ITT: Harsh truths that make people butthurt

ITT: Harsh truths that make people butthurt

Op is a faggot

Tobacco is alright.

niggers arent fully evolved

Nobody cares about you...

Only 2 genders

you can't have a serious talk about pedophilia with out someone getting butt hurt

ITT: Harsh truths that make people butthurt

Women can be sexist.
Black people can be racist.


there is no such thing as a feminine penis

liking anal and crossdressing doesnt really make you gay right away.

fucking dudes makes you gay

God decided to create each and every single thing that it hates and has condemned, effectively being a massive cuntbucket to itself and everything in existence. This goes for several different versions of "God", if any such ever existed.

There is no god.

testicles are edible and a good source of protein.

Black lives don't matter and never will

Then how do you explain the sphincter?

China will own us all.

She's not into you anymore.

Nazi Germany was one of the greatest countries of all time.

Feminism is Cancer

Hillary Clinton is one of the most corrupt political figures in American history.

physical attractiveness will get you further than anything else in life

Trump will be the next president and Hillary will go to jail.

OP is a faggot


And nobody will truly care about you if you're ugly, but your mother


Rap is the worst music ever

Not anymore faggot.

Trump will actually be worse for america than Hillary.

ouch. Agreed. Fuck, why did I open this fucking thread?

The 'Black Double Standard' is a real thing.

People aren't discriminating against you because you're black, they're discriminating against you because you're STUPID.


Not possible.

You are incredibly privileged and your mental issues are fucking unwarranted. Harden the fuck up and make something of your easy ass fucking life.

Being black and/or has a large advantage in current society
Thanks to affirmitive action and universities desperate to find intelligent non whites or females

not true. Money is the right answer.

And/or female


Maybe she is corrupt, and will go over bodies to make her shit happen. But she's good at what she does, she's informed and not a moron. Trump on the other hand, has economical plans for the country that are actually ludacris, and iwll not in any ways help. His politics ideas might be ok, but his plans are not. He is great at ONLY pointing out problems, and does not bring a real, feasible way to solve them.


People refuse to see the evidence. It's insane

many white men will be khhvs
marriage and just attaining a woman in general will be especially difficult for men who aren't top 20%

No it's charisma, good looks can be part of said charisma however it's not necessary. It also depends what you want to go into. Being cold and ruthless when necessary can be great climbing the corporate ladder, however being kind and charismatic with your bosses can make you go far.

And being hot allows you to gain money much easier also halo effect

>Maybe she is corrupt
and everything is said...



You're saying you'd rather give a gun to a terrorist wanting to kill you than a baby who might accidentally shoot you or could just put the gun down and crawl away?


Hitler was a murderer, black ppl (not niggers), really do help society, Clinton will make a far better president, Sup Forums has lost its edge & op is a pretty swell dude


No, it's not. I dont actually think she is, but it's a point i'm willing to concede, because EVEN IF she was, she would still be the better candidate.

She can't be trusted though. Trump doesn't need more money and only wants his legacy. At least what he'll do will be what he sees as best for the country.

He'll also of an army of advisors and he'll have limited power

No, i'm saying i'd rather give control over our nuclear weapons to someone who can grasp the consequence of using them, over someone who has no fucking clue.

Video games are a waste of time/your life.

Lol, "trump does not need more money", and yet he's walking over bodies, not paying taxes etc etc to get more money. This is not a real argumant man, he might not need it, but like all other super wealthy people, he will strive to get more money.

Exactly, a terrorist knows what would happen when he kills people with his gun. The baby on the other hand has no idea. Point still stands you want to give the nuke codes to a woman who will intentionally make your life shittier rather than give it to an idiot.

Why would you do that?

The World Trade Center was NOT an inside job.
All the jews did not take the day off that day.
The USA landed on the moon- FIVE TIMES.

Being Paranoid about the US Government sying on you isn't edgy.


The fire it started sure did.


Having children has zero survival value and is contributing to the overpopulation of the planet which will lead to biosphere collapse.

Humans are a cancer upon the Earth.

