What's your favorite scandal of hers Sup Forums?

What's your favorite scandal of hers Sup Forums?

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lol Benghazi is a non-issue (Bush had like 13 Benghazis), whitewater is *yaaaawn* stale and the emails have not borne any fruit for you right wing retards yet.

Try harder faggot.

>Shilling this hard


"Hillary's* Scandals**®" ©

Copyright 2016 Republican Party. This theatrical presentation is covered under applicable intellectual properly laws and may not be reproduced in whole or part without the express, written consent of the GOP. All rights reserved.

>can't refute me
>calls me shill
nigga you gonna have to do better than that. At least Hillary was never accused of rape by a 13 year old

Speaking of which, why are you up so early?

Calling half of me deplorable.

youtube.com/watch?v=j1L1gNUPbTw black people sure are stupid right goys.



there is a difference you cunt

the accusation itself is a fact. Nigga you dumb.

yeah and Trump is endorsed by the KKK.

which half was she talking about?


You want a REAL scandal? Trump University. That shit is disgusting. Motherfucker trying to turn a profit on people trying to better themselves through education? FUCK Trump.

Know what's weird? She's gonna be President anyway.

What have you done in the way of higher education? And did you somehow miss the fact that every major college/university in America is in it for the profit?


>Implying accusations cannot be false

Fucking get real. I accuse you of raping me, so now it's fact that you did.

>list four
>only one actually happened
>it's not actually a scandal except that Fox News said it was

Bravo, OP

Hillary pretends to give a fuck about minorities and the saddest part is blacks, hispanics, and SJWS eat it up while she exploits the FUCK out of them.

On a radio station targeted towards black people with music that most would consider connected to black culture, Clinton’s comments looked for all the world like a textbook attempt at pandering from a campaign that has long been accused by young black people of doing just that.

"I always roll with hot sauce."

Holy fuck, how racist is that? Not only changing up her verbage and using slang like a 14 year old, but implying that all black people put hot sauce on their food? For fuck's sake.


2 months before her "hot sauce" incident, Podesta and team who write her speeches corresponded with each other and tried to get her to say "Yo Mama" at a mostly-black rally.

"Is everyone comfortable with her saying "Yo Mama?"

How do blacks not realize she's exploiting them? Where are the people calling her racist?


Yet another example of Democrats being complete hypocrites and talking out of both sides of their mouths.

Let's not forget Bill's snafu from 2008 when they were slinging mud at Obama, clearly an African-American:

"A few years ago this guy would've been carrying our bags."

And the list goes on and on and on. The next time a democrat tries to tell you Trump is a racist without any thing to substantiate it, remind them of a few of these examples.

Be smart. Vote Trump.

It's ironic that the Democrats favorite label to throw on someone is "racist." How many times have you heard these dipshits say this about Trump in the past 6 months?

This guy Benjamin R. Barber, one of the top 20 single contributors to the Hillary campaign sounds....sane?

"Blacks are just like the jewish guards in concentration camps who tried to save their own skins by helping Nazis kill other Jews. Blacks are seriously fucked in the head."

Holy shit. I guess that's just another example of that liberal double-standard we all know so well.

Democrats are the most racist assholes you're ever going to see. It's funny they're so fond of using the word "racist" when talking about OTHER people.


Hillary is an amoral piece of shit who talks about Trump but SHE clearly doesn't give a shit about ethics or morals herself...

Mar 5 Dona Brazile emails Clinton about "woman with a rash on her arm" that would be asking specific question at presidential primary debate.

March 6 Primary debate, woman with rash asks afformentioned question.

March 12 Brazile emails Clinton about "death penalty question" in debate the next day.

March 13 Town hall debate, death penalty question asked.

March 15 Brazile fired from CNN for leaking questions but remains employed by DNC.

Hillary doesn't even have the moral aptitude of a 2nd grader. She's running for the highest office of the land and still had to CHEAT and rig the primaries to beat Bernie.

>one contributor said some racist shit
>this is the same as the actual candidate being a semi-literate racist sexual assault retard

This is what Republicans actually believe.

KKK Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

"We want Hillary Clinton to win."

Total money given to Hillary Campaign by the KKK: $20,000.00

Total money given to Donald Trump by the KKK: $0.00

You're an idiot if you think the KKK supports Trump.


You dumbass SJWs will keep your head in the sand even when faced with truth.

