Yfw he actually dropped the N word on the new album

>yfw he actually dropped the N word on the new album

Vague Rock Song is actually fucking clever, but it overstays its welcome. Like most of the album.

how is it clever exactly

musically. That frank zappa bit is pretty great

Can you post the lines?

His song about Michael Jackson seems racist when he accuses Michael of being ashamed of his skin. Mark is maybe just completely ignorant of vitiligo.


Sun kil moon

>Called my mom last night and she sounded worried. Told me her property value went down, she was selling and was in a hurry. I said it's ok mom, sell the house at a small loss, pack your bags and move. Nothing in life is as priceless as never seeing a nigger for the rest of your life. I look back at my hometown in Ohio and I feel like fuckin cryin, it's like a safari in Africa, a part of my childhood is dyin'.

Holy fuck, has pitchfork picked this up yet?

That's fake come don't do this

what a shitty meme.
god you guys are so boring and shit, your idea of humor is some Middle School level "lmao le edgy words" schtick. I hate you. Your dragging this website down.


Am I the only one who thinks that this is his best release to date?

It invented Shoegeezer.

>you are idea of humor is Middle School level "lmao le edgy words" schtick.

>Your dragging this website down.

Good catch, user.


>you are dragging this website down

those are A+ lyrics user, very relatable

well it's kinda funny because mark is an old out of touch man who has started rapping, so one would expect an n bomb to slip out. it's not like he was saying thom yorke is saying nigger... the joke works

Imagine being such a faggot you cant say nigger on the internet

>Holy fuck, has pitchfork picked this up yet?
are you a faggot?
I didn't really get it yet, I could revisit it I guess but from what I remember I wasn't overly about it