Your analogy is not fitting to they way i see this dilemma anyways. Hillary is not compareable to a terrorist, i have absolutely no belief that she solely intends to harm people. Maybe she could as a result of them getting in her way, (i dont really think this either really, but i will concede the point for the sake of argument). Trump on the other hand is an angry, petty person, and i actually think he could do something stupid in an act of rage.

Actually, posting or lurking Sup Forums is already a waste of time/life. Atleast videogames make you feel good at something.

Paranoia runs rampant on /b, and Sup Forums as a whole

having kids is trend rather than need therefore bunch of fucking idiots are having kids because "thats what you do when you're an adult", and mostly decision to have kids is influenced by women who JUST WANT kids

>entertainment is a waste of time
No fucking shit.

Hillary is literally willing to sell your country out of foreign money man. Just look at the emails where she is taking money from Qatar and Saudi governments. She knows they are funding ISIS, She is ACTIVELY working against you.

The vast majority of you will never be very successful in life, all your dreams about wealth and fortune will only make you more miserable.

Remember when you were a newborn? How do you think a newborn will react if they read what you just wrote?

Surely, many don't need to add their shit genetics to the gene pool.

No, I don't remember and I'm pretty sure newborns can't read...

Also, the issue isn't about children, it's about breeders.

Women are funny. Get over it.

>Hillary is literally willing to sell your country out of foreign money man
I know that this is a big point for many trump supporters, however i dont agree at all.
She took money from some rich saudies, so what? It was not illegal, and the money went to the clinton foundation, more specifially to combat HIV for babies. Granted, the source is questionable, but do you really mean that that mean that she should not take the money, and rather let the people she helped die?..

Hillary Clinton is a criminal

Whites aren't fully evolved. Nor ever will be to adjust to earths changes.

They learned mathematics, bathing and clothing from African Teachers.

They are nothing but cave Dwellers.

Femanons don't have to show their tits, but Girls announcing they're girls DO

user there's been multiple cases where she goes to meet other government leaders and then mysteriously they donate millions to the Clinton foundation and the US government is suddenly supplying them with weapons.

How could you let someone who has already DONE this run the country in fear of what MIGHT happen from an idiot?

She knows how to run the game Donald doesn't which is why he would get LESS done.

She kept 90% of the money for herself.

You're pretty naive if you think any money she gets goes towards anyone but herself.

Only losers post on Sup Forums.


You will never be happy.

You're here forever

Are you able to name any of those african teachers

The problem is certain cultures, like mexicans will have many many children, if people only had like one or two kids we'd be fine. But some trash cultures crank them out like crazy, really makes me think that some races didn't evolve passed their primal ways.

Tupac, Jay z, hopsin, ice cube

:^) nice dude

>She kept 90% of the money for herself
Just not true. In any case, the trump foundations is shown to be a much worse alternative when it comes to percentage of money actually reaching the charity goal.

>She knows how to run the game Donald doesn't which is why he would get LESS done.
Imo, this is the only valid point to voting Trump over Hillary.
However, i actually believe that he will be able to do some real damage in his 4-year term. Furthermore, i believe that an economic depression is incomming, and despite him being a "successful buissinessman" i actually have zero faith in him holding together the country. His economical plans are debunked as actually shit by both liberal, democratic and independent economists.

shut up, nigger.


Traps are gay

I would just like to thank the Chan for these beautiful quads

quads confirm

The clintons are responsible for our bad economy, they started this in the 90s. You were too young to remember, but we were the most powerful economy in the world and the clintons wanted to bring us down to the level of the rest of the world to make us competitive, she still calls it a global economy today, and she is finishing what they started. Open borders with no jobs, she wants this place to be like an international truck stop for the rest of the world, if you want hilary to be president, you need to be curb stomped.

The holocaust was fabricated by the zionists.

It's strange how Hitler has become a hero.

Everyone want/watches big dicks in porn

Different groups of humans for one reason or another have evolved in slightly different ways. Some are taller, some have bigger eyes, some have longer legs, some are stronger, some can handle high altitudes better etc. These slight changes probs also affect brain structure and behavior. But people are brainwashed or afraid of being labeled racist that this attitude/question is totally absent from modern thought.

Raising cattle for food is the most inefficient source of food, and likely a major contributor to global warming.