The same way you turn a blind eye to the tens of millions pouring into Clinton's charity from the Middle East and you still think she gives a fuck about women's rights and gays when she's a puppet of the same motherfuckers throwing them off buildings daily.


some people are just too stupid for their own good

No one likes clinton, but bernie didnt get rigged you still have to have ppl vote for him. No shock most ppl dont like socialism. only millenials are retarded enough to think the primary was "rigged" its called math.

Hillary Clinton claims that she's "fighting the sexist wage gap" for all the women suffering from oppression in America. The funniest part is that her supporters actually believe her! Lol

Nowhere does the "sexist war on women" exist as blatantly as the Clinton Foundation itself!

At the charity organization headed by Hillary herself, the "average salary of the highest paid men is $294,157.50, while the avg salary of the highest paid women is $181,576.66 ($112K difference)"

The "median salary of the highest paid men is $346,106, while the median salary of the highest paid women is $185,386 ($190K difference).”

And you still think HRC gives 1 fuck about women's rights or equality when she is actively keeping the wage gap and the "war on women" alive?

Stop being fooled by "buzzwords" anons. You're smarter than that.


Democrats are the dumbest fucking hypocrites on the planet, it's just sad that a few people still believe their lies for some reason.

She's got a proven track record of FAILURE while in public office, while Donald Trump has none..

When campaigning for Senator of New York, Hillary Clinton PROMISED numerous times to deliver 200,000 new jobs to the citizens of the state.

She fell flat on her face then and failed at 200,000 yet people think she will actually fulfill her promise now to deliver TEN MILLION new jobs. topkek

Hillary Clinton has a PROVEN track record of failure and lies.

Donald Trump has been successful in over 500+ businesses and only filed bankruptcy on TWO (That's a SUCCESS RATE of 99.98%)

How exactly is Hillary Clinton better for the economy? I know you guys aren't THAT stupid.


Who're you going to pick for your NFL team? The eager quarterback straight out of college with a track record of collegiate wins (trump) or a washed up QB that's been in the NFL for 20 years who has a track record of choking and dropping the ball whenever you need to score a touchdown (hillary)?

I think the funniest thing about the election is how much it shows people believe only what they want to believe. Dems do it wih all the bullshit on clinton and not taking it seriously and republicans do it by not condemning trump for talking about groping women.

If these events happended to the opposite canditates youd see the same shit but coming from the opposite side. It's silly. Believe facts not what is in your heart. Thats what morons do. Its like believing that Man and Dinosaurs chilled together. Its not true but when it conflicts and discredits their beliefs they believe it anyway because it makes them feel good.

These are fair points and in most elections yes. Hillary is too conservative for me but Trump is an actual retard so the choice is clear.

In the picture it says "email failure". It's less a failure and more of an intentional cover up, destroying evidence a day after the subpoena was issued with emails now found on her aides husbands computer proving it.

But yeah, she got away with it the first time after Bill had a chat with the attorney general, the whole thing is staged just to appease the FBI brass who have ALL been made to look corrupt / incompetent because of Comey. It will blow over again because, well...

The Clinton Foundation gave Comeys wife > $700,000 dollars in recent times. That buys a free pass or two. Nevermind that Loretta Lynch is getting sued over her chat with old Bill about, what was it? Golf and grand kids, right?

Imagine you're under investigation so you send your well connected friends to chat to the judge presiding over the case. You'd be brought up against charges for that alone.

Her excuse for claiming she didn't send classified information on her server and then having that proven wrong? She didn't know which emails were classified. Secretary of State... doesn't know that emails marked confidential & classified are confidential and classified... even with the graphical indicators, actual red flags on them...

Seems like a good person to trust nuclear launch codes to.

Bonus: it has now become clear that the classified information in the server has been accessed several times by foreign parties. All of this has been revealed because of Huma Abedins husband being investigated for sexual contact with underage girls, he just happened to have 50,000+ emails on the laptop he was using to do that stuff on.

Democrats: making the Republicans look good since Obama and that's quite an achievement.

There's just so much shit... so much shit on Hillary... it's impossible to comprehensively cover it without writing a book or two. You don't even need to tread in to conspiracy theory territory to see her for what she is.

Or live in denial because Trump is a jackass.

Republicans DID condemn him for talking about groping women in private. In fact, many stopped supporting him.

The fact is, TALKING about women that LET him grope them isn't even comparable to the LITERAL TREASON that Hillary Clinton has committed. They're not even in the same ballpark.

