Every day until you want one

Every day until you want one.

I'm going to keep a platypus thread up every day until all of an wants to own a puggle for cuddles.

Other urls found in this thread:


Day 1: I don't want a platypus yet

Sounds like you need more platyfacts and pics.
Platypus's store fat in their tails like reptiles.

Day 468
Still want one.

>tfw no platypus

I remember hearing somewhere that they don't do much, if that's true I don't really care for them

You have been deceived good sir.

>poisonous spurs
>infant gets pricked and dies
>sentenced to 20 years in prison for child neglect, child endangerment, manslaughter.
>hang yourself in 2 weeks anyways because of guilt
>wife never made it to trial, OD'd on pills because of guilt
>platypus euthanized because it killed a child


>letting a dangerous animal of any kind near a child

Only the males are venomous. The females are harmless and affectionate. They're like funny little penguin otters.

>not routinely spurring your child so it develops a tolerance and becomes platypus themed super hero


How do we know for sure that they aren't alien genetic experiments?


Australian duck dogs



When I get home I'm shooping the fish into a platypus.

is that its anus whole? are those feces stains?
fucking disgusting. get that thing out of my face

on a related note: wtf, google

Monotremes are very highly modified for their particular ecological niches. The platypus is a semiaquatic carnivore-insectivore, and the echidnas have a specialized diet of small invertebrates such as ants, termites, and worms. The name Monotremata means “one-holed,” in reference to the fact that both sexes have only one opening at the rear of the body, which is used for both reproduction and excretion.
It's called a cloaca.

Wtf do you feed it? Don't they need water to live in?

Mocking the cuddle hole you must be new here.

This thread made me want one, if only they weren't venomous.

it's because beaver glands are used in vanilla or something. dunno how that made sense to google to link them, but that's why.

Only the males have spurs. The females are safe and friendly.

What do their beaks feel like?

Platypodes are the ugliest birds in existence. Everything Australia touches looks retarded

How the fuck am I supposed to know?

>wanting a marine mammal as a pet
do you guys also want a dolphin and a whale because they looke AW SO CUTE on some youtube video?

people who want platypussies are the cancer of animal owners.


Pedophile dolphins, never thought I'd see that. Welp, gotta string em up.

>what am I doing with my life?


Soft and a cross between leathery and rubbery. They don't have teeth either they have flat grinding pads on the top and bottom of their mouths that are somewhat like fingernail material in texture. The bill is actually hollow with a bifurcated bone and is slightly flexible. It's external skin layer is a sensor organ and is extremely sensitive to temperature touch and vibration and electromagnetic impulses. It's their primary means of detecting prey underwater and they use it to build mental amps of their environment like raccoons do with their hands. Sorry there's not a better picture of it.

Fun fact- platypus and echidna are the only 2 mammal species alive today that do not have 7 neck bones.

>be me, perfume enthusiast
>buy some castoreum
>'google, what are some classic formulas I could try'
>four billion clickbait articles and vegan screeds about obsolete vanilla alternatives nobody uses anymore

Fucking Google.

>perfume enthusiast

wtf dude, sounds like a boring hobby. or do you make your own?

They have toxic barbs for raping.

get rid of those before we talk

Platypuses do not rape. Even the males who do get to mate successfully must first be approved by the female by completing the courtship dance. The barbs are used defensively and for dueling other males for territorial mating rights.
The mating dynamic begins at about 20 min in.

Platypus = NO
Sloth = YES!!

Platypuses = yes
Sloths = slow.

It's a reference to Phineas & Ferb.

I know I was just posting platypus videos that I liked.

Every day platybamp.

WTF I hate beavers now.
Also why dont you whant a platypus yet?

It's time for a platypounding!

What am I reading? You need more Platypuses in your life.

Platypus, the shy little covops shadow of the creek. Why in the shit would you want to make a pet of one, the fuck is wrong with you?
Can't an animal be awesome and live it's life? You think you're taking part IN that awesome by putting it in a cage? You're taking part OF it.

Slightly related, Australia was a thundering ecosystem of marsupials and monotremes that had equivalents for every niche, wolf, squirrel, bear, mole, mouse...many types are known only by their teeth, there's wacky teeth had prongs facing sideways, mystery teeth. Huge kangaroos and wombats the size of cars. What's left is the quiet echo of those times, slow animals pretty much vulnerable to anything like cats or dogs.

Jesus Christ. Is EVERYTHING in Aussieland poisonous?

I need one

well I don't want one. I want a pony.

That's not true. Monotreme cervical vertebrae bare cervical ribs, which is unique among mammals, but they still have seven.

You're thinking of manatees and sloths.

Just splice them into some sort of slothypus

What a cute little abomination.

Straya sounds amazing senpai.

Oh you'll come around eventually.

Every day until you want one.

Ew so when they fuck they get poop dick?

>implying i already don't want one

Nah... most cloaca-bearers shit out little parcels, often at a solid pace, so it doesn't leave a mess. No dingleberries on this platypus pus.

Breddy... soft desu.. But different.

Where the fuck do you buy them?

is that a duck?

Platypus is a qt :3

nigga all the life in earth was made by aliens and yes that includes trees and sheeit

You don't unfortunately. Australia is extremely stingy with their waddle honkers unfortunately.

Would rather have an echidna puggle

But it is dangerous to snuggle a spiny ant eater.

But shit all over your place. That doesn't sound too cool. Maybe if I lived in America's Straya but not inside.


Do what you must human I have already won.

It's rude to stare.

Get a life and watch Louder with Crowder, its a better use of time than this BS

platypuses aren't even real.

Well I don't think you're real.

Do you want one yet? Because you should.

That x-ray makes it's mouth look like the fucking Predator.

Every day until you want one.

So cute. I want to cuddle one.

So dangerous.

Do you want one yet? Because you should.

Day 19 want one status. Do want.

I'm sceptical. In all those pics of people playing with cute platypuses, the people are clearly wearing zookeeper uniforms.

Can an ordinary person really care for one properly? If not, why are you encouraging ordinary people to get them as pets? There are enough cases of neglected exotic pets already, don't you think?

It's day 18.

I want one

Day one. I want one.

Because platypus ownership is illegal, and no platypus actually exist in captivity outside Australia. They're hard to breed, expensive to house and feed, and currently difficult just to keep alive long-term. Of course this underage loser is never going to care for one properly, but at least there's some comfort in knowing they'll never get exported from Aus in the first place.

I wonder what they taste like? Some abbo has to have eaten one. I saw Crocodile Dundee, dude ate a bat.

Australians and New Zealanders are just cunts about their wildlife.
You can't even export easy to breed abundant animals anymore.

Say you want to export some insects or reptilians to breed them and then sell the offspring in Europe and American as pets then the Aus Gov will go "Nah fuck off m8 they're ours you can't have them lol"

Try to get a panda, it's even harder.

Laws like that make the illegal pet trade so succesful, and then you can't keep track of the animals.

Healsvill is the only location with an interactive platypus display that I am aware of. They also have the worlds oldest platypus and were the first to breed them in captivity. One of the reasons why there is always a keeper on hand is to protect the animal because theey are so valuable. If someone were to mishandle and injure one they would be out tens of thousands of dollars. The platypus display is a major tourist attraction and is big business for them and it has been for quite some time.

well aren't you just a fuckin ray of sunshine


platypus venom isnt deadly though

But user, Kiwis are cuter

So are these guys making a comeback? Are they breeding them in captivity and releasing them into the wild?


>tfw carpet pythons are one of my absolute favorite animals
The stuff we have in the US is noce and all but the stuff i see from aus just pisses me off since you cant even export cb animals that are native to aus