Hey fags, I need help with sometime

Hey fags, I need help with sometime.

Yesterday was the second time I had ever smoked weed (I'm a drinker, not a hippie), and it was a fucking terrible experience, I got so fucking paranoid.

While walking to a bus stop, and riding the bus home, I swear people around me were talking about me and making fun of the fact I was so far gone.

Is it normal to actually hear people say things they probably didn't? Or did all those people actually talk about me?

your hearing gets a lot better when your high, it´s like twice as good than normal. So yeah people hate your faggot ass OP

Da w33d was 2 dank m8.

You should try staying in a place where you can chill with music and a fat ass pizza

give it another shot in a more comfortable environment and try it again, if you get the same effect then stop, because weed isn't for you.

i also get really really paranoid when high but i've learned to just ignore it, it also makes me autistic as fuck and unable to hold a conversation.

oh and i don't know how populair it is in the US, but try hash. it is a softer high

believe it or not,it's got to do with genetics. next time,just smoke somewhere you can stay and chill without worrying. don't smoke and go out in public. try different strains if you can or just smoke less and gradually get the session going more

Sure it wasn't spice ? Do you know what strain you've smoked ?

What am I reading here ?

maybe you guys have a different name for it, but in the netherlands we call it hash, google it.

Stop being such a paranoid bitch. None of those people gave a single fuck about you.

Who rides the bus anymore you communist fag.

I'm french, I know what hash is (I make my own bubble hash), but there's different kinds of hash AND it depends a lot on the strain used + the way you use it.

>I'm French
Stopped reading.

You're cute.

Is OP kill ?

Im french,
You can read or no, idc , sorry for my bad english too.
If you not used with smoking, its normal that you get paranoid , we all get paranoid when we smoke :)

not true.i don't get paranoid. i even smoked weed amongst several hundred strangers and weed is forbidden here.
it depends on the person

You probably went in nervous, that's often the cause of pot paranoia.
As for hearing people say things they didn't, that is also probably your state of mind effecting your hearing.
Next time you'll want to be more calm and relaxed.

and the true heavy paranoia is a genetic predisposition. do some research

Hey when I said to the last Frenchie that I stopped reading because he was French I was only messing don't get all insecure about being French now Christ. There's far worse things to be. Chinese, a Pakistani gutter shitter, or even an American. French is pretty cool.

The problem is the strain you smoked. Weed has over 200 compunds and each strain will have different levels. The 2 most important compounds are THC and CBD. If the weed has more THC than CBD it can make some people paranoid. The THC is the psychoactive element. CBD is the counter-psychoacitve element. Paranoia happens to about 20% of the population when the weed contains THC levels that are way more than the CBD levels.

I smoked weed/hash every week-end since 2008.
I smoke everyday since 2 years now, 3-4 sandwiches.
I Never get paranoid.
Be sure you're not skyzo before smoking again. Weed and hash are best friend with skyzophrenia.
You born skyzo, skyzophrenia can be "sleeping" in you, and weed/hash start skyzo, not creat it, but start it

if it makes you feel better, weed can definitely cause mild auditory hallucinations (e. g. what is actually water running might sound like distant music)

Tl;dr : cannabis reveals schizophrenia.

But as I said you have to be sure you didn't smoke some spice shit.

I'm here.
From what I understand, I should just do it at home next time.

But that shit was really not pleasant, I have no idea why anyone would want to do it if there's a chance you start getting that paranoid.

Very good English. Je suis très fière de toi.

They were talking about you. People now are on the lookout for that shit. Advent of dispensaries.

Bro, most people I know my age (late 20s) have been through a stage of smoking a lot and grew out of it. Many grew out of it because of the fact that they do not have a good time on it like your experience.

Weed can make you very paranoid. Smoking a lot (esp while in emotionally bad place), can make you have aural hallucinations of people talking about you etc.

Weed has been a staple of youth pop culture alternative/interesting lifestyle rhetoric within films and music for fucken years.

It gets a lot less attention to the fact that for many people, smoking weed is just a bad time.

I would recommend avoiding if you didn't enjoy. Try in the future but bare in mind that you might have a bad time. You decide how worth it you think it is.

Cuz some of us are always paranoid and this is how we stop it

We look wasted when we're really high. Even if your a regular smoker. Some people exist in that state, so it matters less. Eye drops, good ones, can really help. And making sure the smell is gone. It's all over you. We tend to stink and not even realize it until it's too late. General stoner info.

Tits or GTFO.

I'm on my phone and got range banned for setting up a vpn. This site is fucked. These adds are revolting.

I started smoking about 2 years ago, I do not smoke regularly whatsoever, only when I am around my stoner friends. I don't have those feelings anymore much, but at the beginning I would get so damn freaked out and paranoid every time I smoked. I sort of stopped because I really hated those sensations, but my friends encouraged me to try pushing through it, because after the first dozen times or so that you smoke, those feelings will fade. If you want Marijuana to be a part of your life, keep trying because it's just a matter of time. If not, doesn't matter.


>I got so fucking paranoid.
>While walking to a bus stop

don't get high in public then idiot. Remember SET and SETTING.


"look at me I'm grill" Tits or GTFO.

You obviously don't understand how tits or gtfo works.

Experienced legal state dude here.

You smoked too much of a high THC strain with a low tolerance / sensitivity.

Use less and a different strain next time.

You're claiming that you're a female, that's enough

That's right - we're all gay here, right? We love man ass. Especially you.

Such a newfag it hurts