There are soldiers in prison RIGHT NOW for doing 1/1000th what Clinton did with her classified emails and somehow people think she's still eligible to run for president of the US.

It's a fucking joke and shows how corrupt they are, taking bribes and bribing others to try and reach the top at all costs.

the best is the religious right " oh he said some bad things... but Hilary DID some.. "

It's like they don't realize he is a fucking con-artist or something. But whatever, I can't even care any more. If this dumb fucking country wants a second rate reality tv personality running things.. sure, why the fuck not.

I just wish we could hold all the people who vote for him accountable. I mean for 8 years with bush, GOP LOOOOVED him. pushed through patriot act, and no-bid contracts to their buds at Halliburton. And aftewards all the republicans were like "oh well, we didn't really like him he spent to much money, created more government, blah blah blah" and now act like they had NOTHING to do with it.

Fags will do the same to Trump , and they shouldn't be allowed to. Faggots shouldn't be able to fuck up the world I live in, and then just get away without consequences.

Best part about Trump? no more pardons. You know how Obama was all "well, lets look forward, not backwards" and so the bush admin basically got a "walk" on all that torturing and illegal monitoring and well.. the war crimes and all.

Trump and the GOP have changed the face of this forever. That shitburger gets elected, and he is going to pay for the shit he does while in power.

pol is getting triggered by SOUTH PARK, what do you expect from these retards?

Wikileaks emails exposes:

Peter Kadzik, Justice Dept Assistant Adjunct General, sent private gmail, NOT his official email, to Podesta days prior warning of upcoming email investigation.

John Podesta "He kept me out of jail once."

March 2: John Podesta "We need to dump these emails."

35,000 emails under subpoena from the FBI magically go missing.

Hmmmm. I'd say it's not a conspiracy at this point, it's very well known fact.

This is the reason that 100 FBI agents have threatened to walk out and quit if they don't get an indictment this time. There are piles of evidence and the only thing that stopped them the first time was DoJ corruption. Keep up, kiddos.

The problem is democrats trying to compare a few WORDS Trump said in jest AND apologized for with Hillary and the democrats literally colluding with the Department of Justice to stonewall the FBI and prevent her from being indicted.

It's not that she's innocent, it's that they're actively fighting the FBI tooth and nail to keep her out of prison to the point that, now, 100 FBI agents have threatened to resign if Loretta Lynch or Comey attempts to block their indictment a second time.

The shit's hit the fan and it's time for her to pay the Piper. She's only dragging more people to prison with her at this point when they keep trying to cover up her bullshit.

Podesta and/or Huma are going to turn State's Witness or they'll be in prison too for perjuring themselves during the first investigation.

Thanks Anthony Weiner, you pedophile fuck :^)

Yes this is true for republicans in congress not your general american citizen.

To me the treason thing is like the obama being a muslim hing. There is some circumstantial evidence he may because he dressed in muslim clothes in a pic and had two muslim dads, but there isnt evidence he prays to mecca, made hajj or performed the shahada.

Same thing with Clinton. It seems like it but there is no hard evidence that treason was commited. I think you are also using treason loosely. I believe you need to prove they deliberately worked against the US government or aided an enemy goverment of the US.

You are proving my point by believing what you want to believe with little facts.

Now that being said. She is a complete retard for that email thing. Who in their righht mind, who knows she'll run for president, do anything to cast doubt on her. That is so ignnorant and retarded.

Holy shit kill yourself.

>I just wish we could hold all the people who vote for him accountable...

You mean like holding people who voted for Obama accountable for this?

"If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health plan."



Many states only have ONE insurance company to choose from in the "open market" where they were supposed to have MORE choices (This is called a monopoly and, yes, monopolies are still illegal in the US.)



"When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead....more than all previous presidents COMBINED."

So, are you going to shoot yourself in the head or would you like someone else too?

You've already figuratively shot yourself in the fucking foot with your post here, might as well practice what you preach, fucko.

Or continue trying to tell us how Bush was SOOOO much worse for us, fucking faggot.

You know thats all flimsy evidence for corruption. You need to prove in court that the campaign and her peeps knew they contained direct incriminating evidence and they did it to avoid persecution.

The reason this is true is that the FBI didnt indict. Now you'll probably say its goverment corruption and she did something to make comey not indict, but again there is no evidence.

You have enough evidence as I do as saying those FBI agents knew they had jack shit, but wanted to derail her campaign and make her lose. Prove me wrong on that front. If you say the government is corrupt why can't it be on that way when you have just as much evidence?

