Why am I getting porn ads on Sup Forums now? This started like 20 min ago? I'm not complaining, I'm just curious

Why am I getting porn ads on Sup Forums now? This started like 20 min ago? I'm not complaining, I'm just curious.

Because maybe you watch porn

You watch a fair amount of porn so advertisers show you what you want.
Or you could just adblock that shit and be done with it.

>not using noscript and adblock to prevent bullshit like this from slowing down your browser/infecting your pc with bullshit

Same here. So this place makes money. Unfortunately the only way is to have porn ads. Not like any other halfway respectable company wants to be associated with this website

Hiroshimoot is going broke with the site.

>going broke


I am also getting ads that I did not see before. I have not changed any settings on my phone, nor have I added or deleted anything.

hiroshimamook owns 2 and 4, try to keep up kiddo.

Who thought this was a good idea for revenue generation? Like motherfucker I'm not clicking that half the threads are sketchy links anyway I've been avoiding this stuff for years what are you thinking.

This could have been a forum for ideas. Now it's just going to be another link site for free porn.

>i am unique and my thoughts must be posted on Sup Forums.

It must be your first day on the internet ever.

>free porn.

you mean the internet?

I'm getting more ads in general. Banner pop-ups on mobile too.

Give it a week or so and everyone will become adjusted to it.

I use clover on android so I don't see shit. Atleast not yet

>on mobile too
get a fucking life! this was never meant for you to check in between classes.

>I am unique and my thoughts must be posted on Sup Forums.

He wanted to have health, millions of dollars, a gold house and a rocket car

I realised today that I have been on here for too long when I said "whoa, why are there porn ads here" then I remembered half the content is porn

This shit is hilarious.

This one promises me a "gaijin-sized dick".

I guess even the Japanese themselves know their cocks are tiny.


europe is getting penis enlargement ads as well, spam-tier bullshit

didnt mook say he REMOVED the ad servers to save money?

Do you miss him yet?

best adblock??
I'm using adfender