoke weed now

To be honest it sucks. I have trouble sleeping at night and I'm a little socially awkward if im sober, not too much just once I smoke im way more talkative to most people, without smoking it feels weird sometimes, smoking definitely calms down my brain to an enjoyable level

Makes me feel sedated for lack of a better word. Normally my brain is constantly analyzing what I'm seeing in front of me, when I'm high I'm simply just looking at the colors, the movement, the textures. Basically I go from seeing one big picture to seeing all the fine little details that makes the picture up

It feels like your ballsing a snail, then your in a vaporwave rainbow island as you stare your glowing keyboard, then you look up after forgetting what you were doing for the past 20 minutes, mindlessly do the same but everything you look at becomes an adventure, such as this text as the little man is running from the bigassletters trying to smash..

>Why do I take
No idea, why not?

Time slows down, the clock moves 10x slower, and my body movements slow. Also I feel like Im floating. And this is all after just 2 hits every time I smoke.

Id say its worth it. Its a blessing and a curse.

Also every sense, such as touch and sight, are magnified 10x,

This is true. Although I'm wasting my intellectual abilities on things like art instead of science or something more useful

Whatever makes you feel good. In the end it doesnt matter except for your experience of life.

I used to get this exact effect out of it, but it changed drastically over time and wasn't as pleasant. I quit smoking for about a year, and tried it again a few times recently but it's still not particularly enjoyable.

Smoking these days just makes me feel incapacitated and paranoid about my responsibilities/shortcomings. I don't get sleepy from it anymore, I get wired. It also doesn't make me laugh as easily as it used to, which is the worst change of the bunch.

It really sucks, since I used to love weed. But I did it too much from too young of an age, as well as abused way too many other drugs alongside it. Now it just feels warped and wrong. At least alcohol hasn't turned against me

Varies depending on whether its sativa or indica. I got some Sky OG right now. It feels heavy and relaxing on my body. Theres a light pressure in my head that feels almost buzzing, its not heady though I am a bit dizzy. I'm losing track of my legs.

I guess, I'm sure I could do some crazy shit if I went to school and actually apply myself. I'm out its 3 am and I need sleep, been up too long. Night fellow stoners

what age did you start? and how was the high after you stopped for a year? asking cause I relate to your post almost 100%

sativa usually makes me freak out horribly, insist i run home, then get in bed and enjoy my highness
indica makes me thoroughly enjoy things happening to me much more, in a way i can only describe as "tinglyness"

Im not as easily irritated and I calm down instead of just being pissed. I don't lose my temper as quick. It does to me what most antidepressants/anti anxiety drugs are supposed to.

Same thing happened with me, now no matter what the strain is I go into negative thought spirals. I actually started late, and never did any other drugs. Sucks.

It's a paranoid, self-loathing experience in which everything wrong with your life, everything real and imagined is brought to the forefront of your mind while your subconcious taunts you with a loop of humiliating experiences, and you are powerless stop it, barely fuctional enough to physically cring at all the stupid things you can never take back.

some day ill have the time to read the bible u have written

I didn't do many other drugs, although I've tried a lot of them at least once. Also, I cannot even speak when getting high. Used to be a lot more functional at first... Now it's shit. I have stopped doing it and will try it again when I have my life in order....But it looks like weed's lost on me. Also drinking more these days.

nzg stonerchan here

i smoke to go to sleep mainly - after a busy long day a sesh is fucking great and then i just chain durries uwu

me too brah

i prefer to smoke rather than drink. less hangover and more chill also if i feel like drinking its always nicer when ur stoned anyhow

I smoked from like 16 to 19, quit from 20-21, tried it out again this week. From 16-19 I was a really stupid teenager who liked Fear and Loathing too much, so I tried every single drug I could think of. Quite a few of them became routine, which is probably why I fucked myself over a bit.

After stopping for a year the high was more or less the same as it was when I decided to stop, but maybe a little less functional since I'm not acclimated to it. If I just take a hit or two it's enjoyable, but I also don't really feel high. If I smoke enough to notice the stone, I tend to get those negative effects.

I used to feel like that but thesedays I just get paranoid and freak out

>The best way I can describe it is that I feel like a kid again; I feel relaxed, optimistic and excited, like life is deep and beautiful, that I see things differently, like a child would. Just happy to be alive.

Wow, user. I've never really thought about it like that, but the same applies to me. And on another level when I'm bored and got time to kill, I enjoy the things I did as a kid. I only really play games after having a smoke, I can listen to an album in its entirety, enjoy being outside just walking about in scenic places etc.