>To me the treason thing is like the "obama being a muslim thing."

And this is why your opinion means jack shit and you can go fuck yourself.

Hillary was the one who started the "Obama is a muslim thing" by the way when she was running against him in 2008


But by all means, keep talking out of your ass because you're a euro fag and that's all you're good for anyway.

Put on your big boy shoes next time and come with sources to back up your bullshit or sit the fuck down and shut up.

>Now you'll probably say it's government corruption

I literally posted quotes from the director of the DoJ and Podesta, her right hand man where he leaked, through personal email, details about an upcoming investigation to warn her.

You can google them yourself. It's fact.

YOU'RE the one who sounds like a tinfoil hat fag

>The FBI agents wanted to derail her campaign and make her lose

You're clearly either CTR or someone with a fucking head injury

weeeww lad

I already proved you wrong in my previous posts what the fuck else do you need? You want me to print the shit out, drive to you and smack you in the head with it? How dense ARE you exactly?

You literally dont know what corruption is. That doesnt prove corruption retard go look up the definition or read a legal textbook.

You're literally grasping at straws because you can't refute the facts I've posted.

I'm not a lawyer and neither are you, dipshit.
I was using the word corruption in the context of "The Department of Justice and DNC is corrupted because they've taken bribes and kicksbacks for special treatment."

You're literally trying to lay out the LEGAL code for it.

There are 5 active investigations in the FBI on her RIGHT NOW and not all 5 are for corruption. There's already plenty of proof that she mishandled classified information. That doesn't require intent. It never has and if you think it does ask the soldiers in prison right now for the exact same fucking thing. If nothing else, she's guilty of putting national security at risk by her mishandling of classified documents.

You can play stupid or pseudo-intelligent whenever it's convenient for you, but it doesn't negate the fact that she's going down in flames. Sorry that hurts your little feelings.

It has to be the SWISS FILE TRANSFER

>You're literally grasping at straws because you can't refute the facts I've posted.
Not him, but...
"Crooked" or "corrupt" would imply she's available to the highest bidder, will do anything for money, and isn't doing what she thinks is best for the country.
If she's anything like Bill (and she apparently is) she's "above the law" for what she sees as the common good.
Except for Whitewater.

As someone who deals with classified info, if I get caught with any mishandling of documents, my job is done,my life is done.

Exactly, and it doesn't matter if there was any "intent." If you did it by complete accident or ignorance the penalty's the same. Prison. For fuck's sake the woman HAS to have the same briefing we do AT LEAST once a year that goes over how to handle classified information so ignorance isn't even an excuse.

That's why people are ready to string her up and the average democrat is just sticking their head in the sand and acting like it doesn't matter when in reality it's a huge fucking deal especially considering the fact that it's been confirmed that at least 5 "foreign actors" leeched information off of her private server at her house. Way to destroy the country bitch.

What's retarded as all fuck is that there are still a few SJWs, lazy fucks, and millenials who are all-too-ready to vote for her for a free handout and don't give a shit how corrupt she is. That's how banana republic's like Venezuela form then collapse.

>What's your favorite scandal of hers Sup Forums?
Her brain damage. I just don't get why this is a non-issue for people. She is mentally incapacitated, FFS! There is documented medical proof that the thrombosis she suffered is still putting pressure on her brainstem and optic nerve, as is very common in the type of thrombosis she suffered. And the evidence of this can be seen in her behavior every single day.

Radical mood swings, particularly aggressive ones, impulsivity/poor judgment, episodic transient confusion, visual distortion, balance problems, etc. As someone who has worked with the head injured for 20 years, both in hospital and in rehab settings, it is very easy for me to spot that she is neurologically unsound.

Just yesterday she was in NC and couldn't remember the name of the city she was in, and called it the wrong place twice in her speech. And she encouraged people there to vote for a guy in the NC governor's race who isn't even running for governor.

It is absolutely unfathomable that we do not have any mental health requirements or screening process for politicians in this country, but especially for presidential candidates, and especially for ones who are known to have suffered brain trauma.

It is not a small issue, and people should take it way more seriously than they are.

I am a liberal Democrat, and support pretty much all of Clinton's policies, but this is a deal-breaker for me. I can not, and will not vote for someone I know to be mentally unstable. I detest Trump, and as much as I hate to do it, I am going to have to hold my nose and vote for him because he can at least be reasoned with reliably.