Why didnt she tell jon to wait for baelish

>why didnt she tell jon to wait for baelish
>she killed thousands of men by not saying anything
Stop this meme right now. You fucking braindead idiots.

Had littlefinger shown up before the battle ramsay would never have met them on the field.

It would have led to a siege which would see Ramsay win easily.

I can't believe this has to be explained to you fucking clowns.


>I can't believe this has to be explained to you fucking clowns.

how new are you?

But Winterfell has tissue paper doors, according to this episode. No point in a battle if you can use the giant to enter.

Erm excuse me?

Do you know who I am? I'm a fucking armchair general, I'm *pretty* sure I know more about battles than you, sansa should have told jon about the vale army because then like the wildings wouldn't have died because ramsay would have less men and what do you mean he would seige n-no he wouldn't I'M A FUCKING TACTICIAN IRL I SPEND ALL MY TIME ON Sup Forums AND PLAYING TOTAL WAR I THINK I KNOW MY SHIT OKAY

I knew it was bad but this really tickled my thompsons

I mean, you know they didn't have to tell ramsay right

She could have also told Jon about her plan, and they could have prepared the ambush better. Instead, she chose to keep it to herself and have a shitload of people die, plus her brother.


Game of Thrones;
she gets her brothers followers killed, meaning the Wildlings can no longer cause real harm in the north.
She probably counted on Jon dying in the fighting too, so that she does not have to share power with a bastard in the future.

The years in KL and by LF's side have left their mark, Salsa is quite paranoid and doesn't easily trust, plus she knows how to plot even if she is far below LF-levels.

the alternative explanation is shitty show-writing.

So she used her own brother as a decoy? What a traitorous slut.

Why not, instead of a siege, the Giant just knocks down the door?

Do you know how sieges work? One side is hiding, the other is finding a way in.

Ooooh. Fuck, I didn't think of that. I guess it would have been terribly stupid to share it with Jon so a battle plan that takes advantage of the reinforcements could be made. Then instead of 8 wildlings surviving there might have been a point to it all.

But nah. Spring that shit on Jon then pretend to be a clever hero. Sansa just got the entire fighting force of the North slaughtered. On both sides.

And let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Sansa doesn't know what she's doing. She knows exactly what he's doing

You guys keep saying why did she keep it to yourselves etc. She didnt know he was going to come at all. Even if she did how could she know WHEN.

Retarded fucks. I hope the finale is trash.

Have you ever heard the term: bottleneck

Giant flinging tree bolts

Share unconfirmed plans that may not come to fruition?

Nice meme.

Except she has known about this since the beginning of the season. At any point when John has been asking what to do for the past three episodes she could have mentioned them, but nope. Gotta be a selfish twat and keep it to yourself.

They are retarded. It is know.

When did she send the letter?

Best-case scenario: Her idiocy withholding news of the Vale Knights will piss off the few pro-Stark Lords so badly they'll pledge loyalty to Jon over her in a heartbeat. Remember, the Lyanna Mormont scene was there to point out that Sansa has no standing in the North any more, and even less right or ability to command their forces.

Worst-case scenario: Withholding news of the Vale reinforcements results in MAD of the Stark-loyalist forces and the Bolton-loyalist forces, leaving the military of the North defenceless against Baelish if he wants to attack, and Sansa helplessly indebted to Baelish if he graciously decides to press her claim.

Sansa was a fucking moron. She spent the last few episodes bitching Jon out for not having enough of an army to fight the Boltons, and he kept giving her chances to say "Oh, beeteedubs bro, thousands of knights have been marching north for the past few weeks, why not wait a few days for them to show up?"

Now sure, the Boltons wouldn't have sallied out of Winterfell if they saw the Knights... so maybe leave them out of sight and then call them in when the battle is joined instead of standing around like retards waiting to lose.

Last episode, an undescribed amount of time ago. Probably a few weeks., if not more. Why does that matter at all?

Jon knew the vale army is coming, but he got angry about Rickon and started the fight early.

>Jon knew the vale army is coming
If that is indeed the case then it is simply bad writing because they failed to showcase it.

Unless Baelish is literally teleporting around like a wizard (and teleporting his army with him) he's been marching on Winterfell for weeks.

And unless Baelish is dumber than Sansa, in which case he's too dumb to breathe on his own, he sent ravens back saying "Yup, me and the boys are on the way."

That would make too much sense.

I mean, a scene eating up a minute where Sansa's all "but Jon the Knights are almost here" and Jon is all "fuck your Knights, HE. HAS. RICKON!" and marches early could explain it away easily if they wanted to do it that way.

Nope, better to have Sansa watch on smugly as Jon and all the Stark loyalists and Wildlings of the North die needlessly.

Jon is gonna ream her out for this next ep. And I hope Lady Mormont is going to feed Sansa a nice big helping of shit for it too.

Seeing Lyanna go off the deep end is the only thing that could make this derpfest worthwhile.

the mere fact Ramsay's forces and vassals did not see army of the Vale enter their lands is the stupidest part of this plot, you moron

He doesn't have to show up before the battle since he can clearly just sit a few hundred feet away with his army and not alert Ramsay.

>It would have led to a siege which would see Ramsay win easily

All they had to do was strap some decent armour to Wun Wun and tell him to charge.

Op missed the part where they say Ramsey doesn't want a siege because he would start to lose the north.

Did all 62 bear island warriors die?

>plus she knows how to plot even if she is far below LF-levels.
The entire Northern loyalist army just died, Baelish is de facto LP of the North seeing as Jon and Sansa have total reliance on his forces. Absolute chaosh was achieved

But Jon didn't KNOW Ramsay

Theyre cousins you pleb. Snow is ned's sisters son.

>implying thousands upon thousands of men and a huge giant couldn't easily topple a siege

I hope they all survived.

What siege? The giant would have smashed the door "cuz HULK SMASH HODOR HEHE XD"

Didn't they instantly just say "oh nvm we're just gonna siege them" and guess what.

Stop trying to justifying shit writing. There was no master plan.

We literally saw the giant walk through the front gate. Give him a metal shield and there's your siege

The scene where she shows up with Littlefinger with that smug look on her face was to show she has learned from him and turned into a master manipulator.

Remember when she told Jon not to do what Ramsey wanted? She knew he would anyway.

If she told Jon about the Vale army, they probably would have waited and less people would have died, but then Ramsey probably would not have been so reckless and faced them on the open field.

The battle also ensured that she and Littlefinger now control the strongest force in the north.