Oh shit a shooting star! Trips and your wish will come true!

Oh shit a shooting star! Trips and your wish will come true!
> I wish these lumps on my nuts would go away

I wish you fucking died.

I wish she'd like me back

I wish trump won't become president.

oh wait everyone knows that he doesn't have a chance.

I wish my dad didn't die from bowel cancer.

I wished that I stop caring for her so much

I wish I was never born

I wish my phone wasn't as sick as my search history.

i wish the dome of the rock would get hit and utterly destroyed by a meteor with a dog eating bacon riding it.

So close.

So close... So close.

i wish that donald trump will win the election

I wish i could fit it all in.

i wish i had nothing left to wish for

My wish is long so ill make it if tripzzzz


Ugh I was so close

i wish i can be full healthy.

My wish is to go without making people miss me

I wish millhouse was a meme.

I wish i could fuck the bunny.

I wish I wasn't such a loser