Please help me, I have nobody else to talk to about this:

Please help me, I have nobody else to talk to about this:

I think I'm either developing schizophrenia or have a strange case of anxiety/paranoia. The last time I smoked weed (about 2 weeks ago), I went through psychotic-like symptoms (irrational fear of government watching me, cars outside were spying on me) and since then, my minds been sort of "foggy" and I haven't been able to think or communicate as clearly. I constantly have this underlying anxiety that I can surpress to some extent but am aware its always there, no matter how calm I seem on the outside.

Has anyone else had similar experiences? I'm getting very scared that something might really be wrong but at the same time I feel like I may simply be overthinking it. I'm quitting weed for the time being until I either pass through this and return to my proper self.

I just want this feeling to go away...

you fucked up your brain by using drugs

I'm not going to advocate anything. Do whatever you think is right and in my best interest.


drink a beer or three and see if you still give a fuck in the morning

I feel like that too, I remember a few weeks ago I discussed on some weed thread how I enjoy thinking about consciousness and very abstract philosophical subjects when I get high and someone replied that while it is interesting to think about, it can have some serious negative effects on your mind if you delve too deep into those kinds of subjects and I feel like this is what he was talking came out of nowhere, it was the same weed I smoked to study, watch Its Always Sunny and just generally have fun so I had good experiences with it before...

I actually did, I met some friends and drank to the point where I was decently drunk and the feeling was gone, now that I'm sober again, I can feel that underlying anxiety just beneath all the layers of my thoughts. It's very stressful because it is preventing me from fully relaxing. I can't laugh as easily, sleep as easily or enjoy my time as much but I can still hide it well enough to seem ok to others.

I went through a very similar experience only a few months ago. I had never experienced paranoia on weed before, and it seemed to stay even after I was no longer high - and that, in itself, made me continuously think about how I was anxious, and therefore made me anxious.

A few weeks went by and I was fine, it's almost like I forgot I was anxious or something - and then I was able to look back and see that it was simply me being anxious about ... being anxious, if that makes sense.

Give it time man, you'll be fine. You're not developing anything. Like you said, you're probably just overthinking it.

Same thing happened to me OP. Was smoking with my friend and her boyfriend. We we're in her apartment and it was late.
Before I smoked I kept telling myself that it's gonna be fine, I ain't gonna fuck up and enter some weird fucking high. So took the rip and we sat down in her bed all three, they started playing call of duty. The two of them, I immediately felt left out, so I browsed my phone while they we're playing.

Man this is the part where everything started going downhill, I was stuck between checking my phone and watching them play. It was very quiet, so at some point of time I just dozed off into my mind.
I started thinking of the government, the world, wars, killing, murder etc. I got sent into a full blown panic with paranoia. Started stressing, thought the friends beside me could read my thoughts and I could read theirs.
Shit was fucked up, anyway they stopped playing and my phone called. That was my parent, was gonna stay for a sleepover, and as always they were gonna say no. But this time they said that I could, no arguments, nothing. I started overthinking shit and thinking that everyone had set this up, this moment, so someone could kill me. I couldn't speak on the phone, because I thought my friends could understand what I was saying in my home language. So I just dropped the phone, and I was shaking. They were laughing or some kind of shit and I started being anxious and paranoid.
So I took some fucking chocolate, with something inside of it and started munching on it.
I thought I was eating sand, I closed my eyes and actually believed that I was on the ground, eating sand while someone was beating me up. I thought I was hallucinating my high, and this continued for like a minute. Had a hard time swallowing since my mouth was so fucking dry.

Anyway I just got my things and started walking home, saying I couldn't stay over for the night.

After the high I never felt the same again, got enormous anxiety, paranoia.

Don't smoke weed anymore. Pray for clarity and to accept jesus.

Yes I know exactly what you're talking about, pot effects every one differently
If you're more prone to psychosis
These things can happen. Give it time and pot a break and it will only be temporary

Thank you, that's what I've been assuming but it's hard to tell myself that when I have that creeping feeling lingering at the back of my mind. I think meditation might be beneficial so I've been doing that and it does help but then out of nowhere I might think "great, you're feeling calm, the anxiety is gone" and it comes right back. I think if I stay distracted long enough, it'll go away on its own.

Do you smoke weed anymore or have you given it up? That's one thing I'm upset about, weed has such great benefits when I use it in a productive way (in terms of creativity, focus, interest in normally boring subjects) but I don't know if I can smoke for a while.

Same thing here mate. Tried meditation but only helps for a while, I have trouble sleeping and that anxiety causes a lot of trouble for simple daily things like for example; leaving the house.

Just give it time user, you can smoke, knowing that you will experience that shit again and it'll be weird. Or you can just wait it out and smoke again in a half a year or so.

Goodluck user.

I started smoking again once I was able to look back and realize that it was just me overthinking it. I still get the occasional paranoia when I smoke now, but nothing like before - it feels more familiar, less intense, and my mind is convinced it'll go away, so therefore it does. Or at least that's how I think it's works, it's hard to tell for sure.

I remember thinking that I was broken, like I would never go back to normal - I was considering seeing a therapist and everything, but then after a few weeks, I started to notice that I wasn't really anxious anymore. Seemed to just gradually fade away.

If I had to guess, I think the same thing will happen with you if our experiences are similar. Time seems to be the number one cure.

Had a similar experience when I used to smoke pot a few years back. Had a panic attack and a complete mental breakdown that lasted about 7 hours.

Then I quit smoking pot but still had developed a large amount of anxiety/paranoia. I saw a doctor and am on medicine and I'm fine now.

