This shit is appearing on my Facebook with most of the retards I know commenting wrong

This shit is appearing on my Facebook with most of the retards I know commenting wrong.

It's 25 by the way.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's 60 you moron.

It's 15.

So, beer bottle is 10 (10+10+10=30)
Burger is 5 (10+5+5=20)
Two Beer mugs is 2 (5+2+2=9)
Burger plus beer mug times beer bottle

60, dickhead


Should be a little over 9000


Multiplication first retards.

Bottle = 10
Burger = 5
Mug = 2


In linear equations you do the multiplication first

Assuming single bear mug is 1/2 of the double beer mug then its 5 + 1 * 10 which is 15.

You can't multiply by beer bottle.

That's what I did, drop the acid son.


it amazes me how many people don't know this:

and he did

Yeah but you multiplied by 1 instead of ten...

Yeah but by the wrong number.

The answer is
>the perfect age for fucking

Only one beer mug in the bottom as opposed to the picture depicting two. Answer is technically unsolvable as we have no way to value the 1 mug. Which you could assume has a value of one. But who knows.

One mug ya tard

there is only 1 beer mug not 2, he did it by the right number.

Are you retarded or trolling? Both should make you feel bad about yourself.

spotted the nigger

>Two beer mugs is 2

One beer mug is 2 (5+2+2=9)

autism detected

If two beer mugs is equal to four the. One is equal to 2

Are you saying the image of two beer mugs is two? Or the one singular beer mug is two?

If burger (5) plus two beer mugs is nine then two beer mugs must equal four.

If two beer mugs equals four, one equals two.

May you enlight us with the correct operation, please?

I do, fuck you

So since we have two pairs of beer mugs in that equation, what would be the result Hawkinson?

Bottle = 10 (10+10+10=30)
Hamburgers = 5 (10+5+5=20)
Mug = 1 (5+2+2=9)


5+1x10 is your mystery equation. Order of operations state you do multiplication first, then addition.



Clearly it's Pi.


2 mugs = 4
1 mug = 2

Bottle - 10
Burger - 5
Beer mug - 2
Sup Forums is full of fucking niggers.

Bottle = 10
Burger = 5
Mug = 2

5 + 2 * 10 (multiplication first)
5 + 20 (then add)

Each beer mug is 2.

Burger plus beer mug plus beer mug =9

5 + beer mug plus beer mug = 9

9-5 = two beer mugs

4 = two beer mugs

4/2 = beer mug

2 = beer mug

So, 5+4+4=9?

OP is a faggot!

It's 60...


Nope you don't. It's not the same image or the beer bottle plus beer bottle plus beer bottle should be an image of three beer bottles. Causation does not imply correlation.


Post a photo like this, say the wrong answer on purpose and look what happens.

I have to go anyway anons.

It's 110 dumbass

1 mug = 1
2 mugs = 2

Look at the picture again


Look at the beer mugs
Then look at the beer MUG

Look closely


if you're retarded maybe...

Neckbeards unite!

The answer is 15.

Wait this is right.

10 x 1

Then 5+10



Burger plus 2 beers and 2 more equals nine, 9-5=4. 4 divided by 4 equals how much again?


> Saying people are retarded for not knowing answer
> Doesn't know answer

To anyone above the age of 12 who isn't trolling, I sincerely hope you die.



Well fuck!

25 years since grade school and I still haven't learned how to pay attention to detail or to math

Bottle = 10
Burger = 5
Mug = 2

5 + 2 × 10 = 25
Use a calculator faggot.
Multiply before adding

Try again...
Bottle = 10
Burger = 5
2 mugs = 2

Congrats retard



Syntax Error: One Pint not defined in this scope.


Am i being trolled?

It's 25..

Its 25??

1 bottle = 10
1 burger = 5
1 Mug = 2

therefore the equation is 5+10*2, using bidmas you should know you multiply any non-bracketed values before adding - i.e step one) 2*10 step two) (2*10)+5= 25

Beer = 10
Burger = 5
Pint = 2
10 + 10 + 10 = 30
10 + 5 + 5 = 20
5 + 2 + 2 = 9
5 + 2 x 10 = ***25*** ( dont forget order of operation)

2 MUGS = 2

Why do people keep getting different answers? When I did the calculation, I got 25. I have a feeling its because people use different acronyms for order of operation, so it can fuck up their results. (eg: BIDMAS and PEMDAS swap multiplication and division)

Are you retarded ?

1 Bottle = 10

1 mug = 1

1 burger = 5

There are 4 mugs and 1 burger on 3rd calculus, so 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 is correct since there's just 1 mug on the last panel and the point of these shits is to trick you with the number of items.

Bottle = 10
Burger = 5
Pint = 1

Its not 25. Its fucking shite that pollutes facebook as much as the like and share if you agree botty gravy.

You don't even know the math basics nigga.

congrats, you got 2/4 correct. You fucked up the order of operations and you miscalculated value of pints.

A pint is 1 though, tard.

the problem isnt diferent order of operation, a first grader can do that
the problem is visuospatial intelligence, they dont get that 1 mug =/= 2 mugs and just asume that the mug in the last row is the same valor that the ones in the second row

show me your math first before you call me a tard.

This proves to me that facebook is cancer.


OH FUCK ME GENTLY WHAT THE HELL. I feel like a retard for not noticing that.


its a linear equation answer is 20

3x = 30
x + 2y = 20
y + 2z = 9
x + y * z = 20

x = 10
y = 5
z = 2

y + 2z + 2z = 9
x+y*z= 15
see how many pints are

15 because, you have to do in this order () Indices x ÷ + -, whoever says it's 60 is a retard

Damn nigger, you need some math classes.

answer = 15



why the fuck wouldnt you write out 10 instead of x after first row, its fucking stupid.

10+2y=20 2y=20-10 y=10/2=5
y+2z=9 2z=9-5 z=4/2 (except 1z consists of (z1) and (z2) so z1=z2 and z1+z2=2)

x+(y*z) (yes thats correct you spastics, multiplication first) is the same as 10+(5*(2/2))= 15

You dumb


Why dont you learn maths, fucking retard

15, shittest bait


Can't be solved faggot.

It is 15
You should learn math, kek


one bottle=10
one burger=5
one beer pitcher=1
there is a difference between one pitcher and two

>I feel sorry for your parents

I got. 70 aswell

nigger doesn't know order of opperations