Color Wars

Color Wars

OP controls black

evens attack
dubs attack 3 squares
trips instakills all connected squares
quads instakills all of one color

center square requires trips
large outer squares requires dubs

revolution requires dubs
new color requires even dubs

almost anything goes

lets see who wins

blue does some shit

green heads for black


red expands towards blue

blue gets quints and kills everyone

red spreads its communist ideals

black moves towards the center

go communist red

white kills all colors

trips, mega expansion

black heads for green

red sends a representative to talk with blue



red rullz go red

the red representative attacks blue

yellow kills himself

red commies expand

large square taken

black sends a party to the north border

blue attacks red

black expands

red tries to take the center

A traitor piece of blue comes together with a traitor piece of red to form a new purple district.


red fails but expands around the center

black experiences a famine

ill allow it

the northern black party sneaks behind red


red strikes the black party

the party is destroyed

black surrounds green

purple expands

red goes for the center again

Yellow attacks red

yellow moves towards red

blue expands

a spy invades
black attacks green



Yellow expands dong to red

a black traitor joins green

Green attacks blue

the yellow spy strikes

The yellow spy begins to convert reds to yellowism

black has a civil war and forms light and dark grey

k i l l g r e e n

light grey studies the holy book of yellowism and converts

red gets some lands

blue does such

grey takes greens main square

Cyan is born in the middle.

one off, roll

Yellows continue their holy crusade on red

the gods will cyan into existence

grey splits its large tile to spite the gods

Black niger color comes in like and spreads like a pest

cyan attacks red

cyan > red

Yellows begin to convert reds through missionaries

Purple sucks red dick for some squares

cyan attacks red

cyan start a crusade on red

the gods punish grey by removing their free will, grey can now be controlled.

all colors expand

purple feels ashamed

cyan deus vult red

Yellow sends a spy into the center of cyan


cyan kills the ugly spy

Cyan is bestu

yellow converts red to yellowism

Grey attempts to fuck green out of existence.

red convinces purple to rejoin


cyan continues crusade on red

Yellow begins to multiply

purple agrees


Oh and kills everything bc I got trips


some of red revolts and becomes pink


green goes for center

Green tribe ooga boogas grey out of existence

Red multiplies!

cyan deus volt red

Grey puts green into labor camps for free slave labor.

they fail and expand instead

red kill cyan


Yellowism is spread to one of each color

yellowism spreads through cyan

cyan crusade for red continues

red expands toward center


purple moves to the bottom border

cyan calls a new crusade for yellow

yellow attacks cyan

The threat of cyan grows.
Talks of a great alliance between former rivals...
All red and yellow becomes orange

Yellowism becomes the one true religion. Deus Vult through Cyan.

cyan deus vult yellow

one tile becomes orange and cannot attack red or yellow

cyan attacks yellow


Orange expands