Be smart OP. Quit smoking pot, it fucks up your brain, no matter what anyone can say about their personal experience with weed it's still a drug, plain and simple. See a doctor, get sober, and get better.

cont plz

Drug/medical expert here posting from mobile.
First of all,

It's WELL KNOWN that if individuals with underlying mental issues use certain substances (even caffeine), this can make their condition worse or bring it to surface.

Cannabis is TERRIBLE for some people, especially those with any level of schizophrenia whether dormant /undiagnosed or otherwise.

When I was a very heavy pot smoker (8th every 2 days just myself) for about 2 months , I literally started hearing voices in my head when smoking on occasion.

When I gave it up and went through withdrawals I experienced anxiety and depression for the first time in my life, which is crazy considering my father's suicide years earlier didn't trigger these effects, but cannabis did.

How your body handles drugs can change at any given time. Your brain is rewired every time you use, ever so slightly. I used to experience pot totally differently 5 years ago when I smoked on the weekends. It was great , zero bad side effects. Totally different now.
Residual effects will remain because unlike say coke, THC is fat soluble and stays in your fat cells when you use it. It will be slowly purged from your body over time.

I know it fucking sucks, like oh why me, how come my friends can smoke without problems and I cant. Well, you need to quit.


alcohol is only a downer at first, it actually induces hypertension and anxiety after its processed. GOOGLE ANXIETY DAY AFTER DRINKING.

If you want more advice or to talk I will help u out. I've been there man.

I have that EXACT feeling. I have schizophrenia too man. I have had it for 7 years now

Yes, the United States government has the time and manpower to watch you. Just YOU, out of 300+ million people.

So be careful.

See people that aren't real?

I appreciate the time you took to write that. I never thought I had any dormant mental issues but I guess nobody ever does until it begins to show itself. I'm still not sure I do have any serious underlying mental problems, maybe anxiety but that's not that bad relative to other potential issues.

To be honest, I don't want to really talk about it too much because like I said in a previous comment, I realize that it might just my anxiety over the whole situation causing me to freak out a bit so I think if I can get my mind off the anxiousness long enough, the feeling will eventually pass. Of course weed and psychedelics are of the table for the time being (I never tried shrooms/acid or dmt but was always interested). I realize that even though it might just be anxiety causing me to overthink, fucking with weed or anything else now might increase the anxiety and potentially trigger something much worse

just go see a doctor man. sheesh

also, pot is terrible. its a good fun, but can really fuck yup your life. i basically halve to redo college becuase, while i graduated with a degree in chemistry, i didnt know what i actually wanted to do with my life till i sobered up and enter the workforce.

weed is bad news


Bro, I hope you ain't trolling because psychosis is serious shit. But you greened out. It feels horrible but is temporary and common.

on another note, if you stop giving a fuck about greening out and just embrace the panic and stay stoned for days in that state, you will get psychosis. Drug induced psychosis that lasts a couple weeks and will require psychiatric commitment and all the life ruining shit that goes with it

Bro, nobody on this planet gives a fuck about you.

Lay off the weed.

Trust me man, all these people screaming schizophrenia are either trolling or haven't really thought about your situation. There is a serious distinction between anxiety and schizophrenia. Coming from the guy who said he had a similar experience, I would be going nuts if I were reading the comments in this thread at the time. Everything you're experiencing comes down to the anxiety. Anxiety causes the foggy mind, the feeling "off," and not communicating as well. It also causes you to think the worst (schizophrenia.) It's hard not to be afraid when something feels off in your mind, considering it is the single most important thing - but it's incredibly unlikely you're actually developing anything. There would be way more signs if you were.

You're perfectly fine. Distractions will help, as will time. You said you had nobody else to talk to about this, so I'm assuming that you haven't really had the chance to express how you're feeling in a real, human-to-human situation - which means you're most likely retreating back into your mind most of the time as to focus on "worrying" about it. That's only natural. Follow your instinct that you're overthinking it, because I'm almost positive you are - and I wish I would have been able to trust myself when I was going through the same thing, thinking that I was going to be broken for the rest of my life when ultimately it was just a few weeks of anxiety. I entirely believe you'll be fine.

You are going to die and your family will

You will suffer devastating heart attack

Self proclaimed drug medical expert here again.

Forgot to mention

ANXIETY is caused by excess CORTISOL production in the body, you need to do what you can to MINIMIZE THIS.

1) make sure you eat at regular intervals. Fluctuations in blood sugar , especially low blood sugar ( which happens when it's been too long since a meal) induces CORTISOL = ANXIETY. don't spike your sugar by eating shit or over eating.

Can't emphasis this enough. nothing to do with physical health, everything to do with hormone and brain chemistry . GOOGLE exercize effect on brain.

Be warned, at first for me, if I ran for 3 miles , I would get more anxious later because intense exercize can stress the body and release more cortisol. So walking really helped until I could do intense stuff.

Remember EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS NOT BINARY. You can be 1% schizoid and it can never show, and there are schizophrenics who are full blown and some who are less so, all different from .0001% schizoid to 100%.

Anxiety, even when physical (cortisol induced) is always IN YOUR HEAD. Even when it's full blown panic . Why? Because nothing will happen to you. You can't die from an episode. You can control it! Like I've had anxiety attacks on coke and pot where I swore on my life I was going to die and the ER docs said I'm totally fine, just in my head with a high heart rate





ALSO REMEMBER WHEN U WORK OUT The THC in the fat breaks down and can fuck with u but u will purge it all eventually .