I just traveled back in time and I don't know how long I have until the next jump...

I just traveled back in time and I don't know how long I have until the next jump, to get the obvious questions out of the way, Trump doesn't become the president, the Indians lose again, and Russia becomes allies with the United States
I'll answer as many questions as I can before it's too late

What time did you come from?
What's the latest news headline from your time?

fuck you time nigger

will we see self-cooking potatoes until the end of 2020?

if not trump then who

I'm from december 2021
The latest news was about a meteor that was due to narrowly collide with earth in less than a year

ay clockman, when do the aliens arrive?

Does OP deliver by 2021?

We haven't heard from any aliens yet



op answer the damn question who wins

Last time you said Biden would be the next president.

>Trump loses
>Russia and US become allies

Well you just lost all credibility...

Cosby, Chloe, and Jackie Chan are the only ones I remember

Whether you believe me or not won't change anything

This isn't even about this stupid thread, this is about the fact that you honestly think Russia would become allies with the US with Hillary in office. She is more than ready to go to war with Russia and will undoubtedly push us into it.

are you with Project Pegasus? Do you only do time travel, or have you been to the Mars Jump Room?

what happens if you jizz on a frog in the past?

Then you jizzed on a frog in the past

Is 4can still around in 2021?

Only look a likes